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September 16, 2010

New York Bus Crash Kills Four

With the growing amount of congestion on our roads the government can’t seem to emphasise enough the importance of us using public transport. With thousands of us commuting to work every day, it’s the cheaper, more efficient way to travel. However, that’s not what the travellers of a bus in New York thought.

A double-decker bus travelling off its route in New York hit a low railroad bridge and flipped on its side. The Megabus was carrying more than two dozen people when it rammed into the bridge around 2.30am in the morning. The accident happened on the Onondaga Lake Parkway in Salina, a suburb of Syracuse in Central New York.

The accident left four passengers dead and another twenty-four were taken to hospital, some suffering from critical injuries.
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September 16, 2010

Driver parks car in gents toilets of Wrexham pub

Guests and owners of the Wrexham pub, The Gredington Arms got a surprise when they heard a bang outside. A blue Seat Leon had drove through the gents toilet wall of the building. Thankfully the five occupants of the car were lucky enough to escape any serious injury from the crash, unfortunately the pub wasn’t. The car had embedded itself into the wall, with its bonnet crumpled and doors hanging open.
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September 16, 2010

Remarkable Recovery for Victim of Chip Fat Attack

We at The Injury Lawyers assist thousands of innocent victims claiming for compensation for accidents and incidents – and there are so many ways in which people can end up injured. Every so often we see the crazier stories in our offices and in the news – and this next story is quite simply shocking to read.

According to sources from the Daily Mail, a woman has made a remarkable recovery after she was attacked with scolding hot chip fat which was thrown over her face and her body. The story however describes something short of a miracle; twenty one year old Hannah Orpin, the victim of the attack, has made such a substantial recovery; the scars are difficult, if not impossible, to see.
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September 16, 2010

Supermarket Claims

If you have been involved in a Supermarket accident in the past three years then you could be entitled to claim compensation. If you suffered personal injury due to the accident and it wasn’t your fault then you may have a successful supermarket accident claim.

No matter what Supermarket you use, whether it is ASDA, Morrison’s, Tesco or a local supermarket they owe you as a customer a duty of care. This means that it is their duty to ensure that you are safe whilst shopping at their facility.

Unfortunately not all accidents can be avoided, that is why most large supermarkets have a system which ensures they carry out regular checks, clean up any spillages and even keep a written record of their cleaning programme. 
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September 16, 2010

Dog Attacks

Coming from a nation of animal lovers, a dog bite is an attack a lot of us fear. However much we love animals, especially dogs, we all know that what they’re about to do next is often unpredictable. There has been a sudden rise in victims of dog attacks lately, especially amongst children. It is understandable that as parents, we worry for both our own and our children’s safety when around animals.

Under the Dangerous Dogs Act, there are some animals that are not allowed to be owned as pets in the UK. This is because they are seen as unsafe to the public, if after an investigation the police discover you were attacked by an animal on the list, the owner is likely to be prosecuted.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we want to make you aware of what to do if you should encounter such an attack…
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September 16, 2010

Accidents At Work

Although employers can take measures to prevent accidents at work, they cannot be totally avoided. Accidents are part of our everyday life, they’re something we’ve all grown up with. When you’re a child you may fall down and graze your knee, cry for a while then carry on playing. However, as an adult, trips and falls can have a much more serious effect.

It is stated that by law every company must have an accident report book, this is where they write each accident that takes place on site. If you become involved in an accident at work you must tell your employer so that they can record it. This way they can hopefully prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

If you feel that your injury at work is serious and needs medical attention you should see your GP. When telling them of the injury you should mention that it happened at work so that they can then record this.
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September 16, 2010

Road Accidents: A General Guide

In the aim to prevent accidents upon our roads, it is both pedestrians and vehicles users that need to work together. This first became established back in the early 1800’s when the courts ruled that both parties owed one another a duty of care whilst on the roads.

Since the 1800’s there have been major advancements in vehicle technology. Very few people still travel around in carts pulled by horses. However the same principle still applies. If anything it requires that we take extra care on the roads of today, due to the amount of traffic congestion on them.

Accidents occur on our roads every day, in fact thousands take place every year. If you witness or become involved in a road traffic accident you may not know what to do next. When a traffic accidents takes place it is important that the situation is assessed accurately and that emergency services are called to the scene.
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September 16, 2010

Police Lawyer Kills 12 Year Old Daughter After Drink Drive Incident

We all know that drink driving is illegal in the UK, and is highly dangerous. However with thousands of casualties each year, drivers are still taking the risk. Drink Aware have been promoting campaigns throughout the UK to try and make us realise the dangers and possible outcomes that may occur if we take that risk.

Their campaigns have been highly successful, and the amount of accidents involving drink drivers has decreased by three-thirds since the 1980’s. In 2007 however 9,280 road accidents still took place due to drivers been over the limit. Out of those accidents 2,170 people were either killed or badly injured.

Some of us fail to stay up to date with the amount we’re legally allowed to drink whilst driving. In the UK the government say that the alcohol limit for drivers is 80mg of alcohol per 100mg of blood.
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September 16, 2010

New Yorker Lucky to be Alive After Pushed onto Railway Tracks

A personal attack whilst out on the street minding our own business is something a lot of us fear. With reports constantly in the news about such things, the worry will always be in the back of our minds. My mum always warns me not to walk alone in derelict areas, or even in the city centre, especially after dark.

TV shows like the BBC programme, Crime Watch, also make us fear for our safety even when in our own homes. Nowadays we are told to keep the doors locked, and not to open them unless we know the person at the door.

In the twenty-first century it’s a shame that we have to live by such safety regulations. Back in the fifties I’m told it was safe to go out, and leave your door unlocked, never mind the windows. Today we are warned that it’s not even safe to keep those open due to the rise in burglaries.
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September 15, 2010

Road Traffic Accidents: Hit and Run

As a driver it is essential that you give children the right of way when crossing roads, most of us do. However there are some occasions where children become injured when crossing the road. If this was to happen to us, then as the driver it would be our duty to then stop the car and follow the correct measures to make sure that child is safe.

However in some circumstances, drivers panic and flee the scene, this is known as hit and run. If you are subjected to a hit and run accident, whether you are a pedestrian and have been ran over or if someone runs into your vehicle and drives off you’re still entitled to compensation. It can seem like a confusing time as you don’t have any of the other party’s details to follow up. If you have a child who has been involved in such an accident then they have up until the age of 21 to make a claim.
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