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July 17, 2009

Helicopter Crash: Who Might Claim and Who Might be Liable?

helicopter-crashA helicopter crash in the North Sea could have been prevented after experts investigating the crash revealed that an earlier problem with the aircraft’s gearbox was not correctly identified.

According to the BBC website, a metal chip was found in the gear box of the Super Puma aircraft a week prior to the incident and engineers did institute extra checks. However, the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) state that if the importance of the chip had been identified correctly then the module which failed could have been taken out of service. The experts indicate that a full review of the design and operating life of parts on the machine should be instigated.
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By Editor
July 16, 2009

Fatal Accident Claims : Am I a Dependent and Can I Claim?

Where there has been a fatal accident a dependant may be able to make a claim on behalf of the deceased. So it is important to consider who might qualify as a dependant.
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By Editor
July 16, 2009

Roundabout Accidents – Are You in the Correct Lane?

There are many rules in the highway code which govern how you should circulate on a roundabout (including how to approach and exit a roundabout). Obviously, all the usual rules apply – check your mirrors, signal and manoeuvre. You should also decide early on which exit you wish to take and ensure you are in the correct lane (before entering the roundabout) for your intended route.

It is a MUST that when you are approaching a roundabout that you give way to road users to your right who are already established on the roundabout.
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July 16, 2009

Injuries Caused by Work Place Traffic Routes

Regulation 17 is an important Regulation when it comes to the day-to-day, practical running of any workplace à Regulation 17 of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 covers Traffic Routes!
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July 15, 2009

Medical Negliegence Claims : NHS Complaints Procedure

Before bringing a claim for medical negligence it is important to consider the NHS complaints procedure. If this is not followed by prospective claimants then it can be difficult to obtain funding for a claim from the Legal Services Commission. This is a procedure which is constantly being revised and reviewed, but the idea of the complaints system is to encourage greater openness between patients and clinicians, increase patient satisfaction and consumer confidence in the NHS. Furthermore it allows the NHS to identify potential risk areas which may invite further protective measures being put in to place.

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By Editor
July 15, 2009

Keep Workplace Free From Obstructions

In the case of Burgess v Plymouth City Council the person making the claim against the Council was a cleaner for a School. The lady went into a classroom and tripped over a box used for storing lunch boxes and sustained an injury. The Local Authority (that’s her employer) disputed that they were responsible and therefore refused to offer her any compensation for her injury and other losses. Her employer argued that the cleaner ought to have been looking where she was going and it was her job to clean the classroom and that they had not breached any of the statutory duties (i.e. Workplace regulations).

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July 14, 2009

Low Velocity Accident Claims

Car accident claims at Low Speed (in Legal world we call these Low Velocity Collisions) LVC – Low Velocity collision, what is this? A common occurrence of this is when another driver drives into the back of your car when you are stationary. Well, lets not go into why they don’t actually slow down enough not to collide with you at all, and why they see you last minute, (despite the very fact that you are in a big highly visible car right under there nose and one would hope in front of there eyes) then slam the brakes on…. slow down to what they claim is a snails pace and hit you at very low speed.

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By Author
July 14, 2009

Crane Collapse Crushes Worker

A man is in hospital with life threatening injuries after a crane collapsed on to a ship at a container port. According to the coastguard, the crane toppled on to the ship Nyke Themis and the injured man, thought to be in his 30s, suffered crushed legs as a result of the accident and was being treated at Southampton hospital.
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By Editor
July 13, 2009

Overtaking Vehicles That Turn Right

You’re driving down the road behind a long queue of traffic.. it’s moving at a snail’s pace; it may as well not be moving at all! You suddenly see a gap in oncoming traffic and decide it is safe to proceed and overtake the slow cars. You’re past a few when, suddenly, without warning, one of them turns right straight into your path and smash; the vehicles collide!

You think to yourself that the other vehicle should have checked his/her side mirrors and their blind spot before pulling out. But, who’s to blame in this road traffic accident scenario as far as the Law is concerned?
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By Author
July 13, 2009

Bringing a Claim for Fatal Accidents

Where a loved one has been involved in an accident which has led to their death, it is likely that compensation and damages will be the last thing on the minds of those who cared about them. However, where the deceased left behind people that they looked after, supported or were dependent on them, then those dependents may be able to claim damages.

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