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September 03, 2010

Family Left in Limbo

A family were left in limbo after waiting 27 years for their Sons compensation case to be heard.

The figures were revealed after John O’Dowd questioned the Northern Ireland Health Bodies.

John O’Dowd said he knew of a family who had been waiting 16 years to get compensation for their son, who became severely disabled after some medical treatment he had under-took went wrong.

When speaking with the BBC Mr O’Dowd said that legal fees over 27 years could run into millions.
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September 03, 2010

Swan Attack

I’ve met some unlucky people in my life but this man has to be one of the unluckiest.

A man in Worcestershire was knocked off his motorbike by a low-flying swan.

An ambulance was called to the scene, and the man was taken to hospital for treatment on his broken collar bone.

Unfortunately the biker was unable to make a claim, because I’m afraid you can’t sue a swan. However, I’m sure if he could have then the bird in question would have had a large settlement to pay out.

It’s only the other week a man fell off of his ladder because a Pigeon flew at him. These animals are out of control.

Next it’ll be bulls charging into the back of cars causing whiplash and bees covering your wind screen causing you to spin out of control.

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September 03, 2010

JCB in Low Speed Chase

“I’m Luke, I’m five and my Dad’s Bruce Lee…” That’s what song a Maltby lad will be singing, after he was sent to prison for stealing a JCB.

Gareth Twigg, aged 23, of Fraquhar road, Maltby, received a nine months jail sentence after he pleaded guilty at Warwick Crown.

Twigg, admitted he stole the digger from a construction site compound in Rugby, Warwickshire back in July. He also admitted to damaging the compound fence which he drove the digger though as well as dangerous driving. For which he was also banned for 18 months.
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September 02, 2010

Can You Claim For A Taxi Accident?

Are you in a position to claim for a taxi accident? Well that can depend on a few simple factors:

  • Did you contribute to the accident; if the answer to this is no, then potentially you may have a claim as the accident was not your fault and so why should you suffer at the expense of someone else’s actions?
  • Where you in another vehicle; if you were in your own car and were involved in the accident and the taxi driver was at fault then you can make a claim for compensation against the taxi driver, your compensation will come from the insurance cover.
  • Where you a passenger in the vehicle? You may worry that you can’t claim if you were a passenger but actually you will have quite a strong claim for compensation because usually as a passenger you do not contribute in any way to the cause of an accident. In the eyes of the law, passengers are often seen as innocent parties. Any compensation that is awarded to you will be claimed from the taxi driver’s insurance company.

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September 02, 2010

Horror Crash Caught On Speed Camera

Incredible footage has been released on the Sky News website (Source) this week showing a car accident in Ohio, America in which the driver was seriously injured.

The accident happened on 23/08/2010 on Interstate 675 in Greene County Ohio when 19 year old driver, named as Brennan Eden, drove his Pontiac Firebird car at over 100mph causing him to lose control, hit the central reservation and then fly into a concrete pillar on an interstate bridge.
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September 01, 2010

The Greatest Rise in Complaints against the NHS Seen for 12 Years

Last week in the news (, it has been reported that written complaints against the NHS has seen the biggest annual rise ever seen since records began 12 years ago.

Over 100,000 complaints were made in 2009/2010 and this was a 13.4% increase on the complaints made in the previous year.

On average, the annual increase in complaints per year from 1997/1998 has been 1.1%; so the rise seen this year is drastic.
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September 01, 2010

Double Decker Driver Averts Disaster

I’ve seen some unusual road accident stories in my time, and we at The Injury Lawyers are used to dealing with the quirkier accidents given our wealth of experience and huge amount of claims we take on and settle on a daily basis. But this terrifying story from the Daily Mail really is an unusual one…

According to the source, a double-decker bus was flipped over on a motorway after a crazed passenger grabbed the steering wheel and forced the bus off the road. Remarkably, no one was killed in the incident; however two of the twelve passengers were reportedly injured with one man being taken to hospital with suspected spinal injuries. The terrified passengers escaped the vehicle through a hatch in the roof.
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September 01, 2010

Mum Wins £90,000 MMR Battle

Robert Fletcher, was a healthy baby, when he was first given the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. He is now completely dependent upon his mother, and is unable to stand, talk or feed himself and frequently suffers from epileptic fits.

Mrs Fletcher has been fighting 13-years for compensation for her son’s illness. However the Department of Health denied any link between his illness and the controversial jab but a medical panel ruled against this last week.

This is thought to be the first compensation award granted for the MMR vaccine since 1998. Medical legal experts are now worried that this could open flood gates to thousands of compensation claims like this one. Leaving the public appaled by their reaction.
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September 01, 2010

Dog Attacks On The Up

A 33-year-old woman has been charged after a 10-year-old girl was savaged by two Rottweiler’s in Dundee.

According to a report from Sky News the 10-year-old girl was playing on her bike outside her Grandma’s house when the attack took place. Rhianna who suffered from a fractured jaw, injuries to her right arm and left leg and bite marks to her face needed three hours of plastic surgery to repair the damage.

A week before this attack the BBC News ran a report, and released CCTV footage of a woman’s guide dog being savaged by another dog at a railway station in north-west London.
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September 01, 2010

Country Roads Putting Your Life at Risk

Have you ever questioned the reason why winding country roads welcome the national speed limit?

It’s as though they’re creating a play ground for young drivers, an open invitation to come along and test out their brand new ‘speed machines’.

What they don’t realise is that what often comes along with the national speed limit, especially on quiet country lanes, is a car full of teenagers looking for fun. However, this often ends in tragedy as some drivers misjudge the road.
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