This week, it has come to light that more than 200 patients treated at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital are suing one of the consultants there for negligent treatment.
The BBC states (source) that all the women went to the hospital for treatment for incontinence and have come out with symptoms significantly worse that they had before the operation. Some had minor urinary incontinence and left the hospital suffering with double incontinence affecting both their bladder and their bowels.
Incontinence is a common problem in the UK, particularly found in women following childbirth, but the fact that it is common does not lessen the serious effects that it can have on people’s lives. This is a humiliating condition which, when severe, can dictate what the sufferer is able to do. Many patients must forward-think their day to ensure that they are never too far from a toilet and some people can almost feel housebound by the condition.
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