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June 30, 2010

Do You Suffer From “Wrap Rage”

This may sound crazy, but it is 100% true. More than 150 people a day are stabbing themselves when trying to open a ready meal packet or trying to open a stiff food jar using a knife. This was noted by a survey done by ‘Your Magazine’ which gave the questionnaire to more than 20,000 over 50’s.

The problems caused by trying to unwrap food have been referred to as “wrap rage”.

The terrible tea pot cosy- believe it or not, thousands of people have been injured by attempting to pick up the tea pot by the cover rather than by the handle. This has lead to severe burns and scalding.

Even more amazingly the Home Accident Surveillance System last year got figures of 5,310 people being injured whilst putting on their socks, 11,788 people taken to hospital whilst putting on their tights or stockings.
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June 30, 2010

Legal Action Over Seriously Ill Twins

The parents of two year old twins have begun legal action against a petting farm after their children became seriously ill from contracting E.coli from Godstone Farm, Surrey, in August 2009 – and they are seeking compensation for personal injury.The incident was reported last year, with the twins being just 2 victims of a total of 93 who became infected after the outbreak at Godstone last year. 76 where children under the age of ten.

The twins, Aaron and Todd Mock, who were infected after visiting the petting farm on a school trip, were 2 of the most seriously affected, and had to spend weeks in hospital after suffering from kidney failure.

The legal action against the farm follows the release of a report into the outbreak which revealed that the Health Protection Agency (HPA) failed to take appropriate action to reduce and contain the outbreak. This failure and the lack of action by the HPA lead to the farm remaining open throughout the bank holiday weekend, during which they had over 5000 visitors, despite the fact that they were aware of a number of cases of the bug.
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June 30, 2010

Cyclist Injured After Hit And Run Accident

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after an accident on 15th June in which a female cyclist was left with multiple injuries after being hit by a driver who failed to stop and fled the scene.

The accident happened at approximately 8.30am on Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh and a number of people stopped to assist the woman. Police have so far interviewed a number of witnesses but as yet have been unable to obtain enough information to allow them to trace the driver who was believed to have been driving a greyish-blue car.

A Sergeant with Edinburgh Police released a statement asking for any further witnesses to come forward to assist them with getting to the bottom of what happened. He also stated that “of course we want to speak to the driver of the car who we urge to make himself known to the police. If the driver has done nothing wrong and was just on their way to work or school we will get to the bottom of it. They may not even have realised they were involved”. (source)
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June 29, 2010

Been Injured in a Taxi Accident?

Taxi’s are a popular form of transport in today’s society, people often choose taxi’s to avoid the hustle and bustle experienced on public transport. What most people don’t expect to happen is to be caught up in a road traffic accident whilst as a passenger in a taxi. I would think that many people are shocked and frightened to be involved in an accident at all. You may wonder if there is anything you can actually after a taxi accident, if you experienced some type of loss and/or injury.

Well depending on the circumstances and your injuries, you may have a potential claim for compensation. As a passenger in a vehicle, if you didn’t contribute to the accident in any way, you are seen as an innocent party in the eyes of the law. This, in theory should make your claim for compensation fairly straight forward as their will be no argument over liability.
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By Editor
June 29, 2010

Are NHS Cuts Affecting Patient’s Health?

The NHS has been asked to make efforts to reduce costs as new treatments and an ageing population are raising costs. The government has said that the front line services must be protected whilst cuts are being made. A Chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA), Dr. Hamish Meldrum, has reported that evidence proves that jobs are being lost and some services are restricted as a result of the cost cuts.

Dr Meldrum reportedly said that he understood that cuts needed to be made, however he said that he was concerned at how the early cuts were being made, as doctors were not being consulted with regards to these matters. The NHS is one area of public spending who will not see its budget cut, however the NHS is still being asked to save on spending as the price of drugs increase, a ageing population and obesity.
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By Editor
June 28, 2010

Claiming for Attacks

If you have been attacked by another person in an unprovoked act of violence, you may have a potential claim for compensation.

Depending on the circumstances of the incident it may be worthwhile you looking into the matter of claiming for compensation. If you have been attacked as an obvious attempt of violence, such as being assaulted on a night out, or if someone has thrown an object at you and the incident was unprovoked, you should consider placing a claim.

If you do decide to place a claim, your claim will go through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA); a government body that pays out for injuries sustained as a result of an act of violence from another person.
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By Editor
June 28, 2010

The Costs of Claiming for Compensation

It’s probably the most asked question we at The Injury Lawyers hear when we take on a new case – and it’s perfectly understandable for people to be asking it. So, here’s a quick insight in to the costs of claiming; you may be pleasantly surprised at the answer…

No Win No Fee

Ever heard of this term before? It’s quite a common one we injury lawyers talk about! Most No Win No Fee agreements such as ours (I say most, because not all law firms out there work the same us) do exactly what they say on the tin! If the claim is lost, the claimant is not charged for the solicitors work. So who pays us? The answer is – no one!
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June 25, 2010

Unsafe Working Conditions

Have you ever had an accident at work because of the conditions you have been subject to working in? If you feel that your working conditions led to your accident you may have a potential claim for compensation.

You may potentially have a claim for compensation because your employer has a clear duty of care to their employees; if these standards have not been met and it has resulted in you having an accident, you may be within your rights to pursue a claim. All employers by law should have employer’s liability insurance which covers them for any accidents that may occur. You should not feel in any way worried about pursing a claim against your employers, there is nothing that they can legally do to cease your employment as a result of an accident – this is just a common misconception.
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By Editor
June 25, 2010

Lucky to be Alive – Car Accident Victim “Saved” by Four Leafed Clover!

Road traffic accidents are common – they happen all of the time. Modern cars are of course equipped as much as possible to deal with impacts and protect the occupants of a vehicle.  But of course there are occasions when an impact is so huge that serious injury cannot be prevented. According to this next miracle story from The Sun however, it’s not only the safety features of a car that can save us in a serious car accident…

According to the report (source), 20 year old survived a terrible crash by somewhat of a miracle that has only so far been explained by a four leaf clover! Yes, that’s right – a four leaf clover!

Mr Curry was close to death following a horrific crash after losing control of his vehicle, causing it to flip on to a wooden barrier. A post pierced right through Mr Curry’s body; however, A+E medical staff were amazed to discover that the post miraculously missed all of his vital organs! Not only this, but a four leafed clover was discovered stuck to his back by the medical staff, and thus the eerie conclusion was made. Certainly a miraculous story!
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June 25, 2010

Chemical Controversy – Leak Leaves Several Injured

Chemicals can be dangerous – I’m sure we all understand that! So handling dangerous chemicals is important to get right when it comes to health and safety. Any failures can of course result in some serious suffering dependant on the nature of the chemical. I suppose the obvious one we at The Injury Lawyers have a good expertise in is asbestos – we’ve authored plenty of articles on the subject!

So here’s another recent incident that has left several people needing treatment – according to sources from Sky News, a chemical leak in Deeside has left three people hospitalised and a further 11 requiring treatment (source). The leak at a Deeside industrial estate in Flintshire required the attention of North Wales Fire and Rescue at the scene, with the incident described by them as “an uncontrolled mixture of chemicals released which produced chlorine gas.”
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