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July 20, 2010

Road Accidents: Drink Driving

Road accidents are common – they happen all the time. Normally, it’s a case of negligence – a driver not paying enough attention on the roads, and subsequently causing an unfortunate accident. But there are things drivers can do that puts themselves and other road users at risk; drink driving being the major one.

Drink driving is against the law for a very good reason – it’s a fact that alcohol impairs a person’s judgment and has a significant impact on the brain. This makes driving under the influence an obvious danger, yet people are still prepared to do it – and it does cause accidents.
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July 19, 2010

Motorcycle Victim Blinks to Save his Life!

Motorcycle accident victims can end up in a seriously bad way – many, are sadly fatal. But those who do survive often do so with permanent and life altering injuries; I suppose the worst would be a coma if the victim does survive the injuries.

This story is truly remarkable, and a bit of a miracle as well. According to Sky news (source), a motorcycle accident victim “pleaded to live” just before his life support was about to be switched off by blinking and moving his eyes…

Forty-three year old Richard Rudd was left paralysed after falling in to an irreversible coma following a crash leaving him with serious life altering brain injuries. His family made the tough decision that the father of two would not want to continue living in his condition, and gave doctors permission to withdraw his treatment. But moments before the decision was to be followed through, Richard was caught on camera signalling his will to live whilst a television documentary was being filmed, covering patients with severe brain injuries.
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accident report
July 19, 2010

Bouncy Castle accident risks and claims

Summer is finally here and we are all enjoying the recent hot weather and hoping that this is going to last throughout July, August and beyond. With the 6 weeks school holidays fast approaching I’m sure many people will be looking at ways to entertain their children and one popular way in which to do this would be to hire a bouncy castle, particularly for summer birthday parties.

However due to the nature of bouncy castles there is always risk of injury and it is important that parents and guardians who are thinking of hiring these types of inflatables do properly think of the risks involved and be aware of the required level of care and supervision.
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full drug history
July 16, 2010

The importance of taking a full drug history

Whenever you are seen by a medical practitioner, you should always make sure that the practitioner is aware of any drugs that you may be taking which could effect the treatment you are given. If this is not done, it could have devastating effects.

In one case reported in May 2010 by the Medical Protection Society, a 30-year old seemingly fit and healthy looking male was actually being treated with an immunosuppressive for his rheumatoid arthritis. Unrelated to this, he attended the A&E department of his local hospital with symptoms of an itchy rash and a general lack of energy.

The junior doctor who saw the patient recognised the rash as chicken pox and noted that he had not suffered with this common disease in his childhood. The doctor informed the patient of his diagnosis and advised him to stay at home and take paracetamol and use calamine lotion to reduce the itch. At no point did he check what prescription medications the patient may be taking.
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By Author
July 16, 2010

Bicycle Accidents – of the Unusual Kind

With the long, and seemingly never ending, recession, increased petrol prices and running costs for cars, and the greener view of our planet, it’s not surprising that there seem to be more bicycles on the roads. But bicycles are slow and hard to spot, and drivers can be impatient! So bicycle accidents do of course happen; and just with motorcycle accidents, the injuries the victims can sustain can be quite awful – and claims for compensation can be made.

But on occasions when I review the recent news in search of ideas for my next article, I find a story that can only be described as out of the ordinary. So here’s one – of an unusual cycle incident that could warrant a claim for compensation – but it’s certainly no accident we’re looking at here!
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workplace injury claims
July 15, 2010

Burns or scalds in the workplace

Burns and scalding can be very nasty injuries often leading to permanent scarring. Many people who have suffered from either injury can often carry physiological injuries too, believing that in some way it was their fault that they sustained an injury but actually this is very often untrue.

People who work in an environment that uses hot substances are more likely to suffer from a burn or scald but your employer should provide suitable equipment to prevent this from happening such as protective clothing and gloves. Plus any equipment that the hot substance is kept in should aim to protect an employee as well.
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By Editor
July 15, 2010

Claim for a Taxi Accident

If you have had an accident in a taxi, you may be wondering what you can do. If you were the passenger in the vehicle it may seem unfair that you have experienced injury and loss because of someone else’s fault.

Sounds familiar to you? Then perhaps you should consider placing a claim for compensation. As a passenger in a taxi, it’s more than likely that you had no influence over the accident and therefore, in the eyes of the law, you are considered an innocent party. This in theory should mean that your claim for compensation is fairly straight forward as it won’t be difficult to prove it was someone else’s fault.

You should always try to record the circumstances of the accident as soon after the event as possible, so that everything is still fresh in your mind. Take details of any people who may have witnessed your accident,  obtain details of all parties  involved such as the vehicle registration, names, taxi driver number and company the taxi driver works for. All this information will be very useful in your claim for compensation.
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choosing the correct solicitor
July 14, 2010

Choosing a Solicitor – Be extra careful!

Choosing a solicitor is a big decision; and it’s a decision all claimants should take some time to consider. But there are certain alleys in road accident claims you should avoid – and now, this is even more important!

At the end of April this year, the protocol for road accidents changed. A road accident is submitted and dealt with through an online portal established by the Ministry of Justice that we solicitors and the insurers progress the claims through. Generally, it’s a great new system, as it makes the whole process a lot quicker. But we have found a significant flaw that we hope to be rectified shortly. According to the powers that be for the process, changing your solicitor part way through a claim, currently, cannot be done – So why is this a problem?
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By Author
July 14, 2010

Back Pain

I don’t know about you but I find that we are always being told different things following more and more research into back ache and to be quite frank, never know whether we are coming or going.

Many of us have suffered with back pain at some point in our lives; for many of us it can be severe and debilitating with a life of constant suffering.

We see experts, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc and what is the one thing they all reiterate? It is important to maintain a good posture at all times as poor posture is the most common cause of back pain amongst us.
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By Editor
July 14, 2010

Dangers of Social Networking

As we all know Social Networking Sites are one of the Internets most trafficked places in order to contact friends, family and to meet new people, but just how many people are aware of the dangers and incidents that these types of sites can and have caused?

As specialist Personal Injury Lawyers we deal with all kinds of Personal Injury claims. One type of claim we deal with is CICA claims, also known as Criminal Injury Compensation Association claims. These types of claims are for victims of assault, shootings, attacks and many other violent acts.

A lot of us don’t realise what kind of issues can be caused by Facebook. A recent story from the Independent reads; “A 16-year-old boy who fatally stabbed a former friend over a “loss of face” after they traded insults on Facebook was detained for at least 14 years today.” source
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