OK – so its another article on a few road traffic stories again – but as I have said before, they are the most common type of accident we specialist Injury Lawyers represent injured claimants for. And as a little warning for you, we are expecting the weather to worsen this week (and there was me thinking it was getting better), according to sources from the Mirror (source).
The Met Office has issued a severe weather warning, with the worse hit areas expected to be in the North East and the Scottish Borders. Just this morning I myself was caught up in traffic with the M1 at a standstill; assumable due to an accident, or in some way relating to the weather. So take extra care on the roads I the coming days!
So, a couple of high profile instances in the news recently. According to sources from the BBC, football legend Paul Gasgoine has been formally charged with driving under the influence of alcohol; an act which I am sure you are all aware is a serious offence carrying hefty penalties. He has also been charged with driving without insurance and without a license (source).
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