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September 10, 2010

Road Traffic Accidents: Emergency Vehicle Liability

When it comes to Injury Law and whether you are entitled to make compensation claims there is often a lot of confusion amongst the public. We often have people enquiring about a claim they want to make, but who are unsure about whether or not they have the right to do so, especially when it comes to accidents that involve emergency vehicles.

With accidents involving emergency vehicles it is the same procedure as any other as it is important to establish who was at fault, this will then tell you whether or not you are entitled to compensation.  Like all accidents there will always be a party who was the victim, here at Your lawyers we are here to help.

Although drivers of emergency vehicles are allowed to exceed the speed limit, or cut through traffic when need be, they also have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care to other road users whilst driving.  If they fail to do this, causing someone injury then that person may be entitled to claim compensation.
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September 09, 2010

Drivers Warned: Expect Delays

Drivers are warned to expect hours of traffic misery as the new school year begins. Hours of endless traffic jams are expected to make today’s roads the busiest of the year. Information gathered by the road information service at Tom Tom revealed that holds ups are set to continue until the afternoon.

A report done by the Daily Mail says that on last year’s back to school Monday, there were 1,087 miles of delays across the country between 6am and 9am.

This is in comparison with the average 385 miles of congestion on the average Monday morning. The Daily Mirror report also says that last year there was 297 more road traffic accidents reported than on the average Monday.
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September 09, 2010

Driver Killed By Hay Bale

As we all know the roads are a dangerous place, and we need to keep alert at all times. You never know who, or what is going to run out in front of you. A former pop star was killed when a 48-stone hay bale bounced out of a field and landed on his van.

Mike Edwards, who played cello with 70’s group the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), and who was driving the van at the time, died instantly.

It is believed a tractor had been at work when the cylindrical bale had rolled down a hill, before hurling over a 50ft hedge.
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September 09, 2010

Woman Had Acid Thrown Over Her By Stranger

A 28-year-old Washington woman’s life could have been ruined when a stranger approached her in a public street and shouted, ’Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?’

Bethany Storro, was in Vancouver, Washington at the time the attack took place. She was about to enter her local Starbucks coffee shop as a female stranger approached her and threw liquid in her direction.

The liquid, which Doctors say they believe was a form of acid ripped straight through the clothes of the 28-year-old victim, causing the skin it touched to burn away.
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September 09, 2010

Transformers Extra Involved in Accident at Work

Accidents at work are an on-going occurrence in everyday life. And often result in paying out large amounts of compensation as a result. With the increase of compensation adverts on TV, it’s no surprise that work accident claims are making it into the news.

Accidents at work can happen anywhere, to anyone. Even the highest paid celebrities can suffer injuries at work, that’s exactly what happened on the Transformers set. Gabriella Cadillo, 24, was working as an extra on the set of the sequel to the Transformers movie when a stunt when wrong.

The 24-year-old was reportedly filming a scene for the movie when an object stuck the car she was driving and went through the windshield hitting her on the head. According to Illinois police the car then hit a bar, and carried on for about a mile before it came to a standstill.
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September 09, 2010

Pilot Takes Calm Tone As Plane Engine Explodes

Passengers on a Qantas jet began screaming after they saw flames coming from the engine minutes after takeoff. The Boeing 747-400 which was en route from San Francisco to Sydney had to turn back just 30-minutes after take-off on Monday morning’s flight.

The captain, who has not been name, tried to reassure those on board by saying, “Normally, we do it in a simulator, of course – we are trained.”

One of the 212 passengers on the flight managed to capture the pilot’s tannoy message on video. On the tape he said:
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September 09, 2010

Road Traffic Accident: Cyclists

With all of the congestion on the roads, and the pollution that it is causing to our environment, a lot of us now choose to cycle to work. It’s becoming a more and more popular way of commuting.

Unfortunately as a cyclist you are extremely vunerable when using the roads. If you were to end up in a collision, especially with a motor vehicle, then you would have very little protection.

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident on the road as a cyclist, and it is not your fault, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
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September 08, 2010

Road Traffic Accidents: Passengers

Do you know your rights when you are a passenger in another vehicle? If not then what you’re about to read maybe crucial to whether or not you have the right to make a claim.

When a driver makes the choice to carry passengers in their vehicle the life of those passengers then becomes the drivers responsibility. It is their duty to drive responsibly, and make sure that they don’t cause their passengers anything that may cause them injury.

The driver also has a duty to end the journey in a place where passengers may safely leave the vehicle. For example, stopping on a motorway or in the middle of a duel carriageway is not a safe place.
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September 08, 2010

Gardeners Beware

Doctors warn all gardeners to be extremely careful when handling compost. The warning comes after a Scottish man contracted the deadly Legionnaire’s disease. The 67-year-old pensioner became infected by the disease though a small cut on his finger, whilst using a trowel.

The keen gardener was described as fit and healthy before he developed the disease, and has now made a successful recovery. The pensioner experienced eight days of trembling, shortness of breath, confusion and lethargy before he was seen by doctors at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, central Scotland.

X-rays taken at the hospital also showed the patient was suffering from high temperature and had signs of pneumonia in the left lung.
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September 08, 2010

Pedestrian Related Road Traffic Accidents

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have been involved in a road traffic accident then you may have an injury compensation claim to make.

Unfortunately as a pedestrian you are at the biggest risk if you do become involved in a road traffic accident, especially if it involves a motor vehicle.  That’s why as a pedestrian you should always be given the right of way by motorists.

What to do

If do become involved in a motor accident it is best to get as many details as possible. Try to get the name of the driver, the registration and make of their vehicle, along with a contact number and the name of their insurance company along with their policy number.
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