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July 07, 2010

Amputation Disaster

Most of us would go to the Dr and if he told us we were green we would probably believe him as we think they know best. Clearly they didn’t in the case of one girl who will remain unnamed.

The girl was told she had a malignant bone tumour in her right leg and underwent major surgery to remove most of the leg below the knee and had a metal plate fitted in place of this. The metal plate was causing her great discomfort and restriction. An example of this is that she was used to playing tennis as a hobby, she used to enjoy it a great deal but she could no longer play the sport because of the horrific mistake.

To make matters a million times worse! The so called “medical professionals” revealed to her that they were wrong and that she didn’t have any form of cancer and the chemotherapy they had been treating her for and the amputation was all totally unnecessary!
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July 06, 2010

Claim For A Taxi Accident Guide

If you have recently been involved in a road traffic accident whilst you were a passenger in a taxi then you may be entitled to place a claim for compensation. Accidents happen every day unfortunately, if you were sadly involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault then you may find the following information very useful.

Always record everything that has happened, the more information you can take the easier the matter becomes. It’s always best to take the information as soon after the event as possible as that way you are less likely to make mistakes and record inaccurate information. After the accident involving the taxi, you will need to find out the taxi drivers name, the company who insures them, the company they work for, the vehicle registration number and the drivers number. Also record any details of any other vehicles who were involved, the driver’s names and addresses and take information from witnesses. Make a statement of all the facts that lead to the accident, whose fault you thought it was.
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By Editor
July 06, 2010

Horse Road Traffic Accident Injury Claims

Road Traffic Accidents are one of the most common types of injuries that occur. The reason for this is more than likely to be the fact that we are all on the road going or coming from work almost every day so the chances of being involved in an accident are a lot higher than if we weren’t on the roads.

But I bet everyone who drives to work in the morning doesn’t think that they could be involved in a situation like the one on the right!!!! That is right, unfortunately this is a picture of a horse being lodged into someone wind screen after a collision.

According to British Horse Society figures, there are over 3,000 accidents on the roads each year involving horses. These figures include several fatalities.
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July 06, 2010

Shopping Accidents

Have you ever been out and about shopping and sadly been caught up in an accident? It’s probably something that you were least expecting to happen but if the accident was in no way your fault then you may want to consider making a claim for compensation.

Any shop that is open to the public has a duty of care to their customers to ensure that their property is of a safe condition. If the accident happened due to unsafe conditions, you may potentially have a claim for compensation. Always take the full circumstances of the incident, try to do this as soon as possible so that everything is still fresh in your mind. Try to think about who you believe is at fault for the accident and if possible take photographs of what caused your accident.

Always seek medical advice after any accident, that way your injuries can be assessed by an expert and you can receive the adequate care and treatment that you may need. If possible take photographs of your injuries, as obviously this is a very clear form of evidence. Your medical records will also be of use in your claim for compensation as they will provide evidence of the injuries which you suffered from.
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By Editor
July 02, 2010

Travel Accidents On The Increase

More and more people are travelling abroad in today’s society; the number of people travelling has increased dramatically in the past few years. The introduction of cheaper airlines means that it’s much more affordable for people to travel, as this type of business increases it’s clear to say that the accident rates have also grown in numbers involving staff and passengers.

If you have experienced injury whilst travelling abroad, whether it be in the air or on the ground, you may want to consider placing a claim for compensation. If the accident wasn’t your fault and you didn’t contribute to the accident in any way, then you are considered an innocent party in the eyes of the law, this should potentially make the claim slightly easier to deal with as there shouldn’t be any arguments over liability.

You will, however, need to obtain as much information as possible. For example, if you were on the airplane and an accident took place, you’ll need to record everything that happened. Try to record the circumstances as soon as possible, as the events will probably still be fresh in your mind. Record details of why you thought the accident happened, whose fault you thought it was, record the details of the travel company and also take the details of any people who witnessed the incident as these people may be able to provide very useful information and may help in proving that the accident happened.
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By Editor
July 02, 2010

UK’s Most Dangerous Roads Revealed

Every year thousands of people are killed on British roads in road traffic accidents and a new report recently released by ‘The Road Safety Foundation’ has revealed the top ten most dangerous roads in Britain. The report, titled ‘Saving Lives For Less’ covers 28,000 miles of motorways and A-roads and revealed that half of all fatal road crashes occur on just one-tenth of all Britain’s roads.

The most dangerous road in Britain is revealed to be the A537 which runs between Macclesfield in Cheshire, and Buxton in Derbyshire. The road has severe bends, steep falls and is edged by dry stone walls and between 2007 and 2008, 34 people were killed on this road. The most improved road for safety is the A40 between Landover and Carmarthen.
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July 02, 2010

Bad Hair Day

This is a shocking story for all you ladies (or even men) out there who like to treat themselves to a new look in the local hair salon now and again. We’ve all done it at some time and many of us do it more often than not but are we leaving ourselves open to serious danger?

I’m talking about going for the elusive cut and colour of course.

We’ve all been doing our hair one day, looked in the mirror and thought “I fancy a change of colour” – we pick up the phone, make that call and don’t think anything more about it.

What happens when your re-style goes wrong, though? How devastating can it really be?
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By Editor
July 01, 2010

Six Year Old Crushed By Gate

A story reported yesterday (30th June 2010) on the BBC News Website (source) about a young girl who has been crushed to death by an electrical gate in Manchester.

The 6 year old girl, named as Miss Semelia Campbell became trapped between a brick post and the wrought iron gate at around 7.30pm on Monday on the Lowry Estate in Moss Side, Manchester. Her Mother, Ms Judith Gilroy, watched on helplessly after the key fob she had failed to stop the gate moving and, although she also later switched off the electricity, she was unable to save her.

A police officer who rushed to the scene eventually managed to pull her out after he smashed the motor but she had already gone into cardiac arrest. She was rushed to Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital but tragically she died a short time later.
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July 01, 2010

Occupiers Accidents

If you have been renting a property and have had some sort of accident due to something being unsafe in the property then you may have a potential claim for compensation. Landlords are required to ensure that their properties are safely equipped before making them available to rent.

There are many cases each year where occupants have had an accident due to unsafe living conditions, some of the cases have been very dangerous and sometimes, even after the tenant have informed the Landlord of the problem, the Landlord makes no attempt to rectify the problem resulting in injury.

If you feel that something could have been done to avoid your accident and you wish to take the matter further, you should, first of all, record all the details of the incident. Try to do this soon after the incident so that everything is still fresh in your mind. Try to include: Exactly what happened, what lead to the incident, what caused the incident, how it has affected you, what your injuries are. If possible take photographs of the defect item and of any visible injuries. These can be used as significant pieces of evidence.
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By Editor
July 01, 2010

Hair Dye – Is It Worth It?

A lot of people don’t realise this, but certain regulations have to be followed in relation to hair colouring. People may think, “oh everyone gets their hair coloured, it won’t fall out it’ll be fine”. This could be the reason so many women unfortunately end up looking like this unfortunate lady (right).

As reported in the Re’Voil Hair & Beauty News Blog, the woman (in the picture) was immediately rushed to hospital as she was left temporary blind after a severe allergic reaction to hair dye. That’s right, this woman’s blindness was caused by hair dye!

Even more shockingly this woman also did carry out the 48 hour skin test a few days prior to this incident and had no reaction which led her to believe that this product was safe to use.
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