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May 13, 2010

Restaurant Claims

When you choose to eat out at a restaurant you expect a certain level of service, if this service isn’t provided it can often be quite annoying and unpleasant. You would also expect the food to be cooked properly and the presentation and maintenance of the restaurant to be of a satisfactory standard.

If you have ever been involved in an accident or were injured or harmed when eating at a restaurant, it might be worth considering making a claim for compensation.  For example, if you became ill after eating food that wasn’t prepared correctly you may have a potential claim for compensation. If you fell over due to the negligence of staff i.e. you slipped on the floor due to spilt water or you tripped over some unattended items, again, you may have a claim for compensation.
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By Editor
May 12, 2010

Claiming On Behalf Of A Child

Each year many children are treated in hospitals for many accidents, often as a result of the child’s immaturity, boisterous or reckless behaviour. Most of the time, no one can be held accountable for the accident other than the child themselves. Sometimes however, if preventative measures were in place, the accident may have been less likely to happen.

Children are very vulnerable and the law recognises this, placing their safety and well being in the hands of adults. If your child has been involved in an accident as a result of a negligent person, your child might have a claim for compensation; depending on the circumstances of course.  Children under the age of 18 will have to be represented by an adult. If you are unsure as to whether your child has a claim for compensation, it’s always worth investigating it with a specialist injury lawyer.
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By Editor
May 11, 2010

KFC Fined £19,000 for Hygiene Breaches!

The Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 – it’s an important piece of legislation there to protect us against dodgy deals and faulty products; and the regulations involved are ones that all manufacturers and providers of goods and services must abide by. Failing to do so can leave them liable for any suffering caused by their negligence in failing to adhere to the regulations to a sufficient standard.

Now I myself have had bad experiences in the past of poor services and inadequate products sold to me, and I am certain that the majority of you reading this have as well! In fact, we at The Injury Lawyers have been at the mercy of our telecommunications providers who have provided a far less than satisfactory service to us with countless errors over the past few months; and you’d think with them being probably the biggest British provider that they would provide the best service in the country!
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By Author
May 11, 2010

Faulty Goods

At some point or another we have all bought something that ends up not working, but perhaps not so many of us have bought a product that ends up being a hazard to the user. It can come as quite a shock, especially if your harmed by something you have only just bought.

 It’s quite clear cut when it comes to the law’s governing the sale of products; The Sale of Goods act 1939 determines that the goods must be safe and they must fit the description given for the product. They must also be of satisfactory quality and fit the purpose intended. If the product requires assembling or installing, the customer must be supplied with adequate instructions. If you receive a demonstration of the product prior to purchase, the product must also fit that demonstration. It’s also worth noting that the law states that the fault lies with the retailer and not the manufacturer, even for website based sales.

When you purchase a new product, most of us would expect it to have gone through the necessary checks in order for it to go on sale to the public. This is the case for the majority of products; however there are the odd few instances when products have slipped through the net and in actual fact they are unsafe to be on the shelves for purchase.
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By Editor
May 10, 2010

Medication Errors in the Treatment of Children

A report prepared by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) has revealed an alarming number of medical errors occurring in the treatment of children and babies in our hospitals.

In a one year period, the researchers found that over 60,000 children were exposed to clinical mistakes, the majority of which were cases where the patient was administrated with an incorrect dose of medication or where no medication was provided at all. Medication errors are particularly worrying as they can have very grave effects for the patient. The research by the NPSA found that 33 children and 39 babies under one year died following provision of an incorrect dose of medication.

The NPSA have urged drug companies to begin to manufacture medications in child doses as well as adult doses in the hope that fewer administrational errors can be made. When dealing with such a small body mass, a slight increase in medication can cause disastrous consequences. It is therefore extremely important that prescribed doses are checked and checked again.
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By Author
May 10, 2010

Can I Make A Claim For Being Electrocuted?

The answer…yes (dependent on the circumstances of course!)

