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July 23, 2010

Company Fined After Worker Fell 4ft

According to the BBC, the company, Tregroes Waffle Bakery Limited was fined £1750 and also ordered to pay costs at Llanelli magistrates’ court.

The worker who fell injured herself in the accident, suffering amongst other injuries, a fractured rib as she was on a structural girder used for access to cleaning.

Health and Safety Executive inspector Scott Mckinnon stated that the worker had been “exposed to unnecessary risk.”

The employee was cleaning the side of a flour hopper at the factory on 28 November 2008 when the incident occurred. In the fall she sustained a fractured rib, bruising and a cut leg.
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By Editor
July 22, 2010

Accidents on Holiday

Most people enjoy going abroad on holiday and now is a popular season for taking holidays abroad. When you arrive at your destination, the least thing you expect to happen is to be involved in an accident. Usually, whilst you are on holiday, especially if you have gone as part of a package deal, you will find that you’re well looked after but sometimes, on the unfortunate occasion, you may have found that this hasn’t happened which has led to an accident.

In many instances, when you have had an accident it is because of something i.e. you fell and sustained injury because you fell over an object. If you have had an accident in the hotel complex because something was negligently left unattended then you may have a claim for compensation.

Your travel provider should have insurance to cover any accidents that may occur whilst you are abroad, this insurance covers the travel provider should you make a claim for compensation and the insurance is where your compensation fund is claimed from.
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By Editor
July 22, 2010

Computers = Chocolate Addiction?

We’ve all got our excuses for eating too many chocolate bars at work haven’t we? I was too busy to stop and eat a proper lunch. Stress leads me to chocolate. I won’t be home until late so I ate a chocolate bar to keep me going.

But what if there is a scientific reason behind why we reach for the sweets and chocolates when we are sat at our computer all day?

I read a very interesting article on the Daily Mail website recently, regarding a study which has taken place in Stockholm by a Dr Chaput.
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By Editor
July 22, 2010

Slip And Trips To The Extreme

There are dangers all around us and as long as we are aware of them, sometimes they can be avoided. The most common place where accidents are likely to occur is in the workplace. We all know that accidents happen from time to time but it is the duty of your employer to ensure that the hazards and accidents are kept to a minimum.

As reported on a THIRD of all accidents in the workplace, in the UK are as a result of someone slipping on something or falling over something. This often occurs when floors aren’t cleaned properly or spillages are not reported, or when obstacles are left on the floor unattended and unmarked.
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By Author
July 21, 2010

Charity Fund Raisers Beaten Up in Training

It has been reported in recent news that three young men have been beaten up by a gang of youths whilst training for a charity walk raising funds for Cancer Research UK. Gareth Cottrell, Fraser Cottrell and their friend John Fitzpatrick were training for the 125 mile walk they planed to do to try and raise £1,000.00 for their chosen charity.

The three men were out walking a four mile circuit in Stalybridge near Manchester when a group of ten youths, who were drinking and fishing, started shouted abuse at the three walkers and started pelting stones at them. The three walkers tried to hastily walk away from the gang when they were followed and a violent attack started. Reportedly, Gareth saw a man of around 40 years of age approach, Gareth hoped that the man would put a stop to the attack but instead the man joined in and slashed Gareth’s face with a key. Fraser and John were left badly bruised from being repeatedly kicked and punched in the face and body.

The hate–filled attack left the walkers feeling depressed that a good deed could result in such violence.
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By Editor
July 21, 2010

Police Accidentally Fire Taser at Man’s Groin!

We at The Injury Lawyers write numerous blogs daily, covering an array of stories we find related to personal injury, and of course providing you with the useful information you need when asking the key questions about personal injury claims. As a daily writer, I come across some very unusual stories in the press. And this is another example of an out of the ordinary case of potential negligence that, as a male, is a very concerning to read…

According to sources from The Independent (source), an investigation is underway after a police officer accidentally discharged a Taser weapon in to a man’s groin! How this has happened, I don’t know! The 50,000 volt weapon narrowly missed 46 year old Peter Cox’s genitals after the officer appeared to have inadvertently fired the weapon whilst lowering it. A shocking story – with absolutely no pun intended at all!

