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October 13, 2010

Chile Miner Rescue Mission

After been trapped in the San Jose Mine for 69 days the Chile miners rescue mission began in the early hours of 13 October 2010, UK time. 33 miners have been trapped down the mine since September and this is the much anticipated rescue mission they thought might never come.

The rescue mission was originally estimated to take around 48 hours to get all 33 miners up 620 metres from the underground mine where they are currently trapped. There are also a number of rescue workers who have gone down the mine to ensure a successful rescue mission.

When deciding on what order the miners were rescued it was discussed between those trapped underground and those organising the mission. Some of the fittest were brought up first to ensure the safety of the mission, those with health problems then followed them and the stronger ones will then be brought up last. It is thought that one of the very last people to come up from underground is one of the voluntary rescue workers who went down the mine to help with the evacuation.
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October 13, 2010

Car Accidents Advice on Claiming Compensation

With a lot of the population in the UK relying on motor vehicles as our main method of transport the roads are becoming more and more busy. The worst time on the roads and what all drivers really want to avoid is the drive to and from work in the morning and around teatime. A lot of us tune into our local radio station on the way home to hear about any traffic jams, and if possible we try to avoid them.

Even the most minor of car accidents can cause serious injuries, for example if someone drives into the back of you it is highly possible that you will suffer from a whiplash injury. A whiplash injury is caused when a person’s neck is forced to jilt either backwards, forwards or sideways. This can damage the neck and its surrounding area. Unlike most injuries whiplash injuries can take days to make themselves known, it may be that you begin to feel aching pains around the neck, if this happens you should see your GP.

Road traffic accidents involving motor vehicles are a big worry to our government that is why they use precautions such as speed bumps, and speed cameras to try and get drivers to slow down. They often hold T.V campaigns that try and warn drivers what could happen if they become involved in an accident.
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October 13, 2010

Accidents in a Cinema

A trip to the cinema is the way a lot of us like to spend our evenings, for some it’s the perfect way to spend a first date. Being involved in an accident at the cinema is extremely rare, however nothing is impossible. Before you go into your showing you can buy refreshments to take in including popcorn, drinks or my personal favourite – nachos.

Depending on the size of the screen in your showing the stairs can be quite steep, that’s why it’s important that no hazards are blocking them and that you can see when walking up and down. In the more popular showings people may block the aisles with handbags or empty refreshment containers. These are hazards and could cause someone to trip or fall when using the stairs.

Like any other venue all cinemas have strict health and safety rules which they must follow at all times. They’ll have cinema attendants that check for such hazards and sign off sheets when they have done.
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October 13, 2010

Injury Lawyers Compensation Calculator

When we speak to clients some of the most popular questions are how much is my claim worth? And how long will it take to get my claim sorted? The honest answer to both of the above questions is we don’t know, we can give you a rough estimate to both of them but it entirely depends on the type of claim and what evidence we need to make the claim a success.

When gathering evidence to link a client’s injury to an accident it may be that we need to look at their medical records, this means requesting them from the NHS, and may take a few months for them to come through. The length of an average compensation claim varies from case-to-case depending on the co-operation of the other side.
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October 12, 2010

Get Help to Claim For An Accident at Work

Whatever career you have in life there will always be the possibility that you may become involved in an accident. It is the job of your employer to make sure that possibility is as small as possible, doing everything within their power to take care of such hazards. They should carry out regular health and safety checks, and make sure you have the correct training you need to do your job.

Although employers take precautions to prevent accidents at work, some accidents unfortunately are unpreventable. It may be that an employee forgets to put a type of equipment away or someone spilled something causing you to slip, that a piece of equipment you were using failed, or that you were given the wrong type of equipment to carry out your job.

Whatever the reason you shouldn’t become injured due to the negligence of another. If you have been injured at work then you should immediately inform your employer, or the person responsible for health and safety at work. They should then fill in an accident form, taking down all the details of the accident. After doing this it is important that you seek medical attention to get any possible injuries checked out. Some injuries such as whiplash may not become apparent straight away, they often take a few days to make themselves known.
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October 12, 2010

Accident Claims

Being injured in an accident is the last thing anyone wants to happen to them, unfortunately some accidents are unpreventable. Accidents have become a part of our everyday life, we constantly hear about them on the news, and we all probably know of someone who has been involved in one. At work we’re all put through training to help prevent such hazards.

