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February 09, 2011

Supermarket Claims

Modern daily life is chaotic, rushed, and busy.  Therefore, supermarkets have become a close friend and ally. They have all of life’s essentials under one roof; so with one quick trip you have got all the fuel to get you through another busy week.  Not only this, but prices are low and discounts are numerous.  You may think that I am promoting the perks of supermarket shopping, but I’m actually pointing out why personal injury within supermarkets is on the increase.  It is the furthest thought from our mind that we may have an accident in a supermarket that is not our fault; however, the statistics for it are surprisingly high.  This is why at The Injury Lawyers we like to write blogs to inform our readers about when you can and can’t claim for compensation.

There are many possible accidents that could occur within a supermarket.  There could be a spillage on the floor causing a slip, an item left in an aisle causing a trip hazard, or the items on the shelf could be poorly stacked causing them to fall on top of you.

Supermarkets have a duty to look after their customers as much as possible and they must comply with important Health and Safety Regulations. All employees within a supermarket must be fully trained in maintaining these safety standards. This training could include simple things such as having a schedule to check for clear aisles, a cleaning process for spillages, or training in stacking shelves safely. 
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February 09, 2011

No Win, No Fee

Almost everyone reading this blog will be aware of the term ‘No Win, No Fee’.  It is a common term nowadays and is featured heavily in the television advertising of personal injury solicitors.  But what exactly does ‘No Win, No Fee’ mean.  Well, unfortunately, for different law firms it means different things.  However, at The Injury Lawyers, it means only one thing –  Simply put, it means that if you do not win your claim you do not pay us a penny.  Not a single penny.  What then if you are successful?  Great news!  It also means that you do not pay us a penny.  That is what separates The Injury Lawyers from other personal injury law firms.  Even if you win, you keep 100% of your compensation; guaranteed.  After all, it is your compensation, and we genuinely believe you should receive every single penny for it.  We believe this because you are awarded compensation in order to place you in the position you would have been had your accident not occurred and you had not been injured.  So, for us to ask for even a penny of that compensation would be to your detriment – ultimately you would end up being under compensated.  That is something we at The Injury Lawyers could not stomach.

So, under our Conditional Fee Agreement (the technical term for our genuine No Win, No Fee agreement) if your claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.  It could not be any simpler.

Does that then mean that if I win my claim you will take a percentage of that or try and recover your costs from me?  Absolutely not! We recover our fees from the other side.  Even if we do not get all our fees back we will never come to you for those fees – that is our problem – and under our agreement we cannot seek these fees from you.  We enter into a contract which explicitly states we cannot get our fees from you – so you have absolutely nothing to worry about; which is what separates our agreement for the other law firms.  You keep all of your cash guaranteed.
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February 09, 2011

Food Claims

Go on, admit it – it’s quite nice to bite into a burger now and again (or even more regularly!)  We all know, in an age where eating healthily is rammed home on a frequent basis, that tucking into a burger isn’t the best thing for us.  But come on, that’s not going to stop us; they can be extremely tasty and that is probably because they are ‘bad’ for us.  Question is, which burger do you go for? Do you prefer a Big Mac from McDonalds, a Whopper from Burger King, a more ‘classier’ burger from Gourmet Burger Kitchen, or maybe one from a burger van or kebab shop for example?  I know which one I prefer and it certainly isn’t one from a kebab shop! That said, if you know a kebab shop that does a delicious burger feel free to get in touch and let me know.  Anyway, before I get totally distracted by the thought of burgers, I must get to the point of this blog.  It came to my attention today that someone was injured having eaten a burger from McDonalds.

I don’t know about you, but I imagine you would all agree, you certainly do not expect to sustain an injury when eaten a burger – especially from a reputable fast food company.  However, this is precisely what happened to Kev Smith according to the Cambridge News.  It would seem that Mr Smith who had bought a burger from a McDonald’s restaurant broke his tooth having bitten down onto a piece of metal in his burger.  Now I cannot imagine for one second that McDonald’s have introduced a new metallic burger range and it therefore does not come as a surprise to learn that Mr Smith was awarded £1,000 compensation for the injuries he sustained.

As a result of the accident Mr Smith has had to visit the dentist on five occasions to sort his dental problems.  Subsequently McDonalds has issued an apology and Mr Smith obtained £1,000 in compensation.  This was because McDonalds have a duty of care to their customers to ensure that the food they serve is safe for consumption.  Obviously, a burger containing a foreign object, in this case a piece of metal, constitutes a breach of this duty.  Mr Smith suffered a personal injury through no fault of his own, but because of the negligence of the McDonalds restaurant in question.  If you have a similar story you may likewise be entitled to compensation.  You expect the food you are served to be safe; indeed those who serve you food must ensure that it is safe to eat.  So, if you have sustained an injury due to a foreign object being found in your food, it is important that you seek free legal advice from a quality personal injury who will help you obtain the compensation you may deserve.

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February 09, 2011

Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents

The topic of this blog may be bicycle and motorcycle accidents; however, this can include mopeds, quad bikes, and other similar forms of transportation.

It is easy to see why people like to cycle as it is cheaper (especially with these growing fuel prices), it’s a good exercise, and it’s better for the environment.  It is easy to see why people like to get about using a motor bike as it has the thrill factor and there is a great community within bikers.  However, along with all these great perks comes the sad news that accidents involving these types of vehicles are on the increase – and can often lead to fatalities.

