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September 28, 2009

Girl Falls 20ft in to Quarry

A young girl suffered serious injury when she fell over 20 feet in to a concrete- lined storage area in County Durham. According to the BBC, the girl, a teenager who has not been named, suffered neck and spinal injuries in the fall. Firefighters had to use specialist equipment to rescue her from the disused quarry where the accident occurred but fortunately no-one else was hurt in the incident.
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By Editor
September 28, 2009

Medical Assistance for Burn Injuries

burn-injuriesSaved by a Shark! There’s a phrase you don’t hear very often (or ever in my case!) but for Erin McNeill this phrase became true! The young woman had been stopping at a friend’s house when a fire broke out and she suffered serious burns, being admitted in to intensive care for treatment at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. She had suffered severe burns to 40% of her body with fourth degree burns sustained to her right arm.
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By Editor
September 28, 2009

Psychological Injuries

psychological-injuriesIf you can establish that another person is liable for an accident which cause you harm/loss, not only will you be able to claim for physical injuries sustained, you will also be able to recover for any psychological harm incurred.
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September 25, 2009

Sale of Goods Act

shoppingSay, you have bought a faulty garden chair from your local supermarket and it has broken during use and resulted in you seriously injuring your back. What do you do? What are your rights against the retailer whom you purchased the chair from?

Well, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 is the legislation you need to know and understand in these circumstances.
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By Editor
September 24, 2009

MIB in Crackdown on Uninsured Vehicles

uninsured-driversThe number of uninsured vehicles on the roads has increased again, with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau estimating that over 1.7 million people drove vehicles which did not have cover in 2008. The worst culprit was Greater London, where a staggering 13% of vehicles were found to be uninsured, closely followed by Merseyside 12% and Greater Manchester 10%.

Under section 143 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, it is an offence to use a motor vehicle on a road unless there is a policy of insurance in place, with third party insurance the minimum to be allowed.
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By Editor
September 24, 2009

Motorcycle Death Crash Caused By Poor Road Markings

road-markingsThree British tourists have been killed in a motorcycling accident and another injured in Italy. The crash was a head-on collision with a truck and occurred as they were exiting a tunnel in Mezzolombardo, Trento.

The indication from early investigations seems to indicate that the Brits were on the wrong side of the road when the accident occurred and, as a result, police have indicated that they feel the motorcyclists may not have realised that it was a one way system.
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By Editor
September 23, 2009

Fly Infestation Causes Closure of NHS Unit

fliesThe coronary care unit in Bristol’s Princess Royal hospital’s new £60million Heart Institute has been closed for six weeks due to an infestation of flies. The specialist ward will hopefully reopen in early October.

Experts have identified that the ward may have been susceptible due to a blocked drain and are continuing to investigate the problem. This is terrible news for patients, with the facility scheduled to treat more than 15,000 people annually, carrying out five operations daily.
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By Editor
September 22, 2009

Compensation Full & Final

In the vast majority of compensation claims the compensation settlement is full & final! It is therefore important to make sure that all items of claim are in order when you are in a position to settle your claim. A final payment is once and for all, even if you continue to suffer longer then expected or, further injuries come to light after you have settled your claim.
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September 22, 2009

Taxi Driver’s Licence Suspended Over Breach of Safety Conditions

taxiTaxi checks in Leicestershire have found several drivers to be in breach of their licences. In a random check operation by police, Department for Transport inspectors and Oadby and Wigston Borough Council officials, of the 17 vehicles which were inspected, 7 were found to be in breach of licence safety conditions. One of these taxis had a mechanical fault which led to the immediate suspension of the vehicle licence and another was issued with a notice to get faults rectified.
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By Editor
September 21, 2009

Workplace Dermatitis Claims

Any type of dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin and is caused by contact with chemicals and substances used in the workplace. Some irritants cause direct inflammation whilst others may take years to have any affect on the individual and may not necessarily affect the area which was in direct contact with the substance.

Common symptoms of contact dermatitis include blisters, itching and dryness of the skin. This, in turn, can lead to cracking of the skin and weeping.
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