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November 23, 2010

Boy Suffers Skull Fracture After Road Traffic Accident

Road traffic accidents are something we are all aware of, we read about them in the news every day and some of us have either been involved in them or witnessed them. Anybody who becomes involved in a road traffic accident is likely to suffer some kind of injury, whether it is a minor or fatal injury.

Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable when using the road, and if they become involved in a road traffic accident, the side effects can be fatal. When on the road, pedestrians have no protection. That is why it is extremely important that motorists maintain the duty of care they have towards all road users and pay attention to pedestrians on the highways.

A nine-year-old boy was badly injured when he was hit by a car on his way home from school on a busy Sheffield road – slammed as dangerous by residents.

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November 23, 2010

Using Your Local Swimming Pool and Avoiding Accidents

People of all ages can enjoy going swimming; it is a fun way to keep fit and makes for a great family day out. Whether it is leisure swimming you are taking part in, a swimming class or lane swimming, it is a more fun and relaxing way to keep fit. A lot of local swimming pools offer a range of swimming activities for people of all ages to take part in.

When you visit your local swimming pool there should be life guards on duty in the unfortunate event that an accident does happen. They should always be alert and nearby the pool keeping watch. It is also the lifeguard’s responsibility to make sure that those using the pool are doing so in safe manner.

There should also be signs around your local pool warning that you should not run around the pool, as it is wet and slippery, which could cause you injury. There should also be signs warning where non swimmers are allowed to go to, how deep the water is, and whether or not people are allowed to dive in the pool.
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November 19, 2010

Lorry Driver Crushes Cyclist Whilst Driving with a Hangover

For some aspiring cyclists, the ride to and from work in a morning is the best way for them to begin their day. It fills their body with fresh air, and contributes to their healthy lifestyle. Cyclists are fully aware of the dangers of cycling to work, which is why they follow guidelines in place, such as wearing protective gear and high visibility clothing.

The government and local councils have worked together in building cycling lanes across the U.K which provide cyclists with a safe place to ride that should have no interference from other road users. Although the government is building more and more cycle lanes to make cycling safer yet, accidents still happen.

A report in the Daily Mail reveals how a lorry driver has been banned from driving for life and received a 7-year jail sentence after he was found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving. A court heard he was over the drink-drive limit and had consumed almost a gallon of Guinness the night before the accident. He was said to have been suffering from the ‘most God-awful hangover’.
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November 19, 2010

Bed Falls Off Car Roof Killing Motorist

Thousands of us travel in our vehicles everyday; a lot of us say we wouldn’t be able to cope without them. We use them for both work and social use. We are all fully aware that the slightest mistake when driving can cause an accident, and in the most unfortunate circumstances, it can even result in fatalities.

The Sheffield Star revealed a court report of a woman whom has been cleared of causing the death of a motorist who swerved to avoid a bed base which fell from the roof of her car. Liza Brothers, aged 41, tried to secure the bed base with an old washing line, jurors at Sheffield Crown Court heard.

The seamstress, who was driving to a tip on Greaves Lane, High Green, with her aunt Diane Foxton, told the court she heard a “whooshing” noise as the base slid off her Vauxhall Vectra. Another motorist, Helen Denton, also 41, of Walders Avenue, Hillsborough, Sheffield, was killed instantly after she lost control of her Peugeot trying to avoid the bed base on the A61 Westwood New Road, near Tankersley, and ploughed into an oncoming vehicle.
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November 19, 2010

Boys Dies After His Mum Seeks Medical Attention From Local GP

The health of our children and loved ones is extremely important to us, and at the slightest hint of illness, we do everything possible to get them better. This may mean a visit to our local GP, or that we visit the pharmacy and get them some medicine.

An inquest is currently taking place into the death of a schoolboy, aged 10, who died from an asthma attack just hours after attending his doctor’s surgery. Dante Kamara visited his local Medical Centre with his mum Claire Humberstone and saw the practice nurse.

