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November 26, 2010

Injuries in the workplace

When we go to work, our employer has a duty to ensure that the conditions we are working in abide with safety regulations, and that all possibilities of staff becoming involved in an accident are kept to a minimum. They do this by carrying out a number of safety checks, and by sticking to health and safety regulations.

If an employer fails to abide by the health and safety regulations that are outlined and revised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), then they could be found negligent if an employee becomes involved in an accident whilst at work.

Whatever career you have, whether you work as a receptionist, a fitness instructor, or as a contractor on a building site, you are still at risk of becoming involved in an accident if your employer fails to carry out the necessary safety checks.
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November 26, 2010

Motorcycle Accidents: Named Riders Campaign

Some motorists on the roads see the motorcyclists out there as road demons. They have no understanding of them and see them as speed machines with no care for others on the roads. The Think! Bike campaign has been created by the government in order to give some understanding to motorists about motorcyclists.

The government have picked up on the public’s disregard to motorcyclists, and want their campaign to encourage motorists to see motorcyclists as people. The reason people choose to ride a motorbike is not necessarily because of the speed it can reach – it may be for a number of other reasons. Some people just love the feeling of riding a motorcycle; it creates a sense of freedom that no other motorist may feel.

Motorbikes are slim and can therefore squeeze though traffic, meaning those riding them aren’t forced to sit in traffic jams every day. The Think! campaign Named Ridersaims to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries amongst motorcyclists by humanising them in the eyes of car drivers. The message given out by the campaign is that motorcyclists are a wide range of people with names, personalities, and families – just like car drivers.
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November 26, 2010

Medical negligence: The NHS postcode lottery exposed!

When we become ill, we expect that the medical care we receive will be of a high standard, and that those responsible for our treatment will do everything in their power to help us get over the illness. However, a report published in the Daily Mail shows how the level of care you receive depends on the area where you live.

The level of care you receive is shown through map diagrams. The map shows that the high spending areas of the NHS are found in regions which included Norfolk, Devon, Suffolk, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, and Northumberland. The low spending areas included London, Durham and Derbyshire.
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November 25, 2010

Acidents When Travelling in a Taxi

When we order a taxi as a means of transport we expect that the service we receive from them will be to our satisfaction and that it will get us from A to B safely. In some cases it is understandable that road traffic accidents can’t always be prevented, especially if the person responsible for the accident makes it inevitable for the other party to avoid it.

If we become involved in a road traffic accident when travelling in a taxi, some of us may choose not to make an injury compensation claim, because we are unaware that we are able to so. As a passenger in the vehicle, any damage to us is covered under the driver or taxi companies insurance.

In the instance that we do become involved in a taxi accident, and suffer injury as a result, we may be able to make an injury compensation claim. As a passenger in the taxi, your chances of a successful claim are extremely high. After all, what could you have done to contribute or prevent the accident as a passenger?

Regardless of who is at fault, we are able to make a claim against the driver that caused the accident.

If we do become involved in a taxi accident there are a number of procedures we should follow:

  • We should take the name, address, and contact number of the other party involved in the accident, along with their insurance details and the make, model, and registration of their vehicle.
  • We should also take the identification number of the taxi driver (this should be visible in their vehicle) along with the registration of their vehicle.
  • If we have suffered any injuries we should seek medical attention. The medical staff will then be able to record these injuries in our medical records, and state how we suffered them.
  • If possible, take any photos of the accident scene or of any visible injuries sustained in the accident.
  • Keep a written account of the accident. What happened? Where did the accident happen? What time?

For more information on making a taxi accident claim contact the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly advice about claiming..

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November 25, 2010

Prepare for Blizzards and Chaos on the Roads

As temperatures plummet, the Met Office has issued warnings for heavy snow and blizzards until Saturday, and has urged those travelling to prepare for chaos on the roads and rail networks. Parts of the country have been told to expect up to four inches of snow in the next few days, which will mean travel chaos on the roads across Britain.

Winter is set at arrive with a vengeance as the big freeze kicks in tonight. It is expected that blizzards of sleet and snow will hit parts of the Midlands, the north of England, and Scotland.

Met Office forecaster John Hammond said: “It looks like an early taste of winter for millions of people over the next few days. We will start to get wintry showers on Wednesday night, especially on higher ground. By the time people wake up on Thursday, there could be a good covering of snow. Temperatures will dip below freezing on Thursday night so there’s a risk of frost.”

Drivers are being urged to prepare for the winter by carrying out vehicle checks and carrying an emergency weather kit in their cars. It’s expected the cold conditions are set to continue up until Christmas.

