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March 12, 2010

Dangerous Dozing Drivers

Road traffic accidents – they’re the most straight forward of cases to run when it comes to personal injury claims. In the vast majority of instances, the blame is easy to establish. And there are many ways a driver can be negligent and cause an accident – so here’s an example from the Daily Mail today!

According to sources from the Mail, famous British adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been allegedly involved in a multi-car head on collision after falling asleep at the wheel of his Jaguar (source)
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By Author
March 09, 2010

Pre-Medical Pitfalls: Why You Shouldn’t Deal Directly With The Other Side’s Insurer

Picking up on the earlier article about parental indemnity settlements, I want to draw attention to the increasing trend by the other side’s insurer to make so called “pre-medical offers,” These offers come into play at an early stage of the claim if the other side admit fault for your accident they will often put forward an offer of anything between £1,000.00 and £2,000.00 (and sometimes several offers in quick succession) to bring your claim to an end. When I first began working in personal injury law nearly three years ago I noticed that these offers were rarely made by insurers but in the last year particularly almost every insurer will make an offer of this kind if they admit liability for your claim.

The rise of this tactic by insurers is probably a result of the fact that more people are becoming aware that they can claim for compensation from accidents and so many insurers are looking to cut their losses by throwing money at your claim which may not necessarily be a fair and accurate reflection of what it is worth.
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By Author
March 09, 2010

Air Traffic Control: Childs Play, Apparently…

I don’t know about you, but I can sympathise with anyone who has ever been a little nervous stepping on to a plane. Let’s put it into perspective; that massive white metal barrel your stepping in is going to be flying tens of thousands of feet off the ground! So you’d like to think that airlines and airports take safety very seriously. But according to two separate report s from the BBC, we may not be as safe as we think…

According to a recent report from the BBC, a Swedish pilot was arrested by Dutch police just moments before he was to take off in a jet from Amsterdam to Turkey carrying 101 people – without a license! (source)

According to Turkey’c Corendon Airlines, the unnamed 41 year old mad has been flying for the airline for two years, and were quoted to have said the perjurious pilot “expertly misled the company with his false papers”. The man in question once had a license to fly small planes, however this was overdue, and doesn’t really  stand as much comfort for anyone to be honest either! According to the report, the man was “relieved his long deception was uncovered and tore off his pilot’s stripes in the cockpit.” He is now rightly in police custody  awaiting trial.
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By Author
March 09, 2010

The Parental Indemnity Trap

Today’s blog entry is aimed at those readers who are parents and serves as a warning of how the responsible party’s insurers can put you at risk if your child is involved in an accident that wasn’t their fault.  To put this into some context I will provide a quick capsule review at how you can claim on behalf of your child if they are injured in an accident.

The usual way of claiming is that your solicitor will appoint you to represent your child’s interests and you will be their point of contact with the solicitor. If your child’s claim is accepted they will have a medical appointment with a consultant who then prepares a report that your solicitor sends to a barrister who will value your claim. The next step is for court proceedings to be issued so as a judge can conduct a hearing to determine the level of your child’s compensation which should then be held on trust until they are eighteen and old enough to decide how they want to spend it.
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By Author
March 08, 2010

Knowing Your Rights at Work – What Your Employer Should Do To Protect Your Safety

As most people’s time at work is limited and often very busy, it is often easy to overlook the safeguards that your employer should be putting in place to maintain your welfare at work should you have an accident. What follows in today’s blog is what you should expect from your employer.

The Health and Safety at work regulations 1999 set out many of your employer’s responsibilities to you as an employee, here are some of the ways they help make your workplace safer:

  • They provide that your employer must make a risk assessment to any risks to your health and safety and to make sure that such risks are identified and removed or (at the very least) the risks should be limited in affecting the safety of employees where possible. 
  • Following on from this they should make you aware of these risks and how you should deal with them by having an appropriate policy in place.
  • Your employer will also appoint a suitable representative who you can approach regarding any health and safety problems who you can voice your concerns to.
  • Your employers should back this up by providing written documentation about any risks to you and how these are dealt with by your employer.
  • Conscientious employers should provide you with health and safety training when you start work with them and also on every occasion that new potential risks arise.   

