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February 10, 2010

Italy’s Government Consider Jailing Skiers and Snowboarders Who Trigger Deadly Avalanches

According to the BBC, the proposals came after eight people died on Italian ski slopes last weekend.

The law could be in place by the end of the ski season and would also include a fine of €5000 for anyone caught ignoring warnings and skiing off-piste.

Off-piste skiing is where people ski away from or between designated trails and is becoming increasingly popular. The areas are often dangerous and unstable and this has resulted in an increased number of deaths.
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By Editor
February 10, 2010

65 year Old Man Dies After Hit by a Bus When it Mounted Pavement

A 65 year old man has died after he was hit by a bus when it mounted a pavement.

According to the BBC, the incident occurred in Albany Road, Walworth, South London and involved the number 42 bus. It happened at approximately 10.30am on 30th January 2010.

Mr Newell Lewis suffered multiple injuries and died at King’s College Hospital.

Police stated that the bus hit several items of street furniture before hitting Mr Lewis but they have appealed for further information regarding the incident, Metropolitan Police Sergeant Paul Sanders stating that the police “…still need to hear from anyone who saw what happened that day”.
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By Editor
February 10, 2010

Heathrow Airport Plane Crash Reports Claims Better Safety Requirements Required

According to the BBC, the report conducted by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) indicates that the British Airways Boeing 777 lost power due to both engines due to restricted fuel flow.

It said that the crash was probably caused by a build up of ice in the fuel system. The ice is said to have formed within the fuel system from water that occurred naturally in the fuel when a particular temperature range would cause the ice crystals to stick.

The report states that “Certification requirements, with which the aircraft and engine fuel system had to comply, did not take account of this phenomenon as this risk was unrecognised at that time”
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By Editor
February 09, 2010

Compensation Claims

Mrs Anita Claim: What is all this “No Win, No Fee” stuff that I keep hearing about on the telly?

It is exactly what it says. Basically, if your solicitor offers to run your claim under a “No win, no fee” agreement then, if they are unsuccessful with your claim they won’t charge you for the hours that they have spent in handling your claim.

Therefore they will in effect will have worked handled your case for free. Is there a greater motivation for them to win your claim than knowing that they will not be paid if they lose?
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By Editor
February 09, 2010

Toyota Recall Update

Following the news of a defect with the accelerator in a large number of their models, Toyota will be reeling from the news that their latest model, the Prius, may have to be recalled to fix a potentially dangerous brake problem.

According to the Guardian, the initial recall is expected to be aimed at the US and Japan, where drivers have reported momentary brake failure at slow speeds, particularly on bumpy or slippery roads.

Toyota has stated that it is not a mechanical problem, but a software issue than can be fixed in about 30 minutes. The news of this problem is a massive blow to Toyota, as the Prius model is the world’s most popular petrol-electric hybrid and was the bestselling car in Japan last year.
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By Editor
February 09, 2010

The Environment Agency Wales Increase The Number of Free Flood Warnings

According to the BBC, the warnings will be provided to both homes and businesses and will provide more people with “vital time” to get ready for an emergency.

The move follows a recommendation by an independent review panel, which was a by product of the floods experienced in the summer of 2007.

Letters will be sent in March to all homes and businesses to be signed up.

Alan Proctor, the flood risk manager, warned “One in nine homes in Wales are at risk of flooding from rivers and the sea” and stated that “By signing up almost 40,000 extra homes and businesses, we will almost double the number on our system, giving more people vital time to get prepared for flooding, protecting lives and property.”
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By Editor
February 09, 2010

New Road Signs Near Portishead in North Somerset

According to the BBC, the signs warn drivers to be more aware of motorcyclists and follow a campaign by friends and relatives of motorcyclist David Loudon who died in a crash in February 2008.

Campaigners said that some drivers perform dangerous U-turns, without thinking about motorbikes.

Steve Mears, from Portishead, said “We all know that when the traffic backs up on the road that motorists do U-turns which not only inconveniences other road users but are dangerous.”
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By Editor
February 09, 2010

Women Who Have Hair Extensions Risk Developing Bald Patches

According to the BBC, research by The Trichological Society says that more and more salons are offering hair extensions at a cut price and that some hairdressers don’t have the necessary qualifications to put them in properly.

This is leading to young women suffering hair problems such as bald patches and alopecia.

Dermatologists state that the extensions put such tension on follicles in the scalp that they can become inflamed, causing hair to fall out.
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By Editor
February 08, 2010

Knocked Over By A Car In A Flash

Well you think you’ve heard it all and then today I read the story of 18 year old Cherelle Dudfield in New Zealand.

After a night out with her friends drinking, Miss Dudfield was dared to flash passing cars on a busy road in the city of Invercargill. She was positioned on a strip in the middle of the road and ‘successfully’ flashed a few cars when her dare suddenly took a scary turn.

Miss Dudfield told reporters that she had seen a car coming toward her and decided to run. Unfortunately she was unable to get away and she was hit by the car. Miss Dudfield found herself in hospital after she had rolled across the bonnet of the car and cracked the windscreen! Luckily she managed to escape with only a few minor bruises and cuts.
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By Editor
February 08, 2010

Kill Your Speed

A study carried out by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has revealed that a 20mph speed limit has cut road injuries by 40% in London! They are urging more UK cities to implement 20mph zones in a bid to reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths caused by road traffic incidents in the UK.

It is estimated that the 20mph zones could have the potential to prevent up to 700 casualties in London alone!

At the moment it is estimated that that one in five pedestrians are killed if hit by a motor vehicle at 30mph but at 20mph the chances are reduced to one in forty.
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