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January 15, 2016

Several commuters injured in Reading Railway Station escalator accident

According to news reports, more than 40 people have been injured at Reading Railway Station at around 7:30am at platform 14 during the busy commuting hours on Wednesday 6th January 2016.

In a nightmarish start to the year, several people walking up the stationary escalators ended up in a heap when the stairs suddenly started moving backwards at pace. Some of those at the top were able to rush off or jump to the side, but many were caught in the middle and ended up in a heap at the base of the escalators.
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December 21, 2015

Clinical negligence: A failure to refer

One of the most common types of medical negligence compensation claims that we help victims for, involve a failure by the NHS – often a GP – to refer a patient for more investigation or treatment. Our GP, or in some cases the initial medical professionals we see, can only do so much. When your condition, illness, or injury goes beyond their field of expertise, and when their help is not enough, you need to be referred to the right person.

In many cases there is a window of time where you need to be referred before a problem becomes more complicated, or perhaps a referral quick enough to stop you getting worse or unduly suffering. So, when this doesn’t happen in time, what are your rights for justice?
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December 21, 2015

Can a UK lawyer fight your accident abroad claim?

The short answer is: yes!

It does however depend on a number of factors like where the accident happened; how it was caused; and perhaps most importantly, how your trip abroad was arranged.

The most common example of a claim where you can ask a UK lawyer like us to fight for the accident claim is where you are injured as part of what is classed as a package tour holiday.

You still do need a specialist lawyer with expertise in helping people claim for compensation for accidents abroad though!
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October 20, 2015

55 Patients suffered horrific side effects of ‘unnecessary’ chemotherapy and kept in the dark for six years

News reports have emerged about allegations against two doctors practising under the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust who allegedly administered extra strong doses of chemotherapy to patients who apparently didn’t need the treatment. All forms of chemotherapy come with horrendous side effects, but there are forms of cancer that it can do little for.

According to reports, 55 patients were administered with the allegedly needless treatment, suffering awful side effects like nausea, loss of fertility, and fatal infections.
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October 20, 2015

Coloplast A/S – temporary suspension of CE certification for Testicular implants and inflatable vaginal stents

Our Medical and Product Lawyers have a lot of experience in fighting for the rights of those affected by medical device recalls and claims. We have acted for a large number of victims of the PIP breast implant scandal where millions have been recovered in damages for victims.

We recently blogged on the Silimed investigation where contaminant particles were found on devices following an inspection. In an update from the MHRA, a number of Coloplast A/S devices that were made by their subcontractor Silimed lndustria de lmplantes Ltda have had their CE mark revoked.
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October 06, 2015

Public Liability – a quick guide!

It is clear that any person who occupies a property owes a duty of care for the safety of any person who legally uses the premises. In places such as shops, restaurants, high street service branches, cafes, etc, the duty is there.

It’s important to have a duty of care because it helps to prevent people from being needlessly injured in accidents which were entirely avoidable. Sometimes things happen and it’s hard to control them, but sometimes the suffering of an injury could have been avoided.

Where it could have been avoided, a claim can arise.
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workplace accidents
October 06, 2015

Manual handling at work – a quick guide!

If you have found yourself having to manoeuvre objects at work, and as a result you injure yourself, we may be able to claim compensation on your behalf.

As it stands, the law is clear that your employer should not be requiring any employee to carry, push, pull or lift any object which can pose a danger to their health and safety where it can be avoided. Where this can’t be avoided, strict compliance to the law is a must.
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October 06, 2015

The Provision and Use of Equipment at Work – Quick help guide

Over the years at The Injury Lawyers, our specialist team have been dedicated to securing maximum compensation for employees injured through the use of equipment at work.

Any employee who is involved in an accident of this nature may be entitled to secure compensation on a no win no fee basis.

You may be wondering: who can claim, and under what circumstances can a claim be made? Detailed below are the specifics as to what the law says on the matter, what would be considered a ‘workplace’ and who would be considered an ’employee’ to be eligible to bring a claim.
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By Editor
September 25, 2015

CE safety certification removed for Silimed implants

Just three years after the PIP breast implant scandal which saw thousands of people claiming worldwide, another major investigation in to implant safety has been launched.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and other European healthcare product regulators are conducting an ‘urgent investigation’ in to implants manufactured by the Brazilian company Silimed after concerns realised in a recent inspection of their production facilities.
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September 22, 2015

What makes the best compensation lawyers?

With so many firms out there to choose from, we have often asked ourselves this very question in our own efforts to be the best. As the original Injury Lawyers, we have worked hard for decades to model our service and the way we fund claims to give you, the injured victim, the best possible experience.

No one wants to have to claim, but when you are injured through no fault of your own, you are entitled to justice. Trust us to tell you what makes the best compensation lawyers, and we’ll happily justify our reasoning for you as well.
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