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road traffic accident claims
July 09, 2009

Hitting a parked car accident compensation claims

So your travelling along a small bendy road, driving appropriately for the conditions, when you turn a sharp bend and “BANG” you crash into a parked car.

How could you hit a stationary car you ask yourself? It wasn’t even moving!

Well, in your defence the parked was just carelessly ‘dumped’ smack bang on the bend and you have to be rather careless to park a car on a road bend where drivers coming around the bend cannot see the vehicle till the last minute.
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By Author
July 08, 2009

Umpire Dies After Being Hit By Ball

Tomorrow signals the start of the Ashes series. England take on Australia at Cardiff in the first test in what promises to be an excellent and exciting sporting event played out over the next month or so. Unfortunately one sour note has been the death of cricketing umpire Alcwyn Jenkins this week. Mr Jenkins was hit on the head by a cricket ball and collapsed while umpiring a league match between Swansea and Llangennech in Swansea.

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By Editor
July 08, 2009

Claim Compensation When The Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance?

Imagine your having a bad day… your running late for work, you hit traffic and every red traffic light on your route, and then just as you are about to pull into the car park, BANG WALLOP some clumsy driver smashes straight into the back of your car. Youv’e been injured and your pride and joy is a mangled mess, then to top it all, you find out the other driver doesn’t have insurance! You think it can’t get any worse and errrr, actually you just might be right.


In fact it gets a little better because we tell you about the MIB, no not the Men In Black, but the Motor Insurers Bureau…
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By Author
July 07, 2009

Are You A Worker?

The Workplace Regulations are there to protect workers from accidents at work.

If you have an accident but are not a ‘worker’ then you are not likely to be able to claim under The Workplace Regulations but that doesn’t mean you can’t claim in another way. It just means that you can’t benefit from this excellent bunch of regulations.

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By Author
July 07, 2009

Have you Herd? Farmer Found Liable for Charging Cow

If a cow starts charging at you, then you had better Moo-ve out of the way (sorry)! Ms Shirlie McKaskie didn’t though, and it might just lead to a very large compensation claim. Ms McKaskie suffered serious injury in 2003 as she was attacked by cows while walking across a field and is looking to claim up to £1 million after a judge ruled that farmer John Cameron was liable because he had not properly considered the risk of someone getting injured.


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By Editor
July 07, 2009

Car Accidents on a Good To Go ‘Green Traffic Light’?

green-traffic-lightA green light does not give a driver an absolute right to proceed to the junction.

A leading case illustrating this is Radburn V Kemp courts will look at the approach taken in this case when deciding liability. In this case a cyclist had proceeded through a green light and was in the middle of the junction, before the cyclist could take his exit, the lights changed and the lights in the opposite direction changed to green.

A driver coming from this direction drove through the green light and hit the cyclist waiting at the junction. The court held the driver 100% to blame even though he had a green light.
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By Author
July 06, 2009

Are all Accident at Work Claims Brought Against the Employer?

A client recently asked, “Are all Accident at Work Claims Brought Against the Employer?” Good question but a better one would be: who owes you, as an employee, a duty of care? Firstly, the law, the part that’s going to show you’ve done your research and you know what you’re talking about.


Regulation 4 of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 establishes who owes the duty of the care in the workplace.
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By Author
July 03, 2009

Injured by a Stolen Car! Can You Still Claim?

So your driving along, minding your own business when another car comes straight for you, ploughing into your car causing serious injuries – you then find out it was driven by someone who had earlier stolen it, its just not your day! Can you make a claim for your injuries and if so, who do you claim against?

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By Author
July 02, 2009

Claim Compensation for a Car Accident if Driver was at Fault and Drunk?

Claim Compensation for a Car Accident if Driver was at Fault and Drunk? The answer to that question is yes, you may still make a claim for compensation for the injuries you sustained however, there may be a deduction in the amount you are awarded. There are several things that will be taken into consideration when a judge is determining what compensation you should receive for injuries sustained following an accident whereby you were a passenger in a vehicle which was being driven by a person under the influence of alcohol…
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By Author
July 02, 2009

What is a Workplace Accident?

So, you’ve tripped over wires trailing across the floor of the office, fallen down the stairs leading from the office due to poor maintenance and to top off your day you’ve dropped in to a pot hole in the car park as you were leaving work and your tyre has burst!

‘What do I do’, I hear you cry! ‘Who do I need to report these problems to?’ ‘Who is liable and who can I claim from for the damage caused?’
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