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April 23, 2009

£6.3M Compensation Awarded to Brain Damaged Baby

The parents of a baby girl who suffered brain damage during birth have been awarded a payout of £6.3 million at the High court. The incident occurred at a hospital in Hertfordshire in November 2002, where Ellie Matraves was born clinically dead after being deprived of oxygen after a failure by staff at Lister hospital.

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April 22, 2009

Head on Collision on Motorway Kills Five

A total of five people were killed in a head on collision on the M1 in the early hours of Sunday morning. The incident is believed to have occurred as a Polish driver turned his vehicle to head north on to the south bound carriageway just south of junction 11. Police believe that the Polish driver, who was driving a Volkswagen Passat, would have been travelling towards junction 10 where there were some road works and some road closures but that there was no reason for the vehicle to have turned round as the motorway was still open for through traffic.


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April 20, 2009

Overworked Midwives could lead to Lower Standards of Care

Recent statistics from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have announced that it believes only four of England’s ten Strategic Health Authorities will reach its target of one midwife for every 28 births. According to the BBC news website, the RCM believes that the government needs to employ an extra 5,000 midwives by 2012 to ensure that the level of care labouring women receive is both of a safe standard and of high quality.

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April 17, 2009


Yesterday marked the 20th Anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster, where 96 football fans were crushed to their deaths during an FA Cup semi-final clash between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.

Two minutes silences were held outside Liverpool’s Anfield stadium and also in Sheffield and Nottingham respectively.

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April 15, 2009

Workplace Compensation

Fact, more accidents happen in the workplace than anywhere else, do you know that your employer has a legal responsibility to make your work area as safe and secure as possible, this includes a safe working practises, training and machinery, not only to full time staff but to anyone that enters there factory. So what happens if you have an accident at work, are you entitled to compensation?

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April 15, 2009

Chlorine Leak Exposes Council

Almost 50 people have been affected by a chlorine leak in a swimming pool near Wolverhampton. According to the BBC website, emergency services were called to the swimming baths to treat the individuals involved who suffered symptoms such as difficulty breathing, nose and throat irritation, watering eyes and panic attacks.

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By Editor
April 15, 2009

Whiplash – Delayed Injuries

The online dictionary defines whiplash as ‘an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)’. What a lot of people don’t realise is that a whiplash injury isn’t necessarily something that affects you immediately after an accident. It could well be that you feel perfectly fine in the aftermath of a crash only to later discover several hours later that you have sustained an injury.

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By Editor
April 09, 2009

Compensation Claim Against The English FA

Premiership side, West Ham United, have submitted a compensation claim against the English FA , after one of their strikers, Carlton Cole, was injured while on International duty for England. West Ham are looking for around £200,000 compensation.


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April 01, 2009

Road Defects

In the UK, maintaining the condition of roads public roads is the responsibility of the Highways Agency. They are charged with the responsibility of keeping roads of a high enough standard to ensure the safety of those who use them. They do this via Safety Inspections which their website describes as: ‘designed to identify defects likely to create a danger to the public and therefore require immediate or urgent attention.’

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March 25, 2009

Playing it Safe

Growing children love having fun. The problem is that they get bored easily. A lot of parents recognise then, that it’s a good idea for kids to be able to go out and run around for half an hour in a playground, because it allows them to burn off some of that excess energy that might otherwise have been used to destroy your living room and pull off the dog’s tail.

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