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August 04, 2010

Footballer Escapes Exploding Car!

Road Traffic accidents are on the increase. Sky News reports that Man Utd’s midfielder Anderson was actually pulled out of his fabulous Audi R8, unconscious, just moments before the burning car exploded!

Amazingly the football star only had minor injuries after his near death crash experience on the rural roads of Geres in Portugal.

Anderson signed a £18million contract three years ago with the popular Man Utd Team. The Brazilian born player spent the night in Sardinha Biba night club before he left in his Audi worth an estimated £125,000.
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August 04, 2010

Assault Claims – The Camera Never Lies!

Assaults are sadly common in the later evening, especially on alcohol fuelled nights out. So, I, like many of you, I assume, feel a great deal safer with a police presence on the streets ready to deal with any incidents that arise. But who is there to protect us when it’s the police that cause the trouble… ?

Unbelievably, this next story from the Daily Mail (source) is a real example of police brutality! Now, I am in no way having a dig at the police in general here – which is something many people like to do – but the footage on the website is as clear as it can be. According to the report, a police officer is facing jail after he assaulted an off-duty solider, and then lied under oath to cover up his wrongdoing!

Forty year old Special Constable Peter Lightfoot may have got away with it if it wasn’t for that pesky CCTV camera! The footage on the site clearly shows the officer striking 24 year old Mark Aspinall whilst rubbing his face on the concrete in the road. Take a look for yourself – the camera never lies; even if the police do!
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August 03, 2010

Manchester United Star Pulled Out Of Crashed Car

In recent news it has been reported that Manchester United Football player, Anderson, has had an almighty shock after he was pulled out of an Audi R8 sports car. It is unknown who was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident as a man and women were also pulled from the burning vehicle along with a “lifeless” Anderson, moments before the car exploded into a ball of flames.

It’s reported that Anderson was unconscious when he was retrieved from the vehicle but is now recovering from “concussion, whiplash and shock” it is said that he spent several hours in hospital following the accident. The 22 year old International Brazilian player was recovered from the £125,000.00 Audi after it hit a brick wall in Portugal. Anderson had been recovering from a knee injury which he had received treatment for.

The incident happened in the Geres area of Braga and is currently being investigated by Police in the area. A spokesman for the Football star said that Anderson suffered “an almighty scare”.
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By Editor
July 30, 2010

Olympian Injured in Bicycle Accident

British double Olympic champion rower, James Cracknell OBE, has been seriously injured after a bicycle accident in Arizona, USA.

The accident happened whilst 38 year old Cracknell, who won gold medals for rowing in the Olympics in Sydney 200 and Athens 2004, was filming a new TV series for the Discovery Channel and the BBC called ‘Cracknell’s Race Across America’ which involves him running, cycling and rowing across the United States when . Cracknell was cycling along a 2,500-mile stretch of Route 66 at around 5.30am on 20th July when he was hit from behind by a truck causing him to be flung off his bicycle. He was rushed to a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona where he was treated for a fractured skull and bruising to his brain in the neuro-trauma ward and he is now out of intensive care and believed to be making a good recovery.
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July 29, 2010

Man Crushed On Ferry

The BBC News Website has recently featured a story involving a 45 year old man being injured after he was crushed on a passenger ferry.

The 45 year old man from Poland has not yet been named, however it is understood that he was a crew member on the ‘Julia’ Swansea to Cork passenger ferry and that he was crushed by a water tight hydraulic door during his hours of work at approximately 11:45pm on Monday 12th July.

When the accident happened the ferry was approximately 10 miles south of St Anne’s Head, Milford Haven. The man was given first aid and medical treatment by on board nurses and members of the Milford Haven Coastguard who were called by other crew members and he was then airlifted to hospital by a helicopter from RMB Chivenor at around 2:40am the next morning. He is now being treated in North Devon District Hospital for a suspected broken pelvis.
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By Author
July 29, 2010

Road Accidents – The Dangers of Drink Driving

Drink driving is a topic I have often covered in the past; primarily because I am strongly against the idea of anyone thinking it is safe to get behind the wheel of a car whilst over the legal limit. We all know the dangers, and it’s no secret that consuming alcohol impairs your judgement, and you simply are not capable to drive safely when you are over the limit. The law is there for this very good reason!

So not only does it continue to astound me when I hear about stories of drink driving related incidents, but is vexes me even more when the story is just utterly ridiculous – with potential consequences for disaster…

According to sources from The Mirror (source), a father with his three children in the back of the car failed to notice his vehicle was on fire because he was drunk behind the wheel! It’s absolutely crazy! Why a person would get behind the wheel whilst intoxicated is a conundrum enough; but when your three children are in the car with you, it’s nothing but shameful.
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By Author
July 29, 2010

Speed Cameras Slashed!

I have to say that when I first read the news of this article on the Sky News Website I was actually appalled. Sky news reports that the government are slashing Road Accident expenses by 40%, so they may switch off thousands of speed cameras throughout England. Considering that the accident rates are constantly increasing due to drivers driving at speeds far too fast for the road, how is switching off these preventative measures going to help anyone!?

It has been estimated that 6,000 speed cameras across the UK cost motorists £100million in fines each year. So surely knowing this alone should stop them from turning the cameras off. Surely if there are this many felons now who are speeding, knowing that they are at risk of incurring 3 points and a minimum of a £60 fine, just imagine how many people are going to drive recklessly once the cameras are turned off. If people are already speeding knowing that there are these fines and cameras in place, what in the world is going to stop them from speeding if there is no punishment or fine in place at all!?
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By Author
July 28, 2010

Personal Injury Taxi Accidents Claims

Taxi accidents are more frequent than people realise and it often leaves the passengers in what feels like a very awkward position, as after al,l they may wonder what they can do as they were only a passenger. Well it is possible to make a claim for compensation for the injuries you have suffered.

The claim you chose to make will be placed against the party at fault in the accident, they should have insurance to cover them for any accidents. The insurance will cover any amounts of compensation that you are entitled to.

Taxi accidents can be very serious like any other road traffic accident; you may have been rushed to hospital and suffered from many injuries. If that is the case then it would be advisable for you to place a claim for compensation to help you manage your injuries and losses.
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By Editor
July 28, 2010

Motorcycle Accidents – When the Road is Responsible!

Motorcycle accidents can be common and disastrous. Motorists must always ensure to take extra care to look out for motorcyclists; but it’s not just other road users that can cause a rider injuries.

You can pursue a claim for compensation if you have an accident, or sustain an injury, from a defect in the road surface. Generally, cars can get away with driving over potholes or divots, usually unscathed. But a motorcyclist hitting a pothole or a road defect is an entirely different situation…

Rather obviously, a defect in the road could lead to a motorcyclist coming off of their bike – which could end up being disastrous on a busy road. I’ve said it before, and I shall say it again; riders don’t enjoy the added safety a car offers. The injuries sustained could be serious, especially on a busy road with cars around. If you’re lucky enough to manage to stay on your bike, you could still end up being injured. The defect could shake the bike to the extent that the rider could end up injured from the impact.
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By Author
July 28, 2010

A Tragic Case of Accidental Overdose

A very sad case has been recently exposed by Channel 4 News (source).

Baby Lucus, seven and a half months old, suffered from a neurological disorder called Sturge-Weber, a rare but treatable condition which causes regular convulsions in young children. He was admitted into the Homerton Hospital in East London for treatment following a number of fits. He was under the care of three experienced doctors: a paediatrician consultant, a senior registrar, and a senior house officer. Despite this, Baby Lucus was administered with between 9 and 12 times the recommended dose for a child of his age and weight of an anti-epileptic drug.
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