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October 01, 2010

Council Claims

We at The Injury Lawyers get a lot of enquires from people who wish to make claims against a council or local authority for the state of the highways. If we believe the defect is significant enough, we will normally take the claim on under our Genuine No Win No Fee. But there is some important information people should be aware of for when they are considering pursuing a claim – so here’s some advice on what to do, and what to know:

I have been injured due to the state of a pathway or a road – what should I do?

Firstly, I should hope you have had some medical attention; particularly if you are suffering quite badly. It’s easy to break a bone on a solid concrete pathway, but even if you are lucky enough to avoid a fracture, always go and see your GP or visit the nearest walk in centre / hospital for medical attention.
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September 30, 2010

Life After An Injury

Although compensation claims bring those to justice for the injuries they caused due to their negligence, it doesn’t take the memories or the suffering away. The after-affects of injuries can be on going for a long time. Some victims eventually make a full recovery, often with the help from professionals; others may never fully recover and face a lifetime of difficulty.

In some cases, such as accidents at work, victims have been unable to return to their work place, as injuries prevented them from doing so. For example if a contractor badly hurts his back in an accident, then he may never be able to lift heavy objects again.

Here at the Injury Lawyers we know that compensation won’t make everything ok, but it will help. Some of the clients we’ve worked with have had a loss of earnings due to their injuries, and the compensation they won has helped them with their finances. The compensation you are awarded may also help with any medical costs you have paid for. It could even go towards you making a fresh start in life, such as gaining new skills and qualifications.
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September 29, 2010

Children and Road Traffic Accidents

Look at the roads from a child’s point of view, lots of motor vehicles driving at high speeds and lots of noise. They’re a scary place, and a no place a child would want to play. However, when on their way home from school or playing outside their home – most children are faced with the possibility of crossing a road.

When we talk about children we mean those who are still at primary school. Sometimes at primary school parents do let their children walk home, especially if the school is local and not a far walk. Or even if their parents pick them up they often wonder off in front with friends or lag behind. Whatever the situation it is important that all drivers take into account the possibility of a child running out in from of them.
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motorbike injury claims
September 29, 2010

Useful tips for preventing motorbike accidents

Motorcycle accidents often have massive impacts for those involved. Without the added protection a car offers, motorcyclists are vulnerable to serious injuries if they are hit or knocked off of their bike by another vehicle.

There have been numerous campaigns over the years trying to inform car, van and truck drivers to be even more careful and look out for motorbikes on the roads.

We decided to help the cause and print a few useful tips for drivers out there to take on-board and make sure you stay safe on the roads and don’t end up in an accident with a motorbike.
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September 29, 2010

Asbestos – What you need to know!

Asbestos has been a popular building material since the 1950’s and is a naturally occurring fibrous material. It is used as an insulator that keeps the heat in and cold out. Its strong fibre protection means that it helps prevent corrosion.

If the building you are working on was built before the year 2000 then it is likely that some parts of the building contain asbestos. However, because asbestos is often mixed with another material it is often hard to tell if you’re working with it. Asbestos can be found in many products used in buildings, including ceiling tiles, pipe insulation, boilers and sprayed coatings.
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By Author
September 29, 2010

Slips and Falls at Work

If you’ve been injured in a slip or fall at work then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Slips and falls at work can shatter lives, especially if the damage they cause is severe. After an injury some victims are unable to work for months, some are unable to return to the area of work they were injured in. This has serious implications on their future of employment.

If you slipped or fell when using equipment at work then you are entitled to injury compensation, if the injury wasn’t your fault. Whether you fell from a chair reaching for something or were given the wrong ladder, you may be able to make an slip, trip or fall compensation claim. It could even be that you were walking around at work and tripped over a wire that should have been covered up.
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September 29, 2010

Dead Mouse Found Baked in Hovis Bread Loaf

We at The Injury Lawyers are used to dealing with the weird and wonderful when it comes to problems with products or shortfalls in services. If anyone is ever injured due to a faulty product or a shabby service, it’s possible they may have a claim for compensation for any injury or suffering caused. There are so many ways a product or a service can go wrong – but this next story from sources from the Telegraph and the Mirror is sickeningly frightening…

According to the sources, a man preparing sandwiches with a loaf of Hovis Best of Both found a dead mouse baked in to the bread! Take a look at the photographs on the websites – it’s genuinely sickening! How such a thing could ever have been allowed to happen is bewildering.
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By Author
September 28, 2010

Cyclists Guide

The roads of today understand that cyclists need room too. On the busiest of roads the local councils have created cycle lanes, where cyclists can feel at safety from other vehicles. If you’re a cyclist it’s understandable that you may sometimes feel intimidated by other drivers. Especially when they over take you, or are trying to over take you on smaller roads.

When cycling it is important that you wear the suitable cycling gear, the most important been a safety helmet. You should make sure that the safety helmet you are wearing is of high quality, because if you do become involved in an accident this could be the thing that saves your life. It’s also a good idea to wear knee or shoulder pads, these will also provide high levels of protection if you do become involved in an accident. Wearing high-visibility clothing or having lights fitted to the front and rear of your cycle will help other drivers see you.

Just like motor vehicles, it is important that the tyres on your bike are in good condition. You also need to make sure that your brakes are working in case you need to make a sudden stop. You should regularly get your bike checked over to make sure everything is safe and working correctly.
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By Author
September 28, 2010

Accidents on Buses

When using public transport we all have a right to feel safe and free from any harm. On a bus it is the driver and the bus company who owe us as their passenger a duty of care. In order to stand to this duty of care, they should drive safely, in accordance to the speed limit, stop at designated bus stops and allow us time when boarding to sit down before they depart.

There have been many accidents on buses when the driver has failed to allow passengers time to sit down, before they depart from the bus stop. This has caused unnecessary accidents, especially amongst the elderly who aren’t as strong on their feet.

I remember a few years ago when I was on a bus to my local shopping centre, a lady boarded with a child in her arms. She was just putting the child in a seat when the driver failed to check his mirrors to make sure all passengers were seated and set off. This then caused the lady to jilt forwards, causing her to fall over, and resulted in her landing on her wrist. Passengers were shocked at the driver’s lack of care, and rushed to see if the passenger was OK.
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September 28, 2010

Brain Injuries

There are two types of brain injuries, an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  The ABI is any type of brain injury that occurs since birth, there are many possible causes such as stroke, infection, haemorrhage and medical accidents. TBI occurs if the head receives a severe blow or jolt, this can be from an accident, fall or assault and causes the brain to be damaged.

Because everyone’s brain is so unique each brain injury is different. It is dependent on a number of factors such as the type of injury, the location and severity.
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