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serious road accident claims
February 08, 2018

Road Traffic Accidents – our focus on serious injury cases

Millions of vehicles are in use on the roads in the U.K., and drivers range from all ages and levels of experience. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and when they do – whether by a full on collision or just a bump – injuries often follow.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you have been injured as a result, you may be eligible to claim compensation from the driver at fault. We specialise in serious injury road traffic accident claims and we have a high volume of catastrophic injury claims; higher than many other firms, as far as we believe.
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ladder injury at work claims
February 01, 2018

Construction worker recovers almost £2,000.00 in compensation after fall from ladder

Working in construction or manual labour has its obvious risks which is why it’s important to ensure every worker is properly trained to handle equipment and materials safely without putting themselves – or others – at risk.

Risk assessments should be carried out to check if working at a certain height requires a barrier or a harness to stop people from accidentally falling off. Where ladders are needed, staff must be trained and the ladders must be appropriate for the task and safe to use. So, when we were contacted for help after a worker suffered injury due to a fall from a ladder at work, we were only too happy to help
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driverless vehicles
January 25, 2018

Driverless vehicles to be on UK roads by 2021

With the exponential growth in technology, we’re only a few steps away from seeing autonomous cars on our roads. Transport Sectary Chris Grayling announced that we can expect driverless vehicles to be in-use on British roads in just over three years.

Grayling revels the phenomenon as a revolution in driving; something that will be welcomed by technology enthusiasts as well as the disabled and elderly.
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gas leak compensation claim
January 18, 2018

The Injury Lawyers helps tenant recover compensation for exposure to gas leak

When the claimant in this case moved into a rented property, a gas-safety certificate was provided confirming the house was safe to live in. However, it didn’t take long for the claimant to start experiencing symptoms associated with gas exposure that inevitably required medical treatment.

Upon investigating the premises, an engineer deemed the house unsafe to live in after confirming there was gas leaking in the property.
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child compensation claims help and advice
January 11, 2018

Can a child make a claim for personal injury compensation?

In England and Wales, anyone under the age of 18 is usually classed as a minor in terms of legality. A minor can’t bring a claim for compensation themselves, although a responsible adult may act as their ‘litigation friend’ and bring a claim on behalf of the child.

When bringing claims on behalf of a minor, the key consideration is always to have the minor’s best interests in mind. The important thing to know though it that the answer to the question in the title of this article is “yes” – a child, with a litigation friend, can bring a claim. So, read on for more information about how it works.
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workplace injury claims
January 04, 2018

Work equipment compensation claims

Under various health and safety rules, your employer must provide a safe working environment for you and all other employees. This includes providing suitable work equipment to assist you to do your job efficiently and safely.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) covers such equipment at work. Equipment can range from heavy machinery to a desk chair. Using equipment can pose a risk of injury when it isn’t used properly or where it isn’t suitable or is defective. It’s the duty of your employer to prevent this from happening and ensure work equipment is provided to eliminate risks.
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employee work injury claims
December 28, 2017

Vicarious liability claims for work injury compensation

When a claimant suffers personal injury because of someone else’s negligence, they can claim compensation for the injuries and harm suffered as a result of that negligence. But what happens when someone is injured by someone acting in the course of their duty on behalf of a company? i.e. like an employee acting in the course of their employment?

Vicarious liability is a way where an individual’s responsibility and liability can be transferred to their employer if the accident happened during the individual’s course of employment. The defendant’s employer should be insured and have the finances to compensate the claimant, and they can essentially cover the negligence of an employee.
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medical negligence compensation claim
December 21, 2017

Use of medical reports in personal injury claims

Medical reports are often seen as absolutely vital when it comes to a personal injury claim. Most of the time, the medical report will form the very basis of your claim.

Your injuries and suffering, no matter how great, should be backed up by a medical report written by an expert to give an objective and impartial medical opinion. Courts are wary of claimants over exaggerating in order to claim more money, and the point of a medical report is to substantiate the injuries with a formal report from an approved expert.
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employee work injury claims
December 14, 2017

How do accident at work and public liability claims work?

In the everyday life, it’s unfortunate – but not uncommon – for accidents at work to happen. If you suffer an injury from an accident in the workplace that was not your fault, you might be eligible for compensation.

Whether the injury has occurred during the course of your employment, or perhaps on public land or in a shop or somewhere else, you have rights, and you can claim for genuine accidents causing injuries as a result.
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supermarket claims
December 07, 2017

Facts about Occupiers Liability claims

Under certain health and safety laws, occupiers of a premises must provide adequate protection for visitors to their land or premises. The duty is contained in the Occupiers Liability Act which covers visitors on land or in a premises.

An occupier is generally seen as someone who has the overall control of the land or premises. This could be the private owner of a building, or perhaps a landlord or tenant, or even a company who owns the building. Sometimes, another company can be placed in charge as well, and there are normally agreements in place for who is responsible for what.
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