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April 06, 2011

No Win No Fee

I would hazard a guess that many of you reading this blog may think you know what ‘no win, no fee’ means. The title seems fairly self-explanatory – i.e. if you do not win your case then you do not have to pay a penny.

Well, I suggest that you consider the following scenarios:

What do you have to pay if you win?
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April 06, 2011

Rear – End Shunts

A common problem with road traffic accidents is that neither party wish to accept fault for the accident. I know of many clients who after a car accident which may be obviously the other drivers fault but upon speaking to them they not only say it was not their fault but also try and pass the blame onto you. This can often lead to lengthy negotiations in personal injury claims and sometimes fault may be split in terms of a ratio say; 70/30 or 60/40.

Obviously we want to prove that the other is 100% at fault for the accident, and in many cases this can be a straight forward and relatively simple process. The topic of this blog is Rear – End Shunts – the reason being that liability in rear end shunt cases is usually easy to establish. A rear end shunt is a term used to describe a car hitting another car from behind. In these cases, it is highly likely that liability will be admitted by the other side, as it is often fairly apparent that fault lies with the driver who came from behind and hit the car in front.

Because of the straightforward nature of these types of cases, most of our clients who have been involved in rear end shunt accidents have a speedy and successful conclusion to their case.  Accidents that happen after the 30th April 2010 are in a simpler more streamlined system which means that insurers have to respond with their liability decision within 15 days of the claim notification form being sent. This is opposed to the nearly 4 month period they had under the old system. This means that many of our clients who have been in rear end shunt accidents after the above get their claims concluded in a much quicker time frame.
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April 06, 2011

Whiplash Claims – What Next

At The Injury Lawyers, many of our clients suffer from the painful and frustrating condition known as whiplash.  Whiplash is a condition which is not so plain to see a scar or a broken bone, and so many people may discount it or devalue it in their minds. At The Injury Lawyers, we know the pain our clients suffer through whiplash and the destructive effect the condition can have on their lives; we therefore treat the condition extremely seriously and with the importance it deserves.


The symptoms of whiplash can be felt differently by different people. However, for most, the symptoms do not become apparent until around 6 – 12 hours after the accident – they may then increase in severity for up to one week. A sufferer may feel tenderness, stiffness, and/or numbness in their neck which may radiate to other areas such as in the shoulders or back. Sufferers can have decreased mobility in their neck, or in more extreme circumstances, have no mobility at all.
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April 06, 2011

Serious Road Traffic Accident

I read today in the Great Yarmouth Mercury that a lady has been awarded over £300,000 in compensation after having to have her leg amputated as a result of a road traffic accident.  It is reported that 27-year-old Emma Woolnough was hit by a motor vehicle driven by an elderly gentlemen.  It is suggested that the negligent driver accidentally used the accelerator instead of the break pedal and ended up mounting the pavement on which Miss Woolnough was a pedestrian

Miss Woolnough, who was making her way to work, was forced against a wall as a result of the accident and severely injured her leg.  Consequently, Miss Woolnough suffered horrific injuries and has gone through three unsuccessful operations to save her leg.  Miss Woolnough has also had more surgery and has sustained psychological injuries as a result of the accident.  The negligent driver has since been given a suspended sentence for dangerous driving, fined £2,000.00, and banned from driving for three years.

If you have had a similar experience or indeed have been involved in any kind of road traffic accident which you do not believe to be your fault, or even if you only consider yourself only partly to blame, then it is likely that you may deserve compensation for the injuries you have subsequently sustained. 
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April 06, 2011

Serious Injury Solicitors

We are The Injury Lawyers – an independent firm of specialist personal injury solicitors. We’re an actual law firm – we are not middlemen and we are not just a claims company that will sell your information on to a lawyer/solicitor; when you call us, it will be us that will deal with your claim.

Although we specialise in literally all areas of injury law (it’s all we do!), we are in fact specialist serious injury solicitors as well. Our Principal Solicitor has been specialising in serious injury claims for a number of years now, and his experience breeds throughout our entire practice – making us a firm choice for successful serious injury claims. We have, and have had, many serious injury claims (ranging from tens of thousands to millions of pounds), and we always get the best outcome.
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April 05, 2011

Compensation Claims – Services

I think it’s obvious to understand that if you are injured due to a faulty product, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation; but what about services that have caused your injuries?

Britain’s industry is primarily comprised of services – so there’s a lot that could go wrong. As long as your injuries were not your fault, but caused through the negligence of a company or another person, you can make a claim under the Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982.

I personally have seen an increase in claims related to beauty clinics and beauty treatment recently. We are seeing burns, rashes, and even scarring from laser treatment that has gone wrong, or chemicals that have caused a reaction. Ultimately, the clinic or practice where the treatment was performed has an important duty of care to ensure you are not harmed through the use of their service.
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April 05, 2011

Council Claims

We have many clients approach us after tripping on a defect on a public highway. After a harsh winter and the coming of Spring, I feel it is a good time to address the issue of claims against the Council for accidents stemming from a defected highway. Potholes can occur for a multitude of reasons – but after a long harsh winter, it is highly likely to be due to frost. The frost and ice seeps into small cracks in the highway which then expands to form larger cracks which can further crumble away to form large pot holes. These pot holes can form a major hazard to pedestrians on the pavement, or to vehicles if on the road. Vehicles which are especially vulnerable to pot holes are motor bikes, mopeds, and bicycles, which can be easily knocked off course due to a defect in the road surface.

What to do

If you have had an accident stemming from a defect on the road and it was not your fault, then you may have a claim for compensation.
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April 05, 2011

Bus and Coach Accidents

Bus and coach accidents are something which may be overlooked when considering personal injury claims. This is because when we hear about road traffic accident claiming it is often regarding car or motorbike accidents. We hear advertisements on television all the time asking if we have had a road traffic accident; for some reason I guess we would usually associate this with a car accident.

Bus and coach accidents may be less common than car accidents, but we still have many clients approach us after being injured whilst on a bus. If you have been injured on a bus and it was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation. Whether the road traffic accident was the fault of the bus driver or another car and you, there is a high chance you have a claim. If the fault was with the bus driver you may be able to bring a claim against the bus company. Bus companies are often vicariously liable for the actions of their drivers – meaning the bus company is responsible for the actions of the bus driver involved, and you can be compensated through the company insurance.

On the other hand, if fault lies with another driver, you may be able to bring a claim against them. Either way you may have a valid claim.
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April 05, 2011

Whiplash Symptoms and Claims

Whiplash is not a nice injury to suffer from. It generally occurs after a road accident, but can also occur after a slip or a fall.

Whiplash is caused by the sudden jolting of your neck beyond its normal range of movement – this effectively stretches the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and can result in anything from minor neck pain for a few days, to months and months of agony and pain.

The more common symptoms of whiplash:
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April 05, 2011

Compensation Advice – Proving Your Claim

People are often concerned that they may not be able to prove their claim and make it successful. People are often worried that the insurance companies or the company / person responsible for the accident will try and do all they can to undermine the accident victim and prevent a payout.

Well, in all honesty; you probably should be worried

In my experience, insurance companies, claims representatives, solicitors, and the company / person responsible for the accident will do all they can to prevent a payout. If they believe they can defend the claim, they will – regardless of whether your claim is genuine or not. Its possible those on the other side will even lie, or bend the truth in order to defend the claim. We’ve seen it happen – and the truth has come out.

So – how do you prove your claim and win the case? Here are some tips on protecting your position and making sure there is no way your genuine claim can be undermined by the other side!
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