Snow on the roads can create for the worst driving conditions, so if possible, it’s best to avoid driving in such conditions. When snow is on the roads, the slightest pressure applied to the breaks can cause a vehicle to skid out of control, resulting in a road traffic accident.

No one wants to spend this Christmas in hospital, or laid in bed injured at home, so make the most of public transport this year and leave your motor vehicle at home. If in the unfortunate event that you do become involved in a car accident this year, and suffer injury as a result of the accident, you may be able to make an injury compensation claim if the accident wasn’t your fault.

To make a successful injury compensation claim, you need to be able to prove that the other party involved were negligent, and that their negligence caused you to suffer your injuries. For more information about making a claim, contact the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly advice.

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November 25, 2010

Why High Heels and Alcohol Don’t Mix

We all love going out – whether it means going for a few drinks at our local pub, or a big night out on the town. Either way it gives us the chance to let our hair down and relax. Some of us spend all week looking forward to a big night out at the weekend – but what happens if that big night out just doesn’t go to plan?

When I say doesn’t go to plan, I mean the unfortunate event of an accident occurring. When we’re out, we tend to drink more than necessary, and girls wear huge heels, which to some of us seem impossible to walk in. Both of these make the chances of us falling over and becoming injured greater.
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November 24, 2010

Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you ask anybody about the best invention ever to be created, there is a good chance that a lot of people will reply with a motor vehicle as their answer. Motor vehicles give us a sense of freedom that we would have never had before. They allow us to go where we want and whenever we want to. If we wanted, we could be at the other end of the country in hours.

They allow us to visit family and friends on a regular basis, and keep us out of the cold in the winter. A lot of people say the type of motor vehicle you have is a show of your personality. In some cases, motor vehicles give a sense of social status – some vehicles are aimed at female drivers, others at male drivers.

With the latest rise in fuel, running our vehicles is becoming more and more expensive – however, we still find a way to pay for them each month, because we all know that life would be so much harder without them. As much as we love driving our vehicle, we all know that every time we do, there is a chance that we could become involved in a road traffic accident.
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November 24, 2010

What To Do If You or a Loved One Suffers From a Dog Attack

To a lot of us out there, a dog is a man’s best friend – they wait anxiously for us coming home from work, and seem rather excited to see us when we do. We walk them, talk to them, and feed them. If a stranger knocks at the front door our dog will bark to warn us that they do not recognise that person.

In the UK, a dog is one of the most popular animals kept as a pet, along with cats, rabbits, and hamsters. We have dogs as pets for a number of reasons – some of us have them as family pets, others have them to protect them if need be. Whatever the reason we have them, they say a dog is a companion for life.

There has been an increase in the number of dog attack stories in the news recently, which makes parents fear for their children’s safety. Most of the news stories have reported dog attacks on toddlers and young children. Some of the attacks on the children were by a family pet, and now animal groups such as the RSPCA are urging parents not to leave their child unsupervised with a dog.
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November 24, 2010

Drivers Welcome The First Snowfall of Winter 2010

It’s that time of year again that seems to come around faster and faster each and every time. I can barely remember Summer; it seemed to go so fast. Yesterday, the North East of England saw the first fall of snow for the coming winter. The Met Office are warning that this could be just a taster of the first falls of snow due to make an appearance this week. They say that temperatures could go as low as -10c on Friday night.

This will be good news for those of us who love to see snow falling on the ground – for those of us who don’t, it may be the worst news we’ve heard since we found out Wagner was not voted out once again on this week’s X-factor.

With Christmas approaching, the cold weather and winter snow really gets us in the mood for all things festive. It also makes us want to avoid roads at all costs. Snow and ice creates some of the worst driving conditions, making it more likely for us to become involved in a road traffic accident.
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November 24, 2010

What Happens If I Become Involved in a Supermarket Accident?

If you are unfortunate enough to become involved in an accident at a supermarket that wasn’t your fault then you might be able to make an injury compensation claim. Unfortunately, accidents like this occur more often than we’d think – in fact, supermarket accidents are on the increase as one of the more common injury compensation claims. Although health and safety regulations state that all facilities must ensure they show a duty of care to customers, accidents still happen on a regular basis.

All supermarkets have a number of checks they must complete throughout the day. They must ensure that spillages are cleaned up as soon as they happen to prevent anyone from injuring themselves. They must also check that any other hazards, such as displays that have been knocked over, are rectified immediately.

Supermarkets can get extremely busy, especially during the evenings and weekends. This means the likeliness of you becoming involved in an accident increases. People in supermarkets can be careless when pushing their shopping trolleys, and often push them into people or over people’s toes without realising.
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