Accidents can cause a number of injuries, some that you may never fully recover from. Car accidents can cause injuries such as whiplash whilst accidents at work can have a number of implications on your future career.

If you have been involved in an accident you will be going through a hard enough time coming to terms with what you’ve been through, without putting yourself through further stress by making a claim. However here at the Injury Lawyers when you make a claim, we do all the work. All we ask of you is that you provide us with the correct information about the accident and fill out the necessary documents.
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October 12, 2010

Highchairs from Hell – What’s Your Restaurant Baby Chair Harbouring?

We all know that it can be a bit of a task to find a restaurant suitable for your baby to dine with you. Babies are noisy and messy; a fact which many restaurant-goers can often take offence to. So it’s nice to find a good restaurant with facilities like high chairs and baby changing rooms to accommodate for your needs. But be afraid – in fact, be very afraid – at this next report from the Daily Mail, as the facilities the restaurants are kind enough to provide may actually be putting your baby at risk

According to the report (–But-watch–restaurant-high-chairs-harbour-bacteria-average-toilet-seat.html), restaurant high chairs harbour more bacteria than the average toilet seat, according to concerning research from Microban, a leading brand of anti-bacterial products. Swabs from high chairs in 30 different restaurants found that the average number of bacteria on a high chair was 147 per square centimetre. Compare this to the average toilet seat, which has just 8 per square centimetre, and you’ve got yourself a concerning comparison.

The results reportedly varied considerably, with some being relatively clean, and others as high as 1,200 bacteria per square centimetre! I’m no microbiologist – but look at the comparison between a toilet seat with 8 bacteria per square centimetre, and a baby’s high chair with 1,200 bacteria per square centimetre, and try not to share the look of absolute shock I have on my face right now! The research also found bacteria such as E-coli, Staph Aureus and Enterococcus Faecalis – all of which can cause upset stomachs and serious illness to babies and children.
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October 11, 2010

Taxi Accidents Passengers Can Claim Compensation

If you’ve been injured whilst a passenger in a taxi related accident in the last three years then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. A lot of people who have been injured in a taxi accident don’t think to claim for compensation because they are unaware of their rights when doing so.

Any passenger in a taxi that has been involved in an accident whether it was the taxi driver’s fault or another party’s fault may be able to make a claim. As a passenger in the taxi you are seen as the innocent party. The accident couldn’t have been you’re fault because you weren’t driving and there’s probably nothing you could have done to prevent the accident.

All of the above are a good basis for making a successful compensation claim. If you become involved in a taxi accident there are a number of things you should do:
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October 11, 2010

Motorcycle Traffic Accidents Help Guide

The government are constantly promoting campaigns to make drivers aware of motorcyclists on our roads. One of the latest campaigns is called ‘Think…Bike’; this is to remind drivers to look twice before over taking and pulling out at junctions. It is harder to see a motorcycle than it is another car.

Accidents involving motorcycles are relatively high, and account for the highest cause of deaths on our roads. When placed next to other vehicles like cars, vans and lorries – motorcycles are the most vulnerable. Wearing protective clothing like their helmet, gloves and bodywear will help protect them but they are still at risk.

If you become involved in an accident with a motorcycle there a number of things both parties should do:
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October 11, 2010

Accidents Outside Schools

The roads outside schools can be extremely dangerous around the beginning and end of each school day. People park anywhere they can get, often double parking making it a nightmare for passing vehicles. It also makes it difficult for pedestrians when crossing the roads.

When driving outside a school you should keep your speed to an absolute minimum as there’s no way of knowing if a child’s going to suddenly run out in front of your vehicle. It’s likely that you won’t be able to see who’s behind parked vehicles, there may be children waiting to cross.

Unlike adults, children are not as aware of the danger of running out in front of vehicles, so are likely not to think twice before running out. All schools should have a lollipop person on duty, waiting to assist children when crossing the road.
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