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January 27, 2010

Speeding; the Consequences…

So just earlier I covered the story of the plans to have more speed cameras on Britain’s roads. Although many are sceptical of the feasibility of such a project, the consequences of speeding and failing to adhere to legal limits (which are there for a reason of course) is evident.

According to a report from the Daily Mail (more), a speeding driver already serving a motoring ban attempted to ‘cover-up’ a high speed crash that left a passenger, one of his own closest friends, fatally injured. Stephen Helm (27) was reportedly going more than twice the 30mph speed limit when he failed to negotiate a left turn due to his excessive speed, and subsequently colliding through railings at the roadside. When he realised he could not save his passenger and friend 20 year old Stephen Ball, he and the remaining passengers left him in the wreckage only to later return and set fire to the vehicle in an attempt to erase any evidence of his presence.
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January 27, 2010

Average Speed Check Cameras on Every British Motorway?

This may be a reality according to sources from the Telegraph (sourcel).

The Sustainable Development Commission has called for average speed check cameras (the kind you often see on motorways when road works are ongoing) to be used on all of Britain’s motorways in efforts to reduce our carbon emissions and to improve safety. According to the Commission, figures from the Department for Transport indicate that the 70mph speed limit on motorways is ignored by more than half of road users – 52% to be precise.

The Commission has highlighted that the introduction of the cameras would encourage smoother, more environmentally friendly driving. Ministers have advised that where average check speed cameras have been introduced, both accidents and the number of speeding fines have been reduced. According to the report, there are currently 10 permanent sets of average speed check cameras currently operational in Britain.
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January 26, 2010

“I’ve been in an accident! How much am I entitled to?”

It’s a very common question we here at The Injury Lawyers hear – and unfortunately it’s one we can’t give you a direct answer to! What we can do is give you the right advice and even a rough guide as to how much you are entitled to, however.

So to start with… how do we as independent expert personal injury solicitors value your claim for compensation? Generally speaking, the worse you suffer and the longer you suffer for are directly proportional to receiving more compensation. The extent of your suffering is the primary factor taken in to account. So how do we find this out…
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January 26, 2010

NHS to Blame for Record Levels of Malnourishment

A report by the NHS in to the number of patients leaving hospital malnourished shows that numbers have now risen to record levels.

According to the Guardian, the elderly are the group most at risk. Hospitals stand accused following the report of failing to ensure that patients eat properly and there are demands to improve the nutritional quality of the health service meals provided.

The figures state that last year, around 175,000 people entered hospital in a state of malnourishment but this increased to 185,500 in a similar condition on discharge. This raises obvious concerns as to whether patients are being provided with appropriate levels of care while in hospital. Based on these figures, over 10,000 people were more malnourished upon leaving hospital than entering, and this is having gone in for medical treatment which should have improved their condition.
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By Editor
January 26, 2010

Mass Recall of Toyota Vehicles

Recalls are not uncommon today; although usually manufactures put their products through stringent testing to ensure nothing can go wrong, there are occasions when something important is missed. So how about sticking accelerator pedals – that important enough for you?

According to sources form the BBC (source) Toyota has announced another recall on top of its already growing list, after it has been found that certain models pedal mechanism is becoming warn; sometimes to the extent of the pedal  getting stuck! So far the recall has only been announced in the US, and it is currently unknown if any other countries have been affected.

According to the report, the models affected include 2009-2010 RAV4, the 2009-2010 Corolla, the 2009-2010 Matrix, the 2005-2010 Avalon, the 2007-2010 Camry, the 2010 Highlander, the 2007-2010 Tundra, and the 2008-2010 Sequioia.  
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January 22, 2010

Harassed for Doing His Job!

A 27-year-old parking warden was attacked by a driver who was angry about a parking ticket the warden’s colleague had previously issued.

The warden confirms that they had saw the man at around 3:30 in the afternoon on the 20 November and had issued the ticket to his vehicle which was illegally parked.

Later that afternoon the man pulled up at the side of his victim to have a rant about the ticket, the usual complaints which obviously would not have changed the warden’s mind about the ticket! After his complaint had got him no-were, he lashed out at the warden before driving away from the scene.
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By Author
January 22, 2010

Reckless Tanning Salons Fined

We have previously discussed the risks of using sunbeds, especially to young children whom are continually exposed to them despite the laws in place.

The BBC has today reported on the case of James Hadley whom had been fined £6000.00 and given a community order for 90 hours of unpaid work.

Mr Hadley is the owner of Lextan Salon in Barry and following an incident whereby a schoolgirl was left badly burned after she had stayed on the tanning machine for 19 minutes, an inspection of his premises was carried out.
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By Editor
January 22, 2010

Restaurant Fined for Serving Nuts to Allergic Customer

Restaurants in Derbyshire have been warned to inform customers about ingredients after a customer with a nut allergy was served peanuts.

According to the BBC, Su Tung Chow, the owner of the New China House takeaway on Derby road, Chesterfield was fined more than £2,500 for breaching food safety rules.

The customer ordered a peanut free option but the meal he was served included the nuts and he had to be taken for hospital treatment. The customer was awarded a sum of £200.00 by the court by way of compensation.
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By Editor
January 21, 2010

TV Square Eyes Warning

We are all used to our mums telling us that if we watch too much telly we will get square eyes, but can your telly really cause you an injury?

Well, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (more commonly known as RoSPA) have issued a warning as sales of television sets peek prior to the new digital switchover!

The society has looked at research carried out in the US over an 18 year period. The US research looked in to accidents caused by furniture ‘tip ups’ and the most common furniture item was the television set.

They claim that approximately 7500 young children are taken to hospital each year due to televisions falling on to them. The organisation report that they were aware of four fatalities involving children aged between 13 months and four years of age all caused by television sets.
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By Editor
January 21, 2010

New Police Approach to Catch Drink Drivers Successful

drink driving police campaignPolice in Derbyshire have been praised following a considerable increase in the number of people caught drink driving over the festive period.

According to the BBC, throughout December officers stopped 1,011 people, 121 of whom tested positive or refused to provide a sample. That is an 11% success rate. This compares exceptionally well with the previous year where they stopped 4,500 motorists and only achieved a 4% positive test rate.

Police targeted persistent drink drivers or acted on information from informants and the general public.

Chief Inspector, Tim Frohwein, conceded to being disappointed to find that such large numbers of people were still drink driving, despite a campaign to crackdown on the numbers by distributing posters and leaflets in pubs and clubs, but was pleased with the response of the general public, stating that “People who suspected others of getting behind the wheel after a drink called the police to tell us” and “We are grateful to these callers for their assistance”.
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