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October 07, 2009

Bacterium Affecting Chickens Causes Food Poisoning

chickenTwo-thirds of chickens on sale in the UK are carrying a bacterium which can cause food poisoning. According to the BBC, the birds carry the bacteria known as campylobacter, which can cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The bacterium is responsible for 55,000 cases of food poisoning annually in the UK.

Worryingly, there has been little evidence of an effective way to stop the spread of the bacterium among birds, however, minimising of contact between the birds at slaughter does seem to reduce the risk of infection.
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October 06, 2009

Head Injury & Epilepsy

head-injuryFollowing a head injury we are all familiar with concussion and the affects it can have but what are the more serious consequences of a severe head trauma? One of the life altering consequences could be epilepsy which can be caused by trauma which has caused part of the brain tissue to be damaged. This is often the result of a very serious road traffic accident, a fall down a flight of stairs or more serious criminal offences such as a serious strike wound to the head.
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October 06, 2009

Manual Handling and the Reponsibilities of Employers

manual-handlingOne of the most common injuries that we encounter at the Injury Lawyers is caused by employers not providing instructions on how to handle heavy or awkward objects. The relevant legislation in England and Wales is the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

First of all an employer needs to consider whether these regulations may be relevant to them, the question to be asked is whether the employer has manual handling as part of their operation. If so then a risk assessment should be conducted by the employer and, if there is a possibility that the rules might apply, then consideration of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations should be put in place.
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By Editor
October 05, 2009

Sports Injuries & Claiming

sports-injury-claimIf you can prove that the other party intended to inflict some sort of pain or injury on you then this will be deemed a criminal offence and it is likely you will be successful in a claim for personal injury compensation.

However, if the other party did not injure you intentionally you will have to prove that they were negligent in their actions. The standard of proof is much higher in sporting claims and a simple misjudgment or gut reaction will not suffice. At the very least there must have been a breach of the rules and this still may not be enough to prove negligence.
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By Editor
October 05, 2009

Criminal Injury Claims

personal-injury-claimIf you are a victim in the UK of a violent crime, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. What is classed as a violent crime? A crime of violence is a criminal act which includes actual violence to a person, or even the threat of violence against a person. These violence’s come in forms such as injury caused by a weapon, rape and even child abuse. Injury doesn’t have to be an actually wound caused by the violence , your injury may be a psychological injury. For example if someone threatens you with an act of violence this may cause you great stress, disturbed sleep and anxiety.
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October 02, 2009

Vibration White Finger

havsMany of us are familiar with the above phrase but what is it, who does it affect and what are the symptoms? The first point to make is that it has changed its name! It is now referred to as Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). The term was altered as other symptoms may be present other than white fingers.

What is and what are the symptoms?
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By Editor
October 02, 2009

Cauda Equina Syndrome

cauda-equinaWhat is it?

Your spinal cord extends from the brain down through a spinal canal. There are nerves that branch off from your spinal cord which send signals to and from muscles and other parts of the body. These signals give information to your brain for example, when something hurts, pain signal are sent. Other signals are sent such as touch and sense of position, so your brain knows what your body is doing at all times!
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October 01, 2009

Judge Must be Judged After Drink-Drive Debacle

drink-drivingA former judge stopped by police for driving erratically was found with half a bottle of vodka and an empty can of red bull in his car. He told police that he had not been drinking but, after being breathalysed was found to be almost 3 times the legal drink-drive limit.

Today, Bruce Macmillan, 63, pleaded guilty to a charge of drink driving.

According to The Guardian, at the time of the incident, which occurred on August 27th this year, Mr Macmillan was still operating as a circuit judge but following the incident resigned earlier this month to avoid the embarrassment of being dishonourably disrobed.
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By Editor
September 30, 2009

Factory Fire Risk of Mesthelioma for Local Residents

fire-in-smethwickA fire at a factory in the West Midlands may have caused asbestos to be released in to the surrounding environment. The fire occurred at Monty’s Tropical Rags factory and the surrounding roads have been shut in an attempt to prevent any potential spread.

According to the BBC, as many as 200 fire fighters have been tackling the blaze, which was described by onlookers as “massive”.  No casualties have been reported but local residents living near the Hawthorns Trading Estate in Cornwall Road, Smethwick have been urged to shut windows and stay indoors.
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September 29, 2009

RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury

rsiMany of us associate personal injuries with accidents such as road traffic accidents, a slip or trip and work involving manual labour. However, how many of us realize that sitting at our desks in a regular office can have a detrimental effect on our health and cause us some significant injuries?

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) occurs in approximately 1 in 50 office workers in the UK and it is estimated that nearly 5.5 millions working days were lost due to the condition last year alone!
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