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workplace accidents
September 21, 2017

The Injury Lawyers help injured worker recover £12,000 in compensation for neck injury

Our client was unfortunately struck by a falling object in the workplace that had become loose due to heat from welding. He was struck hard by the object that weighed around 200kg, suffering injuries to the neck and the back, which also (as is common) radiated down in to the shoulder and arm.

This was an injury that could have been far more serious. It could have paralysed the claimant for life, and medical professionals noted that our client was really lucky to be alive.

For the pain, suffering and loss our client endured, we fought for an award of compensation in sum of £12,000.
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needle blood tests
September 14, 2017

The Injury Lawyers settle University of Derby blood test and vaccination HIV scare cases

In April 2014, 606 former and current students at the University of Derby were ‘at risk’ of HIV after a health worker negligently reused syringe barrels when taking blood tests and conducting vaccinations.

An investigation was opened and led by NHS England after the nurse put hundreds of students at risk of HIV and other serious infections like hepatitis. Those 606 students were contacted for blood testing who received either blood tests and/or vaccinations between September 2005 and October 2013.
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surgeon claims
September 07, 2017

Ian Paterson’s sentence increased from 15 to 20 years

Notorious breast surgeon, Ian Paterson, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment in May 2017 for carrying out unnecessary and unapproved surgery on a number of patients. However, the Nottingham Court of Appeal found that his current sentence was “not sufficient” and have consequently increased his sentence from 15 years to 20 years.

The news has been welcomed by victims, many of whom have claimed or are claiming compensation as a result of his actions.

The prosecution in the case demonstrated the clear evidence of medical experts that confirmed that the work he carried out for some patients was totally unnecessary, and for others he had intentionally failed to follow protocol as part of what appeared to be some form of “experimental surgery” he was conducting.
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bathroom injury claims
August 31, 2017

Council tenant awarded £4,500 for bathroom sink injury claim

A resident of a council-owned property noticed a leak in her bathroom sink and found that the basin had a large crack across it. She asked the Council to have a look at it and see what could be done to fix it.

A plumber was reportedly sent out to check the bathroom sink, and a little work was carried out on the unit. However, when the claimant pointed out the crack that ran all the way across the sink basin, the plumber ran his fingers along it and identified it as a ‘surface crack’ and suggested there was no need for repair and that no one will be sent out to fix it.

This error led to the claimant suffering injury thereafter.
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accident report
August 24, 2017

Claimant awarded £4,000 for tripping over step on B&B entrance

The claimant tripped over a step in the entrance to the B&B, sustaining multiple injuries including spinal and hip injuries. A two-inch step at the B&B entrance which was made of black stone and not marked was an obvious hazard; but not a hazard noticeable by the unsuspecting public.

The claimant unfortunately tripped on the step and fell.

The incident was reported to the owner of the guesthouse and an attendance at A&E was required by the claimant after suffering pain in the neck, shoulder, chest, back, hip, knee and ankle area from the fall.
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supermarket claims
August 17, 2017

The Injury Lawyers helps injured shopper take on Asda after painful slip

An aggrieved supermarket shopper contacted us for help with recovering financial compensation when she slipped in store and injured her knee.

Our client was shopping in the well-known supermarket chain when she slipped on a piece of vegetation on the floor. At first, Asda denied liability, but we were successful in persuading them to accept responsibility and pay compensation to our client.
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medical negligence
August 10, 2017

Demand for public inquiry over use of “dangerous” vaginal mesh implants

Senior medical experts are demanding a public enquiry be opened to investigate the use of vaginal mesh implants in the U.K.

The Guardian reports that a “significant proportion of patients have been left with traumatic complications”. We ourselves are involved in the legal actions for the use of vaginal mesh implants where things have gone wrong, so we’re no stranger to the issues at hand.

However, as problems continue to arise, the calls for more investigation and more action continue to grow.
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workplace injury claims
August 03, 2017

The Injury Lawyers help factory worker settle accident at work claim for £9,000.00

The Injury Lawyers have successfully settled a factory worker’s claim in the sum of £9,000.00 after suffering an accident at work.

Our client was attempting to move a metal bail on a forklift truck which was attached to another one. In trying to separate the bails, one fell and crushed a hand, leading to fractures in the fingers. In this instance, safety gloves did very little to protect our client from suffering an injury in the workplace.
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ladder injury at work claims
July 27, 2017

The Injury Lawyers win £14,000 settlement for ladder fall at work claim

In this case, our client was asked to carry out a task using a ladder to repair a fence on a building site. No training had been provided for our client to be able to safely complete the task, meaning they unfortunately fell and sustained injury to the knee due to the step ladder being on unsuitable ground.

An ambulance was called to the scene and our client was taken to A&E and provided with crutches and a split. We’re pleased to have now settled the claim for just over £14,000 to reflect the injuries and losses our client suffered.
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workplace accidents
July 20, 2017

The Injury Lawyers win £7,000 for workplace accident

In March 2013, a client of The Injury Lawyers was involved in an accident at work. Our client tripped due to a box left in a walkway causing our client to trip and fall down a set of stairs.

The client went home on that day, visited their GP, and was eventually referred to the hospital for x-rays. We’re pleased to have settled their claim for £7,000.00 for injuries and losses sustained.
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