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By Author
March 08, 2010

The Price we Pay for Faulty Products!

The Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982; ever heard of it? It’s an important piece of modern legislation, and I think it’s safe to say it’s one that affects us all! Have you ever bought a product and it hasn’t worked the way it should? Or even perhaps it hasn’t lasted for as long as it should? I know I’ve certainly been on the end of that frustrating stick – and according to a BBC report, faulty goods are costing consumers on average £78 a year; a staggering £5,000 a lifetime! (source)

So why is this the case? Well according to the report, people are too worried about returning a faulty product through nerves, embarrassment, or fear of intimidation! The Poll from the Department for Business revealed that nearly half of those questioned had at least one faulty product at home. Low value items reportedly tend to be kept, and the highest complained about item were second-hand cars.

Personally, I have no qualms about returning a faulty product – but remarkably the results of the 3000 people spread indicated that men are losing more money than women in failing to return faulty goods! Costs for men was found to be at £89 per year on average, compared to £71 a year for women. Men apparently felt more intimidated, whilst women felt more embarrassed.
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By Author
March 08, 2010

Road Rage…

Ok, so we all get it sometimes… Someone cuts you up on a roundabout, or pulls out in front of you from a side road; and you respond with a short expletive and a bash of the horn. But when road rage turns fatal, it’s an altogether different, and tragic, story. I’ve heard of some appalling instances of road rage before, but this story really is such a tragedy:

According to one BBC report, a man from a notorious Glasgow crime family has admitted killing a man in an act of road rage terrible road rage (source).

Twenty-eight year old Paul Lyons (28) rammed Mark Fleeman’s van on the M74 in an act of drink and drugs fuelled road rage, at a time when Lyons was serving a driving ban! Tragically, Mr Freeman suffered fatal injuries after his vehicle was overturned and taken off the road during the incident, just seconds after a desperate 999 call was made to police with the operator allegedly hearing the impact.
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By Author
March 05, 2010

Brief Guide To Criminal Injuries Compensation

One of the more overlooked ways to make an injury claim stems from if you have been a victim of violent crime and sustained serious injuries. On first glance it’s easy to think that such an accident would be entirely a matter for the Police, however you are entitled to bring a claim for compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), which is a public body set up to compensate innocent victims of crime for their injuries.  

Here’s four easy steps as to how you can claim:
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By Author
March 04, 2010

Heart Attack Fears for Football Fans in European Stadiums

Anyone a football fan? If you support a team like I do (Hull City AFC), then you may relate to the contents of this one – The saying “roller-coaster of a ride” is probably an understatement given my teams, highs and lows in the last two to three seasons! And a heart attack at a football stadium is apparently not uncommon given the emotional pendulum we fans endure through at a match; in fact, according to sources form the BBC, European football grounds lack the essential equipment required to save the life of a person suffering form heart attack on the premises (source)! 

The report quotes that most stadiums consider having this type of equipment to be good practice (Referring to Hull’s performance again, I would like to think KC Stadium has got a few of these!)  – However, the conclusions from a recent study indicate that more than a quarter of a 187 grounds analysed did not have defibrillators on site; and many didn’t even have any emergency planning in place.
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By Author
March 04, 2010

Food Poisoning Claims!

We have all experienced food poisoning at some point in our lives but it often clears after 24 hours and we never really think much more about it. What if you experience a severe bout of food poisoning? Can you claim for it? What are the symptoms of food poisoning?

Food poisoning is caused by bacteria, toxins or viruses which have contaminated food or drink which you in turn consume.

Whilst most people will recover from symptoms within a few days, more serious strains such as salmonella can lead to hospitalisation and in worse case scenarios, death.
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