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October 05, 2010

The Three Year Time Limit

All compensation claims have a time limit, that time limit tells you up until what date you can make a claim for compensation. All accident, injury and disease claims have a three year time limit; however in cases involving children, death and people detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 the limit differs.

A child’s three year time limit would begin on the day of their 18th birthday. This means they would have up until their 21st birthday to make a compensation claim.

If someone is detained under the Mental Health Act their three year time limit begins from the date they are discharged as a patient.
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October 05, 2010

Accidents on the Street

We’ve all probably tripped on concrete paving at some point in our lives, whether it happened when we were five years old or thirty years old. At five years old we’d probably fall over, graze our knee and either get up and carry on playing or cry and run to our mum for a plaster. However at thirty years old the implications of a trip or fall can be much more serious.

As we get older falls can cause serious injuries with the impact it has on our bodies. A fall in the street may result in minor injuries such as a sprained wrist and cuts and bruises or could result in much more serious injuries such as whiplash.

A whiplash injury is caused when muscles in the back or neck area are forced to jilt either side-ways, backwards or forwards. Symptoms of this however may not develop straight away; it may take a few hours or days depending on the type of whiplash. When diagnosing the injury it is best to seek medical attention. They will then advise you on how to recover from the injury; it may be that you need to rest for a while.
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October 04, 2010

Whiplash Claim Calculator

Anyone who has been injured in an accident that wasn’t their fault will be going through a frustrating and confusing time. You may be angry that you became injured in the accident, or that the injuries you endured now prevent you from carrying out normal everyday tasks. It is likely that you will be going over the accident again and again, thinking if only you’d have been a second later.

Any whiplash injury can cause serious implications on the lives of its victims. That’s why at the injury lawyers we want you to claim the compensation you deserve. Thousands of pounds of compensation go unclaimed each year, because the victims of an accident are not sure where to begin their claim.

Some people may think that making a compensation claim is extremely complicated or that they won’t get much compensation so there’s no point. Both of these are unnecessary worries. If you go on our compensation calculator at and click on the part of the body where you have been injured it will give you an estimated amount to what your claim could be worth.
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October 04, 2010

Injury claim accidents on a night out

After a long week of hard work we all look forward to the weekend, especially our Friday night. It’s the night we all go out and let our hair down, and dance away our stress. We’ve probably spent all week, maybe even all month planning this night out. We’ve spent hours in our local shopping centre trying to find the perfect outfit, shoes, bag and everything else. We’ve spend endless hours texting around friends, getting them organised, and at least two hours getting ready.

We all expect our nights out to be one to remember, to have a laugh with friends and who knows maybe even meet the next best thing to Gerard Butler. But what happens when a night out goes wrong? A night out around your local town, has the same possibilities of an accident occurring like a visit to your local supermarket…except may be greater.
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October 01, 2010

Accidents in a Gym

With the ongoing development within the world of fitness, and the growing obsession with staying healthy it is no surprise that more and more of us are starting to go to the gym. And why not, the gym is a fun, friendly place and creates an upbeat environment that allows us to socialise with others whilst maintaining a healthy life-style.

Gyms contain all different types of equipment, and these could be dangerous if you don’t know how to use them properly. If it is the first time you have used a gym, or you choose to join a different gym to the one you previously attended you will need to have an induction. An induction is when one of the fitness instructors shows you how to use all of the equipment in the gym safely.

Upon induction they should take you round, and make sure that you understand how each piece of equipment is used, after doing so they will ask you to fill out a form saying that you have been shown and understand how to use all of the equipment. This document then covers yours and their back if you do become involved in an accident whilst using the gym equipment.
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October 01, 2010

Best Injury Lawyers

When you are looking to make a compensation claim you may feel over-whelmed with the amount of injury law firms to choose from. With every one of them telling you they’re the best lawyers for the job things can get confusing. Sometimes you spend hours on Google searching to find the one for you, or you may choose follow recommendations from a close friend.

Here at the Injury Lawyers we are a small independent company, but we want to be the best. That’s why we don’t only promise you a good service we make sure you receive an outstanding service. We believe that as the injured party you shouldn’t suffer any further stress whilst justice is being done.

First of all, we offer you free legal advice, which you may or may not choose to take. That legal advice doesn’t tie you to anything with us, it is simply just to tell you everything you need to know about the claim you are looking to pursue. If after that legal advice you decide that you would like to use us as your injury lawyer then we send you some initial letters out, giving you more information about ourselves and the claim you are putting forward.
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October 01, 2010

Compensation Claims: Taxi Accidents

When you order a taxi the last thing on your mind is that you may be involved in a road traffic accident. You expect the taxi driver to arrive on time, and get you from A to B with little cost as possible. Unfortunately that isn’t always the case. With the increase of congestion on our roads, accidents are becoming more and more common.

That’s why it’s important that when you get in a taxi you make sure you wear your seatbelt. This simple procedure really could save your life or prevent you from serious injury.

When you travel in a taxi during the day you will be fully aware of what’s going on, and may even take note of the way the taxi driver is driving. However after a night out this could be a completely different story.
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October 01, 2010

Children’s Accidents at Leisure Centres

A day out at a leisure centre should be a fun experience for your child, whether they are swimming, ice skating or taking part in sporting activities. All leisure centres must ensure that health and safety standards are met, to provide the best possible care to their customers.

As a parent you should feel safe leaving your child with staff at the centre, because they will be qualified in whatever area of sport your child is taking part. One coach can only be responsible for a certain amount of children so it is the centres job to make sure the correct numbers of coaches are provided.

When you leave your child at a sports centre, especially for a school holiday camp, where you will be away all day, you should be asked to fill in an information form. This form should ask for information such as:
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October 01, 2010

Pulling out at Junctions

When pulling out at junctions it is important that you look both ways, making sure it is safe to do so. As you’re aware not only do you need to look out for oncoming cars, but also other vehicles such as motor bikes and cycles.

There are some junctions when it is not possible to see oncoming traffic from both directions. You should handle these junctions with care. Some of these may be referred to as ‘stop junctions’. This is to make drivers aware that they need to take extra care. They can be identified by a red sign, with stop in white writing.

When drivers approach junctions like these they should slow down, in case another driver pulls out on them. If they’re travelling at a safe speed they should be able to stop if a driver does pull out on them.
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October 01, 2010

Hospital Manager Loses Appeal After Medical Negligence Cover Up

A hospital manager who tried to cover up medical negligence that led to the death of a 20 year old man has lost her appeal against her sacking.

The Patient, named as 20 year old John Moore-Robinson, died in 2006 after visiting the hospital in Staffordshire where staff failed to diagnose his ruptured spleen. He attended A&E after a mountain bike accident and although he underwent x-rays to check for broken ribs, nobody checked his spleen and he died hours after being discharged.

A Senior Hospital Consultant, Mr Ivan Phair, investigated and wrote a report on the incident which said that the death should have been avoided and that “There is a high probability that the level of care delivered to Mr Moore-Robinson was negligent.”
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