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May 21, 2010

MoD Claims

It can be a very challenging role when you are working in the armed forces; we hear of more and more regiments being dispatched to the worn torn countries all over the world that are required to fight in gruelling wars.   Not only is it horrible that our soldiers have to fight in these wars but it’s even worse when you hear of the horrific tragedies that occur on what seems to be a daily basis.

It can be a very difficult experience to be injured on or off duty in a country which is not your own. Not only are your physical injuries a worry but so are the emotional scars you may have, plus any future health concerns you might have as a result of any incident.  There are also, of course, worries for your future career path and how you might financially support your family.  Depending on the circumstances of the incident you may be eligible to place a claim for compensation; there may be numerous parties liable for your military accident.
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By Editor
May 21, 2010

Killer Keyboards: How Clean is Your Desk?

We’ve previously discussed the onus on your employer to ensure that you have a workstation which is safe and fit for purpose. You work station i.e. your desk, chair and surrounding area, should be such that you can work day to day without causing yourself undue harm. Your desk should be set up for your own individual needs, so if you need your monitor at a certain height – it should be that way, or if you need back support – this should be provided.
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By Editor
May 20, 2010

Claiming Compensation for Your Child – Mothercare Withdraws Buggy Through Injury Risk

It’s never nice to be injured in an accident, or injured through the fault of another person or company. And it’s perhaps worse when a child is the victim of an accident through the negligence of another person or company.

And according to sources from The Mirror (source), youngster retail giant Mothercare has withdrawn two models of buggies from its shop floors after the manufacturers admitted the buggies posed “a serious injury risk to toddlers.”
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May 19, 2010

Referral Fees

I note that some of my colleagues have previously posted blogs surrounding the issue of referral fees; what they are, how they affect you and why should look out for them.

Today I was reading an article on the Guardian’s website relating to this particular fact once again, as the Legal Services Board have been carrying out a lot of research in to the area. It is thought that by the end of the summer a decision shall be made about whether or not these fees should be banned altogether.

By next Monday the Legal Services Board will have released information about how the referral fee system is impacting on the economy. Shortly after this release they will also be confirming the results of the report carried out with the board’s consumer panel.
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By Editor
May 19, 2010

Claims For Dog Bites

If you have ever been bitten by a dog, you will understand how traumatic it can be. Not only is it an awful experience but it can leave you scarred for life – both mentally and physically.  You may never be able to go near a dog again as the experience has left you too scared.

Is there anything I can do?

It is horrible to have been bitten by a dog especially if the attack was unprovoked. Many people don’t always think about placing a dog bite claim; but you could have a potential claim for compensation. If your child has been bitten, you are quite within your rights to place a claim on behalf of your child.
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By Editor
May 19, 2010

Claiming Against Your Landlord

Have you had problems with your Landlord that have been difficult to resolve?

Sometimes the Tennant can find themselves in a very difficult position when it comes to renting from an unfair landlord. Often the situation is that if the tenant doesn’t comply with the landlord’s regulations, they can find themselves homeless. This shouldn’t be the case if the landlord’s requests are unjustified and unfair.

Sometimes the issues arise during the transition process; perhaps you have given your notice to move out and your land lord is being particularly unfair? Or perhaps you have moved out and you have received a number of unjustified bills for which you did not incur? Sometimes, the land lord may not comply with the maintenance of the property even after you have notified your land lord of the problems.  Your land lord may have stopped the initial bond from being returned to you and you don’t understand why.
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By Editor
May 18, 2010

Claiming for Compensation – Choose Your Lawyer Very, Very Carefully!

OK, so I’ve talked about this subject a lot – not just recently, but spanning over all my previous articles. But I still can’t stress the point enough when there are so many companies out there who may not be looking to keep your best interests at heart, but are rather more interested in making a quick buck from your claim!

So what do I mean? Well, generally when you are involved in a road traffic accident, you get inundated with offers from every angle from people and companies wanting to take your claim on. The biggest example is your own insurers, who will do anything to get you to “claim with them”. So why is this, and why do so many people fall for it; and what are the consequences… ?
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By Author
May 17, 2010

Claiming for Compensation – the Right Way!

There are many ways to claim for compensation – and there is a right way and a wrong way to doing it! So here’s a little advice on the best way of claiming; and the things you need to avoid:

Dealing with the Third Party Directly

This should be avoided! The third party is the person, company, or representative of the person/company responsible for the accident. It’s advisable to get independent representation – you can never be sure that the third party has your best interests at heart. With independent representation, you know you have an expert on your side; dedicating themselves to you and your claim!

So what you need is an independent expert lawyer representing you for the case, which brings nicely to my next point:
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By Author
May 17, 2010

Claiming against the NHS

We have all heard the horror stories of incidents that have gone wrong in hospitals – patients who have been left in appalling circumstances due to the negligence of NHS staff members, for example.  Even what would appear to be simple procedures have sometimes gone very wrong indeed. But why are these horrible circumstances so common? We would expect in this day an age that this kind of thing is not as common as it once was. However, it seems that most people know of someone who has been a victim of negligence from the NHS.

In 2006 the BBC covered a story on Baby with a Broken Wrist (source). Mr Hulme, 32, took his young daughter to the A&E unit at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, following a fall. The Senior Doctor who examined Mr. Hulme’s little girl concluded that she was fine to return home with no further treatment following the clinical examination.
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By Editor
May 17, 2010

Uninsured Drivers

It is believed that there are now over 2 million people driving on Britain’s roads without any insurance cover and Police figures have revealed that the number is increasing at an alarming rate every year. Figures show that in the whole of 2007 14,520 cars were seized in London, however the most recent figures show that last year 14,133 were seized between April and September alone.

Driving without insurance is a particular problem with young drivers aged between 17 and 21, with 1 in 5 driving without insurance. It is believed that this is mainly due to the cost of insurance for young people being too high and many believe that it should be made cheaper to try and encourage more people into getting insurance. This is the view of one driver, Mr. Gary Street, who was hit by a young uninsured driver on his way to work. Mr. Street suffered neck and back injuries in the accident which kept him off work for a month and the accident also affected him financially as he had to claim on his own insurance costing him £900 for his policy excess and his premiums have also increased as a result of losing his no claims bonus.
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