Mr Cox has since sought legal advice (and rightly so) after he was pulled over by the officer on suspicion of driving the BMW he was in without insurance. Mr Cox, as any law abiding citizen would, pulled the vehicle to the side of the road near a friend’s house after noticing he was being followed by the patrol car. The officer proceeded to exit the police vehicle and aim the weapon towards him. The officer reportedly pointed the weapon at him for just a few seconds before lowering it and discharging the weapon, hitting his groin and ankle. He subsequently fell to the ground in agony and was later treated by paramedics at the scene.
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By Author
July 21, 2010

You May Have A Claim Despite What You Think

A lot of people don’t want to call Solicitors as they feel their injuries perhaps aren’t significant or worth a lot of money, when in actual fact it’s likely they are!! Hundreds of people are missing out on thousands of pounds by putting up with their injuries and just simply accepting that “these things happen”. Well, these things shouldn’t happen and you certainly shouldn’t suffer as a result.

An amazing example of this is one woman from America took out a Law Suit against McDonalds after spilling her cup of coffee onto her lap and burning herself. She wanted McDonalds to pay for her medical bills too. When McDonalds offered her $800 she said that this was crazy considering how the coffee was “unreasonably dangerous”. Amazingly, a jury awarded her $2.9 MILLION dollars!!!!! This was appealed and a judged reduced this to $640,000. As a result of this law suit, McDonalds have reduced the temperature of their coffee sold to 60-70 degrees to ensure this is of a “safer temperature”.

I am in no way saying that this ladies injury isn’t significant but just think how much this lady was awarded for a simple spill of coffee. I have spoken to people who have suffered more extensive injuries but don’t feel they should call anyone as their not sure if a claim is there. It’s free to call most reputable Independent Law Firms to see if you are entitled to compensation, so what have you got to lose?
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By Author
July 20, 2010

Acid Attack Wrecks Young Woman’s TV Dreams

The tragic story of Katie Piper is a horrific example of the cruelty and jealousy that one man went to in order to control his girlfriend. Katie Piper modeled for catalogs and also presented a number of short TV programmes, she was a young, beautiful woman who had dreams of working in the TV business.

Katie like many other young people in today’s society, enjoyed socialising on the social network Facebook, she received many emails every day from admirers. One of her admirers in particular, caught her attention, Daniel Lynch. Lynch was a Martial Arts enthusiast, aged 33, he emailed Katie regularly and Katie felt they had a lot in common; she too had been involved with some promotional work in martial arts. Lynch followed Katie’s career and decided to meet her at one of her promotional events in Reading.

Katie thought that Lynch seemed quite shy and nervous at first but sadly this all changed very quickly. At first Katie was flattered by how often Lynch contacted her, he emailed and called her all the time but soon it became quite obsessive, Katie began to feel quite stifled by all the contact and planned to end the relationship but didn’t say anything to Lynch.
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By Editor
employee work injury claims
July 20, 2010

Am I negligent for my own work accident?

If you have an accident at work are you responsible or are your employer’s automatically responsible for failing to take “better care of you”?

This is difficult to answer with a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’… As every case has to be judged on its own merits and there are many aspects which can influence how successful your claim is likely to be.

The first point is to establish whether or not your employer owed you a duty of care in the circumstances. Did your accident happen in your workplace; this may be in an office or out on a site you are contracted to work on? Your van or truck may be your workplace for example? If this is the case and if you had an accident whilst in your workplace then it’s more than likely that your employer owed you a duty of care.
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By Editor
July 20, 2010

“Lenient” Fines for the Buncefield Explosion Disaster

Sources from the Telegraph have today confirmed the outcome of the Buncefield explosion on December 11th 2005, labelled as the biggest European peacetime explosion. For those of you that are not familiar with this event – an explosion was caused after petrol vapour leaked from a tanker in the early hours of a Sunday morning back in 2005; an explosion that remarkably measured 2.4 on the Richter scale, and was heard over 125 miles away.

The five companies involved have each received fines equating to more than £9million; a figure that has been condemned by local MP’s and campaigners as too lenient given the scale of the disaster. The judge in the case at St Albans Crown Court, Judge Sir David Calvert-Smith, has stated ”Had the explosion happened during a working day, the loss of life may have been measured in tens or even hundreds”, according to the source. And it’s certainly a miracle – or perhaps sheer luck – that no one was seriously hurt given the scale of the explosion. In fact, the judge went on to say that the fact the incident occurred so early in the morning with no significant casualties “was little short of miraculous”. The environmental impact could reportedly remain for decades.
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