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October 14, 2009

Plaster of Paris Burns Teenager

hand-plaster-of-parisA school in Lincolnshire has been fined £19,000 for ignoring safety procedures, leaving a 16 year old girl with terrible burns to her hands and the loss of all but two of her fingers.

According to The Times, the girl was attempting to make a sculpture of her own hands during an art lesson using a plaster of Paris mould, and having submerged her hands in to the wet clay, the mould began to heat up and set due to a chemical reaction, the Boston Magistrates Court was told.
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By Editor
October 13, 2009

School Sprinkler System Leaves Children At Risk

school-fireAlmost half of new school buildings do not have fire safety sprinkler systems in place, according to new findings. 43% of schools built or refurbished in the governments Building Schools for the future programme are without the sprinklers. These figures are in spite of government guidance issued 2 years ago that almost all new schools should be fitted with sprinkler systems.

The worry regarding this comes from another surprising statistic. Every week 20 schools are destroyed or damaged by fire.

The Chief Fire Officers Association says local authorities who choose not to fit sprinklers are putting the safety of pupils and staff at risk.
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By Editor
October 12, 2009

French Spiderman Knows no Fear for Height Regulations!

french-spider-manYou may have seen or heard of him in the news; he’s the acclaimed rock climber who knows no fear when it comes to dangerously scaling any large construction he can chalk his hands on!

And once again the Frenchman known as the “French Spider-Man” or “the Human Spider” has wowed audiences of onlookers by scaling the Ariane building in Paris (8th October 2009) with nothing but his bare hands and some sturdy rock climbing shoes, (source).
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By Author
October 12, 2009

I’m Very Busy, What Do You Want?

telephone-mannersWhat do you expect when you speak to your lawyer, not just for the very first time but every time you speak to them in relation to your claim?

Some would say rude, abrupt and even arrogant but is this really what you should expect and more to the more to the point, what you should stand for?

In short…No! So, what should you expect from your lawyer and their telephone manner?
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By Editor
October 12, 2009

No Win No Fee – It’s Catching On!

no-win-no-feeIt’s no secret nor is it a unique selling point; that the majority of law firms dealing with personal injury claims will offer a “no win, no fee” service. It’s a great way to work, however, always make sure the actual agreement does exactly what it says on the tin (that is make sure the “No Win No Fee” paperwork should match the “No Win No Fee” offered to you)!

If we take on a personal injury claim for you and we win, then we limit our fees to what we recover from the other insurers so you pay NOTHING! Most firms don’t agree to put pen to paper and confirm that they will limit their fee’s to what they recover from the other party/insurers.
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By Author
October 09, 2009

Sneaky Insurers Tactics That Tempt

sneakyIf you have been unfortunate enough to have found yourself in a car accident recently, you may well have received a nice phone call from the other drivers insurers shortly after.

This call may have followed along the lines of …

“Hello, we are sorry to hear that you have recently been involved in an accident causing you an injury. On note of this, we are happy to offer you compensation of £1,000.”

Great News you may think!… Everyone could do with a few extra quid at the moment right?

But do the other Insurers really have your best interest at heart?
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By Author
October 09, 2009

Trick Or Treat

trick-or-treatIt’s October! And what can be scarier than the month of Halloween? How about being injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault! So how can we make you feel better… ?

The world of personal injury is a complex and a competitive industry, and there are loads of lawyers to choose from; each of them claiming to be specialists solicitors! So if you have had an accident that wasn’t your fault, why should you claim for compensation and who should you seek advice from?
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By Author
October 09, 2009

Health Service Errors Risk Patient Safety

health-serviceMore than 5,700 patients in England died or suffered serious harm over a sixth month period due to errors. According to the BBC, statistics gathered by the National Patient Safety Agency (or NSPA) indicated that 459,500 health mistakes were made last year. These figures cover incidents involving hospitals, GPs and mental health units.

Amongst the most commonly recorded mistakes were patient accidents, followed by mistakes during treatment and with medication. The figures put forward are only on a provided on a voluntary basis which unfortunately indicates that the real figure regarding the number of mistakes made may be much, much higher.
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By Editor
October 07, 2009

Limitation Claims – Don’t Miss Out!

timeYou may have heard or seen the adverts: Have you had an accident in the last three years that wasn’t your fault? – So what is this three years they talk about? It’s called the Limitation Period, covered under British law as the Limitation Act 1980.

What it means is that in most accident claims you have three years from the date of the accident for proceedings to be issued or the claim becomes statute barred meaning a claim cannot be initiated or continued unless you have obtained special permission from the court.
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By Author
October 07, 2009


A hernia is most likely to be the caused when you are involved in a heavy lifting activity. A hernia is due to a weakness in body tissues which allows other bodily tissues to protrude through; this often includes an organ of the body such as an intestine. Your tissues are normally strong enough to contain the organs and stop them from pushing through.
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