The Sheffield Star reported the inquest where the coroner was told he did not appear particularly unwell at that stage, although his pulse rate was 140 beats per minute, compared to an average of 80-120. But his chest was not wheezing, and Dr Gillian North, a senior partner at the GP surgery, said he was not showing other signs that would have suggested he was suffering a serious attack.
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November 18, 2010

More About Whiplash Injuries

The most common cause of a whiplash injury is a car accident; however there are lots of other ways they can be caused. A one on one collision in sporting accidents can cause them, trips and fall accidents, they can even be caused whilst riding on a rollercoaster at a theme park. Any thing that causes the neck to jolt backwards, forwards or sideways can cause such an injury.

There are two types of whiplash injury. There is acute whiplash; this is when there is a sudden jolt to the neck that causes a person pain or other symptoms. This type of whiplash lasts no longer than six months. There is also chronic whiplash, this is where the symptoms of whiplash last longer than six months, and can have a long term effect on the patient.

Some people pass whiplash injuries off and don’t think to seek medical attention because they assume it’ll just get better on its own, or the symptoms will just disappear. However with some cases of whiplash it is essential that you seek medical attention, especially if the symptoms are persistent.
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November 18, 2010

Cycling Accident Claims

Like with any other injury compensation claim, when making a cycling accident claim, there are two things that you must be able to prove. Firstly, you must be able to prove that the other party was at fault. Secondly, you must be able to prove that the injury or damage you suffered was caused due to that negligence of the other party.

Due to the recent environment concerns about global warming and the emissions that are constantly being released from motor vehicles, some of us have opted for the much cheaper, more efficient way of getting to work via bicycle. Not only is cycling to work better for the environment, it is a much cheaper way of travelling to and from work, and means that we don’t spend endless hours stuck in traffic jams.

In 2007 more than 3.5 million cycles were sold, which is a huge increase compared to the 2.8 million sold in the year 2000. With the increase of the cycle lanes in the U.K, cycling to work is appealing to more and more people.
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November 18, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Cauda Equine Syndrome

Cauda equine syndrome (CES) is an extreme medical condition – if it isn’t diagnosed and treated in a specific time gap, the condition can become fatal or have life changing effects on the life of the patient suffering from the condition. If the condition isn’t spotted immediately by medics, and causes the patient unnecessary suffering, they may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

When a patient is caused further suffering due to the failure or wrong decisions made by medics, they have a right to claim on the basis of medical negligence. Cauda equine syndrome can be caused by a number of factors – it may be that a traumatic event has lead to the fracture or dislocation of the spinal column; this can cause the compression of the nerves. Another cause of the condition might be a herniated disc, which is where pressure is caused to the nerves which decreases sensation and causes inflammation to the surrounding tissues, leading to further compression.
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November 18, 2010

Avoiding Accidents in the Gym

Using the gym can be an enjoyable experience that leads to a healthier lifestyle which makes us feel happier about ourselves. When we use the gym our body releases a chemical in the brain that makes us feel happier, and an intense gym workout can also make us feel better about our body.

Whatever reason we use the gym, whether it is to lose weight, tackle obesity, fight common diseases, or to fit in that much loved pair of jeans again, it is a lifestyle change that we have chosen for ourselves.

When we first join a gym we should be given an initial gym induction by a fitness instructor – they will teach us how to use the gym equipment in a way that is safe for us, and won’t cause us injury. When you go into a gym for the first time, it can be a daunting place – the equipment looks confusing and we feel a bit daft on the treadmill.
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November 18, 2010

The Joys of Learning to Drive

No matter how old you are, whether you are due to have your 17th birthday, or ared 31-years-old or even 50-years-old, learning to drive can be an exciting and terrifying time. The excitement is learning a new skill that will give you a sense of freedom that you’ve never had before. Driving opens so many doors; it allows us to go where we want whenever we want to. We no longer have to wait around or rely on other people anymore; it means no more sitting at the bus stop in the freezing cold weather.

When we first learn to drive it can seem almost impossible, like we’re never going to get the hang of it. Driving instructors usually start our first few lessons off by letting us get to know the vehicle, and where the controls are. This can seem like so much information to take in. Our first experience on the roads usually consists of us doing nothing but driving around in a circle and doing left turns.

After the first few lessons we eventually progress onto right-hand turns and putting the car in 4th gear. The key skill with driving is having patience to do things gradually, and after a while it all should come to you – hopefully. Some drivers on the roads get impatient with learner drivers, whether they get stuck behind one, or have to wait until they have finished their three-point turn in the road.
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