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October 06, 2010

Whiplash Injury Claims

Whiplash is the term used to describe an injury to the neck. This injury is caused when the neck jilts sideways, backwards or forwards. This usually causes the ligaments and tendons in the neck to become damaged. There is no way to prevent a whiplash injury; however precautions such as seat belts and head restrains do help.  

The main causes of whiplash injuries are car accidents; they can also be caused by slips, trips and falls. Whiplash injuries often take a few days or maybe weeks to make themselves known. In most cases it will take a few days before you feel the pain.
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October 06, 2010

Supermarket Accidents

If you have been injured in an accident whilst visiting a supermarket and it wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Accidents such as slips and falls at supermarkets can have serious implications on the lives of the victims involved.

Although whiplash is usually associated with car accidents, slips and falls can also cause it. In fact anything that can cause the neck to jilt sideways, backwards or forwards can cause the injury. There is no set time limit on how long it takes a person to recover from a whiplash injury. It may take a few weeks, months, in some cases they may never fully recover.
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October 06, 2010

Insurance: LEI, Everything You Need to Know

Legal Expense Insurance (LEI) is an additional type of insurance that a lot of insurance companies will try to sell you on top of your existing insurance policy. This insurance guarantees that the company in question will pay your legal fees if you are unfortunate enough to become involved in an accident. This additional insurance fee usually sets you back an extra £15 to £20 a month.

What insurance companies forget to tell you is that if you do become involved in a car accident and it isn’t your fault then an injury law firm, such as the Injury Lawyers will retrieve you the compensation fees you deserve on a no win, no fee basis.

Some people live by the saying ‘if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is’. However, that’s not always the case. Here at the Injury Lawyers we will get you the compensation you deserve and every penny of it will go to you. We don’t take cuts from your payment; we simply recover the costs from the other side
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October 06, 2010

Dog Bite Attacks Children

Dog bite attacks are constantly in the news in the UK, usually the most reported dog bites stories are those amongst children. Children don’t realise the dangers of some animals, they just want to be around them and play with them. In some cases it’s not even that, some animal attacks on children are unprovoked.

A story in the Daily Mail is about a four-year-old girl who was attacked whilst visiting a neighbour’s house in Liverpool. The four-year-old suffered facial injuries after an illegal pit-bull type dog attacked her. Police later seized the dog and its owner was arrested and charged under section one of the Dangerous Dogs Act. Pit Bull Terriers and related dog breeds are illegal in the UK.

A dog bite attack will be a traumatic time for any family, especially if the attack involves a child. Children are seen as the innocent party as they don’t understand the danger of some situations.
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October 06, 2010

New Drivers

With all the commotion in the news about not letting new drivers use the roads at night, it’s about time someone asked the question whether new drivers are actually the ones to blame for road traffic accidents. I admit it is exciting when you first pass your driving test, and get in a car on your own, or with friends. However, at the same time it’s terrifying.

A lot of drivers will admit that the first few times they drove their first car they were scared. The responsibilities of their actions on the road were on them, they now have no one to blame if they make mistakes, and no one to help correct them if they do.

It’s also the thought that when carrying friends and family in your car, it is you that is responsible for their safety. They are putting their lives in your hands, therefore trusting you not to cause them injury through reckless driving. In most cases this means that new drivers are likely to drive with extra care and responsibility when on the roads. From my experience it’s the more experienced drivers that tend to show less care on the road.
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October 06, 2010

When the road is at fault in a Bicycle claims

In a car, we can survive driving over a pothole or a defect in the road – don’t get me wrong, an accident could still occur, and the council may be liable; but on a motorbike or a bicycle, riding over a pothole or a defect in the road could be a whole different story.

The inspiration for this article comes from my own witness account of this happening just yesterday. A gentleman  on a bicycle, who was fully kitted out with a safety helmet, elbow and wrist guards, and a high visibility jacket, rode over a manhole cover where a section of the concrete just before the covers’ edge had somehow either eroded away or had been taken away; causing a sudden dip in the road surface. The gentleman was clearly an experienced rider, given the impressive looking cycle and the extent of his safety gear; but when you’re concentrating on the road ahead and traffic around you, it’s not easy to spot a hole in the road!
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October 05, 2010

Road Accident Claims – Advice!

Road accidents are a daily occurrence –sadly, they affect us all. It’s pretty common to have been in one nowadays, and we at The Injury Lawyers are here to help the victims of negligent drivers that have caused accidents.

So, what should you do if you have been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? As a blameless victim, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. What you need is an independent expert solicitor representing you for your case. Here are a few tips on what to do and what to avoid:
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October 05, 2010

Road Traffic Accident Claims

It’s official, winter is here and the long cold nights are just the beginning. At the minute it gets dark around 7pm, soon it’ll be 4pm and the little daylight we have will be spent behind a desk.

For those of us who work 9-5 jobs the only hours of daylight are spent sat in traffic and behind a desk at work. Winter is responsible for some of the worst driving conditions, the roads are wet and slippery and the rain bouncing on your windscreen makes it hard to see.

When it starts getting dark at 4pm drivers will probably be more stressed out than usual. There’s something about the weather that affects the mood we are in. Summer tends to make us feel happy, whilst winter makes us feel down. Whatever mood you’re in don’t let it affect your driving on the road.
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October 05, 2010

Compensation Lawyers

Injury compensation is an amount of money the innocent victims of accidents are awarded to compensate for any losses they have been subject to through no fault of their own. If you become injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault then you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Here at the Injury Lawyers we know that thousands of people don’t realise that they are entitled to compensation, therefore leaving thousands of pounds left unclaimed. We believe that no one should suffer injury due to the negligence of others, and if they do they should be able to make an injury compensation claim.

That’s why we have created our online blog that is full of information about all the different types of accidents people may become involved in. Our guides advise you on what to do if you become involved in such accidents.
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October 05, 2010

Accidents in Shopping Centres

Walking around our local shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon is a day of leisure, especially for the ladies, some men might not hold the same opinion. Nether the less we still enjoy it; it’s what some of us look forward to all week, especially after payday.

Shopping centres can be busy places especially on the weekends and around Christmas. Thousands of people under one roof, rushing around to find the latest bargains. There are bound to be a few toes that get stepped on.

What we don’t realise is that shopping centres can be dangerous places, and would be if it weren’t for the staff that carry out risk assessments, and clean up spillages, keeping possible hazards to an absolute minimum. Although they do everything in their power to keep the accidents to a minimum, some accidents unfortunately can’t be prevented. Even though cleaners are always on duty carrying out the necessary checks, there are bound to be things such as spillages that go unnoticed.
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