To clarify; you wouldn’t be able to claim for the shock or ‘snap’ you feel from the static on your carpet or when you shut your car door now and again. If you had misused a product in an unreasonable manner which had caused the shock to arise then again it is unlikely you will be able to make a claim.

But what if a product you have purchased is faulty and caused you a serious electric shock? What if your apparatus at work is faulty and you have experienced a shock which has resulted in severe injuries?
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By Editor
May 07, 2010

Hair Disasters

So you have been to the hairdressers expecting to come out with brilliant results, and you expect to be fully satisfied. However, something went wrong and you really don’t know what to do about it and you’re a little confused as to why it’s happened. You went into the hairdressers expecting it to be a simple and straightforward process. After all, everyone goes to the hairdressers; surely it’s an easy enough process to have something like your hair dyed when you are in the hands of a “professional”.

Anyone who has happened to suffer in the hands of a hairdresser is far from alone. Hair dressing problems are much more common than people realise and the majority of the time the issues occur as a result of poor techniques or incompetence on the hair dressers part. Hairdressing is a profession that is actually by far under regulated in this country.

The chemicals used for bleaching, straightening, colouring and perming hair all consist of very strong substances, which if used incorrectly can go very wrong indeed – often leading to burns, hair loss and in very severe cases, permanent damage. There are also risks with hair extensions if they are misused leading to semi permanent and even permanent damage. Also, dermatitis through contact is fifteen times higher than the national average.
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choosing the correct solicitor
May 07, 2010

Victory for the victims of the Maclaren Buggy hinge defect

It’s always sad to hear of instances where people are seriously hurt in accidents or incidents that were not their fault; and even more so when the victims are infants or children. But what’s nice to hear is when justice is finally served, and the victims of negligence receive the payouts they duly deserve!

So in a combination of the above, does anyone recall the Maclaren buggy cases? We at The Injury Lawyers have actually authored a few blogs on this story, and we are pleased to report that according to sources from Sky News, UK victims of the defective pram – that caused the infant users to sustain serious lacerations, fractures and in some cases complete amputation at the end of the finger – from the dangerously exposed hinges of the fold up push chair will receive compensation for their suffering!
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By Author
May 07, 2010

Dog AND Owner Attack Victim

My colleague today wrote an article on this very same subject – dog attacks and the consequences they have on the lives of the victims involved. They seem to be quite common in the news recently, and today I came across a story of a violent dog attack in which the owner and his accomplices actually joined in the assault!

According to sources from The Mirror (source/), 41 year old Scott Lomas suffered severe injuries when he attempted to stop a Staffordshire bull terrier from fighting with a dog tethered outside a newsagents when this vicious and unprovoked assault began. The unleashed animal ran up to the tethered dog when the owner and his accomplices, rather than stopping the fight, approached the tethered dog and proceeded to kick it, according to the wife of the victim, Michelle. “My husband tried to stop them and told them to get their dog on a lead.” She said, “As he got in the car, they slammed the door on his leg. He confronted them. My husband was jumped on by one as all three moved towards him. He bit Scott’s face on the eyebrow, almost ripping it off.”
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May 07, 2010

First Official UK Workers Memorial Day for Victims of Accident’s At Work

On 28th April 2010 people all over the country gathered at events, rallies and services to mark the UK’s first officially recognized Workers Memorial Day which is held in memory and recognition of all the people who have been killed or suffered injuries in accidents at work.

Every year hundreds of thousands of people all over the world are killed or injured in accidents at work due to poor health and safety standards in the work place and the negligence of employers. Support for Workers Memorial Day has grown in recent years and is already recognized and supported by many other countries throughout the world. This year is the first in which the UK will officially recognize Workers Memorial Day and it is hoped that official recognition will increase awareness further and lead to greater improvements in health and safety standards in the workplace. A member of safety group Hazards Campaign stated that “every year more people are killed at work than in war. Most do not die of mystery ailments or in tragic accidents. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t a priority”.
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