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September 11, 2015

Several injured in Rochdale bus crash

This isn’t the first time we have reported on an accident where a bus has sheered its roof off when trying to get under a bridge. Whilst it is somewhat surprising given that heights are often clearly marked and identifiable in both vehicles and on bridges themselves, this is something that keeps on happening.

In this latest incident in Rochdale, 17 people were reportedly hurt when the whole roof of the bus was sheared off when it tried to get underneath the bridge. Paramedics treated passengers at the scene and several of those injured were taken to hospital, with some serious injuries being reported.
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September 11, 2015

British Airways Plane catches fire during take-off in Las Vegas

They still say that flying remains one of the more safer ways to travel, but despite how much technology has passed through in terms of safety, the BA fire incident in Las Vegas is a scary one.

Reports confirmed that the planes left engine caught fire during takeoff preparations, forcing the 170 passengers on board to evacuate on to the runway. Officials have confirmed that 14 people were taken to hospital with minor injuries following the incident.
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September 09, 2015

Plastic objects in food compensation claims

It happens – a fault in the manufacturing process leads to plastic ending up in your coleslaw or in your cereal. Whilst it’s rare, there should be quality control procedures in place for firms who manufacture food products to notice incidents like this and ensure affected products never reach the market.

But not everything in life goes so swimmingly, and we take on and win cases for people who have been injured by plastic being found in food. So if you need some advice about this, read on.
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September 09, 2015

Arm entangled in the roller of a conveyor belt injury claims

An employee getting their arm entangled in the roller of a conveyor belt is a common scenario in today’s workplaces. It’s a shame really because the law and the duty for employers to abide by is so crystal clear that there should never be an excuse for it happening. But sadly we take on claims like this all of the time.

The injuries of course can be very serious indeed. So if your arm has been entangled in the roller of a conveyor belt at work, what are your rights?
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September 08, 2015

56 Dean Street Clinic data leak victims can claim compensation

Our specialist lawyers are already taking on cases for victims of what is one of the biggest data protection breach ever seen.

One email sent to approximately 780 users of a sexual health clinic inadvertently included the full names and email addresses of all of the other recipients. This information should not have been shared so carelessly, and we are now being told that the information may have gone beyond the extent of the recipients.

The victims are entitled to claim and we have pledged to fight for their rights.
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September 08, 2015

Baling machine accidents at work

Baling machines are of course extremely dangerous. The law in place is designed to ensure that no person is injured by either falling in, or becoming caught and pulled in, to a baling machine – and to ensure no-one is injured when servicing the machine or clearing any blockages.

But despite the stringent health and safety laws in place, accidents involving baling machines at work remain common. Employee activity and interactions with baling machines remain a constant health and safety concern, and many are not following the rules.
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September 01, 2015

Motorbike accident compensation help and advice

Claiming for motorbike accident compensation can be a long road indeed. We have helped countless people claim the compensation they deserve after being the victim in a road traffic accident and without the added protection a car usually offers – bikers can end up badly hurt!

If you’re looking for help and advice about motorbike accident claims then we are the lawyers for you.
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September 01, 2015

Medical lawyers for you

Need a medical lawyer? Look no further than our specialist team here at The Injury Lawyers.

Our medical lawyers are here for you. We are here to help you through your traumatic experience and fight to recover the compensation that you deserve. If you have suffered due to medical negligence then our specialist medical lawyers are best placed to get you the compensation that you deserve.

Medical law is a very complex area of law, and you can only guarantee the best results possible by instructing proper medical lawyers like us.
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September 01, 2015

Double cream product recall – low levels of food poisoning found

According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), hundreds of double cream products are being recalled due to low levels of Listeria monocytogenes being found in a number of pots. Those recalling products are so far confirmed to be Muller Wiseman Dairies, Iceland, Sainsbury’s and Aldi.

Listeria monocytogenes can cause food poisoning especially in vulnerable groups like pregnant women, unborn and newborn babies, the elderly, and anyone with reduced levels of immunity.
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August 28, 2015

Sawmill workers compensation rights explained

Sawmills are of course very dangerous places, and health and safety is of paramount importance to ensure that employees are not injured during the course of their employment. But sawmills and firms in related industries are often accident hot spots, and we are constantly investigating cases where workers have been injured.

The most common one for sawmills is injuries to the hands and fingers in the saw machines themselves. It often involves new and trainee staff. Read on for an insight and advice for making a claim if you have been injured when working in a saw mill.
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