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September 22, 2015

Home carer claims – accident at services users house

We have helped many home carers over the years we have been fighting for the rights of work accident victims. An accident in a service user’s house when you are a home carer means you may have the rights to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

We normally pursue your employer – so here is an insight in to how home carer claims work, what the law says, and when you could clam.
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September 22, 2015

Broken leg compensation

A broken leg can be a nasty injury that can lead to a lot of suffering and problems. We help a lot of people with broken leg injury claims so we know all too well how bad it can be; what they have to go through; and how to get them the best possible outcome for a case.

So if you want to make a broken leg compensation claim, how can our expert lawyers help you get the best possible outcome, and what can you expect to claim for?
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September 21, 2015

Lorry accidents on the motorway – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Motorway accidents are typically common given how busy they are, and an accident involving a lorry is also fairly common too. Unfortunately lorry accidents on motorways can be quite devastating and we are often representing victims who have been injured in these kinds of circumstances.

It’s usually quite easy to determine who is at fault in a road accident and many lorry vehicles now have CCTV footage on them which can be a great help. So we can usually investigate cases on a no win, no fee basis.
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September 21, 2015

The Injury Lawyers win over £5,000 award for victim of broken chair accident

You sit on a chair, and it breaks beneath you. It’s an awful scenario and it can end up in some fairly serious injuries if you fall as a result of the broken chair.

Our client in this case contacted us when he sat down on a chair at a seating area outside a high street cafe chain, and one of the legs unfortunately broke as his weight came down on to the seat. He fell down to the ground as a result and suffered multiple injuries to his body.
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September 21, 2015

Band Saw injury compensation claims

Injuries in the workplace that are caused by band saws are one of the more common types of work accident injury cases. Whilst the UK does boast a fairly robust health and safety record, firms are still failing their employees by not properly safeguarding workers against the risks of band saw injuries.

If you have been injured in the workplace by a band saw then you have the right to make a work accident compensation claim. Your rights are enshrined in law – so read on for more help.
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September 18, 2015

Hit by a crate at work – claim advice from The Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured at work because of a crate, you may be entitled to compensation. Whether you have been hit by a falling crate, or injured trying to move a crate, you are entitled to claim for the health and safety failings of your employer.

Tasks that involve working with crates will typically have risk assessments involved for the various risks; especially where the crates are heavy and / or large. So read on for a little advice about your rights.
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September 18, 2015

Fragile roof, surfaces and materials injury work claims

Did you know that a quarter of all workplace deaths involving falls from heights are a result of fragile surfaces?

It’s a horrible statistic and we often represent workers who have been injured because of falls through fragile roofs, fragile walkways, fragile surfaces, and when having to use other fragile materials for walking on generally.

So what are you rights? Read on for more information.
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September 18, 2015

Dangerous park apparatus injuries – can you claim?

Parks – we all loved them as a child, I’m sure. I’ve so many fond memories of my time spent playing on the swings, slides, and frames; but their importance to children is also a duty to those who are responsible for maintaining them.

Parks can see a lot of use made out of them meaning that ropes can deteriorate, wood can rot, and metal can rust. These are all things that those in charge of parks must make every effort to look out for.

So what happens if your child has been injured by dangerous, defective, or worn down park apparatus? Whether it’s a slide, swing, frame, tyres, blocks, seesaw, monkey bars, or other equipment that has injured you or your child, we may be able to help you.
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September 15, 2015

Why you DON’T have to pay a no win no fee insurance charge

Have you been told that you need to pay for insurance for your solicitor to help you with your case on a no win, no fee basis? If you have then we can tell you that you DON’T have to pay for this with us.

Many lawyers will now ask you to pay a no win no fee insurance charge because of changes that happened in the law a couple of years ago. You used to be able to recover the cost of this type of insurance from the other side, but now you can’t.

But you don’t have to have it – we work in a different way that can still offer you the protection of having insurance without needing to pay for it.
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September 15, 2015

Glove caught in saw at work injury claim advice

Accidents where workers limbs are caught in machinery like saws are unfortunately common. Whilst the UK can boast a fairly decent health and safety record on a global standing, most accidents are often caused by circumstances like the above.

If you have been injured because your glove has been caught by a saw or a piece of saw machinery then you are entitled to claim for personal injury compensation.
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