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August 23, 2016

National Steel firm fined £1.98million for safety failings

Tata Steel has been fined as two workers suffered hand injuries on two separate incidents involving machinery.

A 52-year-old employee lost part of his little finger when his left hand was caught in an inadequately guarded machine while undergoing refresher training. A 25 year old employee also lost two thirds of his left hand and his middle and ring fingers while trying to unblock a steel tube manufacturing line that also did not have suitable guarding. These were two separate incidents.

Such incidents should not be occurring in a well established firm like Tata Steel, and the result is significant fines for clear health and safety failings.
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By Editor
August 16, 2016

Star Wars Producers plead guilty to failing to protect actors and workers

Foodles Production (UK) Ltd have pleaded guilty to failing to protect actors and workers on set following an incident where Hollywood actor Harrison Ford suffered a broken leg and other injuries. Harrison Ford was struck by a metal door on the set of the Millennium Falcon on the 12th June 2014 at Pinewood Studios.

The actor believed that the structure was inactive and so walked underneath it – but it was remotely operating which meant it ended up pinning the actor to the ground, resulting in his broken leg. The accident posed a risk of death, and if an emergency stop had not been activated, then it could have killed somebody.

Harrison Ford became trapped under the closing metal-framed door which had a weight comparable to that of a small car.
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August 10, 2016

Orthopaedic medical negligence compensation claims

Orthopaedics is commonly the treatment of bones, joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. These are all elements that make up the musculoskeletal system.

Musculoskeletal injuries can affect anyone of any age, and can include:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Hip replacements
  • Fractures
  • Knee replacements
  • Infections and bone tumours
  • Conditions from birth

All treatment and operations carry risk, and while most treatments are successful, mistakes can be made due to human error which can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life by causing ongoing suffering.
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By Editor
August 03, 2016

Amputation Injury Claims

Amputation injuries are, of course, very serious indeed.

As well as amputation from traumatic injury, medical amputation may be necessary from suffering a serious injury or a serious infection to allow for a better quality of life, or to prevent an infection spreading to the rest of the body and affecting your health. It can also be required to help control pain.

These types of claims require specialist injury lawyers like us who have lawyers used to representing amputee injury victims.
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By Editor
June 29, 2016

Is your job at stake when making a work accident claim?

Before we answer this question, lets understand first how a work accident claim actually works…

The Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims governs the process for those making a claim against their employer for personal injury.

The first step is submitting the Claim Notification Form (CNF) where the employer will have to confirm whether they accept liability or not within 30 days of receiving the form. This varies from public liability where the period is 40 days.

In most cases, the insurers deal with the claim and we have very little contact with your actual employer moving forward.
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road traffic accident claims
June 29, 2016

A swift guide to road accident claims

Have you had a road traffic accident in the past three years? If you answered yes then you could be entitled to claim compensation!

Below is some general guidance as to how The Injury Lawyers can help you claim!

If you have suffered an injury from a road traffic accident then you may have entitlement to:

  • General damages  (medical injury or loss)
  • Special Damages (financial losses)

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By Editor
June 01, 2016

X-Rays and Scans (MRI Scans, CT Scans, etc) Compensation Claims

Scans: one of the fastest way of obtaining a diagnosis without having to cut people open all the time to find out what’s going on!

As technology has moved forward we now have the benefit of x-rays and scans that can tell us whether we’ve broken bones, suffered ligament damage, or whether we’re suffering from life changing diseases like cancer.

But what happens when things don’t go the way they should? What happens if a scan is misread, or a scan is not performed in time? What if a patient is not referred for the proper treatment following a scan?

The results can be devastating, and that’s when we may need to help you.
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May 27, 2016

Vauxhall Zafira problems – Compensation for Vauxhall Zafira fire victims

It has been announced that compensation will be available for victims who have had problems with Vauxhall Zafira engines spontaneously setting on fire.

More than 234,000 vehicles have been recalled since the problems emerged in September 2013, and reports have now confirmed that a second recall has been put in place for further work to be done on the affected vehicles.

Owners are set to receive letters confirming the details to the second recall, and compensation is said to be available for people who have suffered as a result of what’s happened.
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medical negligence
May 16, 2016

Statins computer glitch: thousands at risk of prescription errors

A computer glitch in a system used to calculate the risks of cardiovascular diseases has resulted in thousands of GP practices across the UK issuing incorrect advice over the use of cholesterol-lowering medication, statins.

The bug in the QRISK2 system that calculates risks using factors such as blood pressure, weight, health problems, and family medical history, helps GP’s advise patients for prescriptions. It has been discovered that results produced as far back as 2009 may have been overstated or understated, meaning patients needing the medication may have been advised not to take it, and patients not needing it may be using it.
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April 29, 2016

Mr. N awarded £10,000 after long battle for work accident compensation

The Injury Lawyers have successfully fought for Mr. N and obtained him an award of £10,000.00 after a long battle with the defendant’s insurers and solicitors who tried to deny responsibility for the accident.

He suffered injuries to his knees when carrying out floor work for his employer, but despite the obvious requirement for pads and protection to stop injuries to the knees when working on the ground, the defendant side disputed responsibility all the way through.
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