The fact that these accidents are on the increase may come as no small shock to many readers as if we take the example of motorcycles – these can seem to come out of nowhere on the road.  Accidents involving motorcycles tend to occur most predominantly due to traffic meeting at junctions, cross roads or roundabouts, defects on the road surface, items left in the road, or bad weather conditions.
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February 08, 2011

Sporting Injuries

Sport has a place in many people’s lives, whether this is through direct participation or simply watching it on the television in the comfort of your home.  In fact, for some people sport is everything.  It is what they live for.  For such people, and indeed others, playing sport is an important part of their daily routine.  However, as I am sure many of you are aware, playing sport can lead to injury.  Fortunately, many injuries are minor and are cured on the spot with a little help from the ‘magic sponge’.  However, other injuries are more serious and can take a matter or months, even years to recover from.  If you have suffered a personal injury as a result of your participation in sporting activity you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

When we play sport we know that there is a high likelihood of physical contact between players.  We know of that risk and we accept it.  For instance, in a game of football, the players are well aware that they may get tackled.  Likewise, during a boxing match the boxers are fully aware that they will inevitably be punched.  Does that then mean that if we are injured whilst playing sport we cannot make a claim for compensation? No, not at all.  It all depends on your injury and how it was sustained.  It is therefore important that you seek the advice of a quality personal injury lawyer who can advise you as to whether you may be entitled to compensation.

If you are playing football for example and someone purposely does a horrendous tackle on you and as a result you suffer a broken leg, you may well deserve compensation.  This is because they have been reckless and this was not what you signed up for when you said you would take part in the football match.  Sure, you might get a mistimed tackle, but you certainly did not permit someone to deliberately break your leg.  This action was well beyond what you would anticipate and so a claim for compensation can follow.
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February 08, 2011

Accident in a Supermarket? We have the Claims Advice to Help.

We all love supermarket shopping as the prices are cheaper, there are discounts galore, and everything is all under one roof.  We can see how supermarkets are becoming the fast answer to a busier lifestyle with less and less money to spend.

So we may go to the supermarket with all this in mind, but the farthest thing from our mind is that we will have an accident within our supermarket which was not our fault, and end up injured.

Now there are many potential hazards in supermarkets – for example spillages causing slip hazards, items left in the aisle causing trip hazards, or poorly stacked items falling from the shelves on to us.
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February 08, 2011

Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are unfortunately almost an inevitable part of everyday life. Whether it is a minor collision on our roads causing a little dent in their car, or whether it is far more serious and someone is horrendously injured, road traffic accidents occur all too often. 

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and you have sustained an injury as a result you may be entitled to claim for road traffic accident compensation
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February 07, 2011

Losses – What Can I Claim?

Personal injury claims are on the increase.  This is partly due to the no win, no fee system making it financially easier for claimants to proceed with their claims.  One of the most frequently asked questions at The Injury Lawyers hear is – Can I claim for x or y? If the answer is yes, it can normally follow – Well, I don’t know where the receipt is for that!

In view of the above, and to resolve any confusion, we at The Injury Lawyers feel the need to explain the possible items of loss, which you may not have even considered, that can be claimed from the other side if they admit fault.

The first and probably one of the most important items of loss a claimant may be able to claim back is loss of earnings.  Now, if you have been off work due to your accident, this time off work may be able to be claimed back. To support this claim normally around 13 weeks of pay slips are needed in proof of this loss.  Even if you have not taken time off work unpaid, but taken them as holidays, these, depending on your employer, may be able to be claimed back. The money to buy them back can be claimed as part of your losses.
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February 07, 2011

Third Party Capture

Some of you reading this blog may have heard of the term ‘Third Party Capture’.  For those of you who have not, or are unsure what this term means exactly, here is a brief explanation.

Third Party Capture is when the Insurer of the person with whom you have had an accident investigates and tries to settle your claim for compensation directly with you.  That is, the Insurer settles your claim solely with you and does not afford you the opportunity to obtain independent legal advice.  So, for example, the Insurer will provide you with compensation direct.  Right, so what’s the problem with that?  Well, quite simply, the likelihood is that you will end up undercompensated.  You will not receive the full compensation that you deserve.  You have not had legal advice and may therefore not be aware of what your claim for compensation will be worth.  It may be that your claim is worth £10,000 but the Insurer has attempted to settle your claim for £5,000 – because you have not had legal advice, you think £5,000 sounds like a lot of money and agree to settle your claim.  However, the reality is that in effect you have lost out on £5,000.00.

The only positive thing that I can possibly think of that comes from Third Party Capture is that your claim will be settled faster than it would be with legal intervention.  But is this few weeks or few months really worth £5,000 in lost compensation?  I think many would agree that this is not the case.  At The Injury Lawyers we offer free legal advice and take your claim on a genuine no win no fee agreement.  That means that you never pay us for our services; we recover our fees from the other side.  It is therefore a far better idea to get in touch with a quality injury lawyer like us at The Injury Lawyers to fight your corner and ensure that you receive the maximum compensation you deserve.  It’s a free, fast, and reliable way to ensure that you get what you deserve.  Please remember that the other side’s insurers really only have one thing in mind, and that is to make sure they lose the least amount of money possible.
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February 07, 2011

Claiming for Compensation

OK – so how does it work? There are so many ways you can end up being injured in an accident through no fault of your own; but does that mean you have a claim for compensation? Well, it all depends on what’s happened…

You’re Not at Fault – Who IS at Fault?

This is a key question. To be able to claim for compensation, someone else, whether it’s a company or a person, has to be at fault for your injuries. There doesn’t necessarily have to be malice involved – accidents can easily happen through the negligence of someone else. But either way, if you are injured because someone else has failed you, you may well have a claim for compensation!

Road Accidents

The most common form of injury claim – they unfortunately happen all the time. It’s so easy for a driver to lose concentration and pull out of a side road, or fail to stop and crash in to the back of you. If you are injured in a road accident that wasn’t your fault, instruct an independent injury lawyer to represent you for your claim.
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