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October 20, 2009

Risk of Noise Induced Injury from Power Station

noise injuryA power station in Devon is undergoing safety tests over the next few weeks. As part of the testing the station at Langage in Plymptom will create short loud bursts of “jet like” noise as the steam pressure release valves are checked.

According to the BBC, twenty pressure valves will be tested and the noise is expected to last for about one to two minutes for each valve.

Local residents have been warned about the operation, as have the emergency services.
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By Editor
October 19, 2009

Untraced MIB Claim

mib-claimsNot only do Motor Insurance Bureau deal with claims were ‘at fault’ drivers are uninsured, they also compensate victims involved in accidents where the other driver is untraced, say for example, because they have fled from the accident.

The untraced driver’s agreements 1996 applies to any case were death or bodily injury to any person has been caused by someone using a motor vehicle on a road in Great Britain.
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October 19, 2009

Being Overtaken Car Accident Claims!

dangerous-overtakingThe Highway Code gives guidance to those being overtaken.

Rules 168-169 say that:

‘When being overtaken – if a driver tries to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous.’

‘Do not hold up a long queue of traffic, especially if you are driving a large or slow moving vehicle. Check your mirrors frequently and if necessary, pull in were safe to do so and let traffic pass.’
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October 16, 2009

Woman Dies from Asbestos Exposure

asbestos-exposureBBC reports today confirmed that a mother has sadly passed away from contracting an asbestos related illness as a result of asbestos exposure while at school.

Diane Wilmore from North Wales was exposed to asbestos particles in the 1970’s during her attendance at a Merseyside School, the report confirms (source). Her death came just one day after a judge ordered an award of £240,000 in damages as a result of her suffering and illness.
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October 16, 2009

Young Person Serious Injury Claims

Health and safety is important in every institution; its legislation in place to prevent people from coming to harm and suffering injuries as a result of another’s negligence.

And it’s an obvious fact that health and safety in schools is a top priority, especially as children can be more susceptible to coming to harm! So it’s never a nice thing to hear when a young person is tragically injured as a result of health and safety not being adhered to.
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By Author
October 16, 2009

Road Rage

road-rageLet’s face it, we all sometimes get it! That fleeting moment of fury that takes over us when a fellow road user cuts us up at a roundabout or pulls out from a side road in to our path.

And it’s not difficult to comprehend that road rage is a major cause of road traffic accidents worldwide. And as winter approaches and the weather worsens, the conditions of Britain’s roads over the course of the following months will slowly deteriorate as the cold, wet weather makes driving conditions more difficult and slows traffic down.
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October 15, 2009

Animal Attacks!

animal-attacksHere at The Injury Lawyers, we have seen it all! And believe us when we say there really are such a variety of claims for personal injury. At the end of the day, if you have been injured and it wasn’t your fault, it’s more than likely you are eligible to claim.

So, what happens when animals attack!?

Thankfully, in Britain I think it’s safe to say the danger of being attacked by a wild animal is fairly limited, given that our country is not home to many ferocious beasts!

But it does happen more commonly elsewhere;
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October 15, 2009

Zip Wire Accident Woman Falls To Her Death

zip-wireA woman fell to her death from a zip wire while on a gap year in Namibia, after an instructed failed to undertake safety checks.

Sally Whitcomb, 32, plunged 23 feet and was pronounced dead at the scene. She was on a training day organised by expedition charity Raleigh International. At the inquest in to the death, the instructor was described as having a complacent attitude towards safety.
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By Editor
October 14, 2009

Will I have to Attend Court?

This will all depend on the facts of your case, however, in the vast majority of cases this is not necessary. In fact most cases (the massive majority) settle without Court Proceedings ever being issued.

Even where proceedings are necessary, we find that it may well be that once solicitors are instructed to defend the claim that they take a view that they do not have a strong enough defence to the claim and therefore advise the Defendant that they should immediately settle the injury claim before further costs are clocked up; thus even where proceedings are issued we find most of these cases then settle shortly thereafter.

It is simply not in the Defendant’s interests to run a case to a final hearing, especially if they do not feel they have very good prospects of successfully defending the claim.

By Editor
October 14, 2009

Claims For Personal Injury

claims-for-personal-injuryWanting to start a personal injury claim, or engage in a service with any company for that matter, can often be a daunting thought given the amount of your personal information you must place in to the hands of another party.

And with Identity theft / fraud now placed as one of Britain’s fastest growing crimes (source), now has never been a more important time to ensure that your sensitive personal information does not fall in to the wrong hands!
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