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September 11, 2009

Fat Duck Restaurant in Shellfish Disaster

PD*27636654Over 500 people who ate at Heston Blumental’s flagship restaurant suffered food poisoning. A report into the outbreak which occurred at the Fat Duck by the Health Protection Agency, a Michelin- starred restaurant in Berkshire, has indicated that source of the food poisoning was the raw shellfish served was contaminated with human sewage.
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By Editor
September 10, 2009

Compensation Culture!

claim-compensation-cultureCompensation Culture‘ has been the catchphrase of the personal injury world for many years now with beliefs growing that you can claim for anything and everything with very little effort or evidence!

The so called compensation culture according to the press is be behind all of Society’s problems! The newspapers continually tell us that everyone is at it – claiming compensation that is!
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By Editor
September 10, 2009

Nursery Closed Following Unexplained Fractures To Children

nurseryA nursery has been closed for investigation while it undergoes an enquiry following three children who attended suffering fractured limbs. As a result, two people have been arrested by police and a further three are being questioned.

The Rocking Horse Nursery, Plumtree, Nottinghamshire has had its licence suspended while Ofsted look in to the injuries, which have yet to be explained.
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By Editor
September 08, 2009

Third party capture: What is it and how might it affect you?

third-party-captureThird party capture is a growing problem and you might be at risk.

What is third party capture?

Third party capture is where an insurance company for the other party involved in a claim contact the injured party directly to settle their claim. What’s the problem with that you might think? Well, in contacting the injured party early it means the insurers can get to them before they get legal advice and as a result this can mean that the victims of accidents can under settle their claim. It is understandable that following an injury a victim will be anxious to get compensation.
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By Editor
September 04, 2009

Accident Claim Time Limits

countdownHad an accident a while ago? Were you too apprehensive about making a claim in the immediate aftermath of the accident?

This scenario is fairly typical example for many people who have suffered injuries as a result of a road traffic accident, a trip or slip in a public place or an accident at work as many injured victims are too nervous and apprehensive to make a claim for personal injury following an accident. In my opinion this is especially the position with accidents at work against, possibly because employees are scared of claiming against an Employer even though Employers have Compulsory Insurance cover. I find it can be some months or even years before Clients even make that first call to lawyers to discuss the possibility of making a claim, despite misleading press reports about there being a ‘compensation culture’.
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By Editor
September 04, 2009

NHS Medication Errors – Statistics Show 2 Year Rise

medication-claim-errorsBad news today for the NHS. According to The Guardian, a report by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) has revealed that the number of medication errors made by staff has doubled over the last 2 years. The report identified the rise as “significant”.

The number of incidents reported in 2005 stood at 36,335 with the figure for 2007 listed as 86, 085.
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By Editor
September 03, 2009

Are you sitting comfortably? Sofa causes serious rashes

A man who suffered from severe chemical burns from his sofa has received a large compensation payout. The furniture company who made the sofa did not contest the case and the individual, Mr Maurice Heminsley, 68, also received a full refund on the product according to his solicitors Irwin Mitchell.
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By Editor
September 02, 2009

Sports Injury Claims

Sports InjurySports injury claims are very different to the usual run-of-the-mill injury claims and in my opinion require special consideration.

This is because of the law of ‘consent’. It is very common for the other party (the Defendant) to say allege that those partaking in sporting events know the risks of the sport and should bear the consequences. Most Defendants also usually claim that those involved in sporting contests (as either a participant or a spectator) consent to some risk of injury.
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By Author
September 02, 2009

Woman Bitter Over NHS Refusal To Apologise

nhs-hospitalA woman is furious following a denial of any wrongdoing by the NHS following her father’s treatment and subsequent death in a Devon hospital. Jennifer Leach’s complaint prompted an enquiry in to the treatment of her father, Stan Rogers, after he died at Whipton hospital in 2005.

In April 2008, Devon Primary Care Trust apologised to her for the treatment her father received after he was admitted. After looking in to the complaints, the Healthcare Commission looked at various aspects of his care.
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By Editor
September 01, 2009

Your Car Been Damaged By A Stray Cow On The Motorway?

cow-on-motorwayThere are certain things you need to look at when trying to find out whether there is actually anyone to claim against for the damage to your car and the injuries caused by stray animals.

  • Does the animal belong to someone?
  • Have they acted careless in some way causing your accident to happen?

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