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September 14, 2010

Young Driver Dies in Tragic MOTO2 Accident

A horrific accident at the San Marino ‘Moto2’ Grand Prix on 5 September has lead to the tragic death of a 19-year-old Japanese driver, Shoya Tomizawa. The incident, which has rocked the motor racing world, happened when Tomizawa, who drivers for team Suter, and was only in his second Moto2 season, fell off his bike before a corner whilst travelling at full speed after he had completed 15 laps.

After falling, Tomizawa was then hit at full speed by two other bikes been driven by Italian driver Alex De Angelis and British driver Scott Redding who thankfully avoided being seriously hurt themselves.
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September 14, 2010

Motorist Blacks Out Killing Mother Of Three

A motorist who ran down and killed a cyclist after she fainted at the wheel, broke down in tears as she told the victims family she was sorry. Tracy Johnson, 36, was driving her £60,000 Range Rover Sport at the time of the accident. Sharon Corless, 43, was hit by Mrs Johnson while she was cycling with her husband, Peter Corless, 47.

The Range Rover struck into the pair of them, when Mrs Johnson became unconscious at the wheel. Mrs Corless, a hospital worker, was dragged under the wheels of the car and suffered horrific injuries. Mr Corless who was also struck down by Mrs Johnson, before smashing into another car and hitting a lamppost. Mrs Johnson then stumbled out of the car, and asked what had happened.

Later she was charged with death by dangerous driving and could have faced a maximum prison sentence of 14 years. However, earlier this year she walked free from court as medical experts ruled that she could have suffered from a reflex syncope.
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September 14, 2010

A Weather Reality Check

Last night’s drive home was not one of my favourites. I’ve only just started working outside of Sheffield, which means a long drive on the M1 is fairly new to me. To get to work I have to travel five junctions down the M1, apart from the traffic this is not normally a problem.

However, last night was the first time I’ve driven home in such horrific weather conditions. It was throwing it down with rain, which meant severe restrictions on my visibility.

Normally I can’t wait to get home so I head for the fast lane, and hurry along. However within seconds of been in the fast lane I realised that I couldn’t see a thing.
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September 14, 2010

Mother Forced To Choose

Imagine been forced to chose which of your two children lived, and which died. That’s the decision that Rachel Edwards had to make the day her car hit a pothole and plummeted into a dyke. Rachel had been driving 16-year-old Jack, and two-year-old Isabella when the accident took place.

As water rushed into the vehicle, Mrs Edwards, who was six months pregnant at the time, managed to squeeze from the wreckage and swim to the surface.

She took a breath and swam back down to the wreckage to save her two children. However when she got there, she managed to free Isabella, but realised that Jack was stuck behind the closed door.
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September 13, 2010

Road Rage

Car accidents happen on our roads every day, they are constantly reported on the news and often the reason to endless queues of traffic jams.

However, the reason that accidents happen differs depending on a number of factors. It could be because someone pulled out in front of you, or someone slammed their brakes on and you went into the back of them.

Whatever the reason there is normally someone who is at fault.
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September 13, 2010

Lawyers For Road Accidents

With more congestion on our roads it probably comes as no surprise when road accidents take place. You often see interviews on the news and people saying, ‘well it’s a bad corner it was bound to happen’.  Really? What we should be asking is how and why did it happen? And what can we do to prevent this from happening in the future?

The truth is that accidents are always going to happen, some preventable, some unpreventable.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we want to make you, the public, fully aware of our no win, no fee injury compensation service just in case something does go wrong.
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September 13, 2010

Road Traffic Accidents: Children

When considering making a claim it is often confusing when deciding who was at fault, especially in cases involving children. As a motorist you owe a duty of care to pedestrians, as they are extremely vunerable to road users. Pedestrians also owe a duty of care to motorists. It is there duty to show consideration and care to other motorists when crossing the road.

However some pedestrians require additional care, this may be due to disability, infirmity or age. The most obvious pedestrian that needs extra care and consideration is a child. Now that the new school year has begun, there will be more children on the roads during rush hour, both morning and evening.

Children, especially those aged under ten years of age don’t have a full understanding of danger. Therefore they won’t necessary think to look once, never mind twice before crossing a road, or stop to think before running out from behind a parked vehicle.
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September 13, 2010

Road Traffic Accidents: Vehicle Lighting

When we all first began learning to drive I’m assuming it’s fair to say that we found it difficult remembering everything we had to do before actually driving off.

We’d get in the car, adjust our seat, adjust our rear-view and wing-mirrors and make sure the car was in neutral. We’d then put on our seatbelt, check both mirrors and our blind spot before hitting the road.

The best thing about it was that if we did forget something, we’d have our good old driving instructor sat at the side of us waiting to tell us what we’d done wrong. A habit of mine was forgetting to check my wing-mirrors, or to actually put the car in gear.
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September 13, 2010

Teenager Injured at Baseball Game

A baseball fan was rushed to hospital after a bat was thrown into the crowd hitting them on the head. For one teenage baseball follower a great view proved too close for comfort when a player let go of his bat during a stroke, striking a teenage boy on the head. He was treated for head injuries before been carried off by paramedics in a stretcher.

However he received applause from the crowd after he managed to give thumbs up saying he was ok, as he was stretchered away.

The 13-year-old was a spectator at a national league match between the San Francisco Giants and the Arizona Diamondbacks when Buster Posey made the error.
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September 13, 2010

AA Calls For Council to Reconsider Turning Off Streetlights

The AA calls for the council to reconsider turning off street lights in an urge to prevent traffic accidents and street crime. This comes after councils have revealed plans to turn off street lights in selected areas to cut bills. MP’s and Road Safety campaigners warned that lives could be put at risk by the council turning off tens of thousands of street lights.

Louise Ellman, chairman of the Commons Transport committee, also questioned the plans, warning it could damage attempts to cut the death toll on Britain’s roads, particularly at night.

She told the Daily Mail: “I am extremely concerned that financial pressures are leading to steps which can jeopardise people’s lives and increase the number of injuries. We’ve made great progress in recent years in reducing the number of deaths and injuries on our roads. It would be tragic if, by switching the lights off, that progress was to be put back many years.”
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