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August 10, 2010

State of Britains Highways

Here at The Injury Lawyers we specialise in personal claims of all natures; road traffic accidents, slips in supermarkets and an increasingly common area; slips, trips and falls on our public highways.

I am sure that you have all had a moan at some point about the state of our local highways, the biggest bug bear being the number of pot holes which appear to continue to crop up in the middle of the roads and pavements.

Only this weekend I went with my friend to a nearby pub for some lunch and on turning in to the car park had to avoid what can only be referred to as an ‘assault course’  of pot holes. It was as though someone had been at the car park with a pneumatic drill and dug up the entire tarmac and then just left it for the customers to negotiate.
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By Editor
August 10, 2010

Unsafe Repeat Prescriptions

Bipolar disorder is a relatively common mental illness that is characterised by periods of very low moods or depression, contrasted with very high moods or mania. Many people have become increasingly familiar with the disorder due to its portrayal in the Stacey Slater character in the popular soap “Eastenders”.

One of the drugs used to stabilise the mood is Lithium. This is an extremely effective treatment and a number of patients remain on lithium for many years. However, it is important that the blood level does not get too high as it can then become toxic. As the level becomes higher, the patient may suffer with symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, confusion and dizziness. If the level becomes higher still, the patient may suffer seizures, pass into a coma and suffer irreversible neurological damage. For these reasons, it is very important that levels of this drug are monitored with blood tests, especially after starting new medicines.

In a case from the MPS casebook, a patient in her forties (Mrs L) was newly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and started on lithium by her psychiatrist. When her lithium levels were stable, after several changes in dose and regular monitoring, she was discharged back to her regular GP, Dr G.
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August 09, 2010

Acupuncture Gone Wrong

A 47 year old woman went to a clinic to have acupuncture treatment for back pain. The treatment involved the Acupuncturist inserting a number of needles in to the woman’s back. However, at some point during the treatment the Acupuncturist walked out of the room. However, to the woman’s surprise, the Acupuncturist failed to return, leaving the woman alone in the room, lying on the treatment table, with needles in her back whilst the practice had been closed and locked up. The woman had to call 911 after she had set the motion detectors off whilst trying to get out of the practice.

The woman somehow managed to remove the needles from her back. Luckily, the woman was taken home and did not sustain any injuries other than perhaps a fear of being left alone!
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August 09, 2010

OAP’s Windscreen is Smashed by Police in Misunderstanding

Robert Whatley, a 70 year old retired business man, was stopped by Police after he had been caught driving without wearing his seatbelt.  The Policeman who was issuing Mr Whatley with a ticket walked around to the passenger’s side of the vehicle, Mr Whatley presumed that the Police had finished dealing with him so he left the scene to drive home as he suffers from a heart condition and was recovering from a Stroke he said he felt “frail and vulnerable” and was scared that he may suffer another stroke at the time of the incident.

Mr Whatley was then followed by the Police for 17 minutes, the Police had their sirens on as Mr Whatley proceeded keeping to the speed limit. Mr Whatley believed that the Police were escorting him home when he saw the blue lights from the Siren. Mr Whatley had to stop when the Police used a ‘stinger’ device which is used to puncture tyres of those people trying to evade the Police.

The ‘chase’ was filmed on the Police’s camera and the events after Mr. Whatley pulled over can only be described as shocking. When Mr. Whatley did stop, as his Range Rover’s tyre had been punctured, it can be seen on the video that one Police officer launched himself onto the bonnet of Mr. Whatley’s vehicle. It then appears that he proceeds to kick the 4×4’s windscreen, whilst the other Officer smashes Mr. Whaley’s driver window.
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By Editor
August 06, 2010

A Truly Tragic Case of Death by Dangerous Driving

Just the other day I authored an article on speeding and its dangers. And I will be covering the same topic again after reading this heartbreaking story of a young boy killed by a reckless, speeding driver.

According to the Daily Mail (source), a 12 year old boy who beat leukaemia and lived with several disabilities was tragically knocked down by a speeding driver doing almost twice the limit, as he was crossing the road on his bicycle. Steven Atkinson was reportedly born with a cleft palate and curvature of the spine, as well as being deaf in one ear and having an immobile eye. After a 3 year battle, this brave young boy beat leukaemia.
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By Author
August 06, 2010

Elderly Lady Suffers in Taxi Accident

An elderly woman of the age of 88 was dragged along the road as she attempted to get in a taxi in Westgate, Peterborough. Dozens of shoppers in the town centre watched on in horror.

The lady was waiting for a taxi, when it arrived she opened the door and attempted to get into the vehicle. The taxi started moving forward before the lady was safely inside the vehicle.

There were many people who witnessed the accident and a shop assistant, from the shop located near the scene of the accident, called an ambulance for the elderly lady. Witnesses reportedly said that the lady seemed to be in extreme pain and also she was shaking badly.
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taxi accident claims
August 06, 2010

Baby thrown in front of travelling vehicle

Seven month old baby, Tavish Dabedeen, was very lucky to escape serious injury after he was thrown in front of a moving bus in an attack by two girls.

Tavish was in the arms of his sister when the brutal attack occurred, he was snatched from his sister by one of the girls and thrown into the road just as a bus was approaching. The driver managed to swerve to avoid hitting the baby; he was then taken to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.

The girls were reportedly targeting Tavish’s sister who was accompanied by her mother. The two girls accordingly go to the same school as Tavish’s sister and seem to have targeted her as she suffers from Vitiligo, which affects the skin and causes patches to lose pigmentation and appear blotchy.
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By Editor
August 05, 2010

Bed Bug Bites

Bed Bugs, not just a myth that you’re mum uses to make sure you wash your bedding!

Sky News reports that New York, the city that never sleeps, is planning to increase their spending to stop the bedbugs biting. Shockingly complaints against bed bug bites have increased by 40% in the last three years!

The city has said that it will spend £320,500 informing the public how to kill off the torturous bed bugs and it finally put the issue to bed (so to speak).
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By Author
August 05, 2010

The Importance of Consent

Most people know that before they have any pre-planned surgery, they ought to be properly consented by the surgeon. In order to consent to the operation you must be advised of the possible risks and the procedure itself should be explained. If this has not occurred and you believe that surgery took place when you did not have the information to make an informative decision as to whether to go ahead or you were not aware of the extent of the operation then you may have a claim for medical negligence.

In one incident last year, a 31 year old woman with 2 children went to her GP with lower abdomen pain. After some investigation it was discovered that she had a cyst on her left ovary which needed removing. To remove the cyst, she would need a left Oophorectomy, the surgical removal of her left ovary. She was therefore referred to a consultant Gynecologist for the operation.
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August 05, 2010

Speeding Scam – Evading the Consequences

It’s no secret that speeding leads to accidents. The speed limit is there for a very good reason, and breaking it puts the offender and other road users and pedestrians in serious danger. That’s why it’s against the law, and the consequences are there to prevent people from doing it.

But it appears there can be loopholes in the system; in fact, this next story shows how one woman got away without consequence for a considerable length of time by employing a rather disturbing smoke screen to cover up her road traffic offences. According to the Daily Mail, a company CEO avoided speeding fines by blaming them all on her deceased mother!  It’s an unbelievable story. A leading business lady, turned somewhat amateur scam-artist, evaded points on her license by claiming her dead mother was behind the wheel of the car at the time of the offence.
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