If you have been injured in a supermarket accident in the past three years that wasn’t your fault, then you may be entitled to make an injury compensation claim. The supermarket can be found liable for the accident if they are found to have shown negligence that contributed towards your injuries.
Whichever supermarket your accident occurred in, you have a right to make an injury compensation claim. All supermarkets have a duty of care to ensure shoppers are safe whilst visiting their premises. Whether the supermarket you shop at is Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys, Marks & Spencer, or a local independent supermarket, they are all responsible for ensuring their customers are safe whilst visiting their store.
Most supermarkets, especially the larger ones, have a system in place to ensure regular safety checks are carried out. These records usually include cleaning check sheets, which should regularly be signed off by the staff responsible for ensuring the checks have been done.
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