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August 14, 2015

Compensation for pre-existing condition aggravated by whiplash injury

Are you unsure about what to do if you have been in an accident that has aggravated a pre-existing condition? Typically a whiplash type injury will often aggravate similar previous injuries, chronic back and neck conditions, or long term problems.

So how do we prove what is related to an accident and how can we compensate you when some of your pain may be due to underlying conditions? How do we factor in that you may actually be suffering far worse because you have a pre-existing condition aggravated by whiplash injury?
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August 14, 2015

What percentage do lawyers take for personal injury?

There once was a simpler time when you could expect to receive 100% of your compensation when you made a claim for personal injury compensation. This was because it was recognised that you should not have to pay for the legal fees you incur – which are needed to pursue a case – as you would end up out of pocket. I.e. you would not have been fully compensated.

But the government in its infinite wisdom caved to pressure from the vastly wealthy insurance industry who have many friends amongst parliament. The result? Victims losing out…
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road traffic accident claims
August 12, 2015

Making a claim if you are a passenger in a car crash

If you are a passenger in a car crash, it is likely that you have an almost guaranteed claim for personal injury if you have suffered injury as a result.

I can say this because in most cases, as a passenger, there is nothing that you could have done to have contributed toward or prevented the accident. After all as a passenger you are probably not in control of any vehicles involved in a crash.

So if you are a passenger in a car crash then we can help you.
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August 12, 2015

Injured hand – What can you claim for?

If your injured hand was caused as a result of negligence than you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation. Even a minor hand injury can cause a lot of problems for a long time, and we make sure that our clients are compensated properly when making an injured hand claim.

So when can you claim and what sort of things can you claim for in an injured hand personal injury case?
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August 12, 2015

The Injury Lawyers fight to win settlement for slip accident abroad

There is a piece of very important legislation called The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 which puts a duty on package holiday providers to compensate victims of negligence. It is by no means straightforward though because standards abroad are often not as good as our standards here, and that can be used as a defence to a claim.

Package providers will commonly try and defend these claims and it’s key to instruct an expert law firm like us to give you the best shot of winning your accident abroad claim.
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August 11, 2015

Scaffolding accident claims – Unstable boards advice!

Scaffolding can be placed under several workplace health and safety regulations. Firstly it is work equipment which means that The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations apply; secondly it often involves working at height and so The Work at Height Regulations are useful; and finally as a traffic route The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations can apply too.

Why is this relevant? Because we only need to show that your employer is in breach of one relevant regulation to hold them at fault for an accident. So the more we can apply, the better chance we can have at winning a case.
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road traffic accident claims
August 11, 2015

Loss of overtime after suffering a whiplash injury

Whilst people can still work with a whiplash injury, many will either voluntarily reduce their hours or stay off work completely depending on the severity of their injury. By working less, they obviously lose out financially.

But don’t worry because we can account for this when helping you with a whiplash claim, even accounting for lost overtime hours as a result of the accident or injury.
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August 11, 2015

Lathe Chuck Key accident at work claim

Despite the fact that we have a fairly good record when it comes to health and safety here in the UK, work accidents are still frighteningly common. As a firm of specialist injury lawyers we help a lot of victims for work accident claims and we often see trends in the nature of the accidents we help victims for.

Sometimes the happening of an accident should simply have never happened and was easy to prevent – the case of an unguarded chuck key in a lathe is one such example.
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August 07, 2015

Little or no training leads to work accidents!

As work accident specialists I can tell you that there are a LOT of workplace rules and regulations when it comes to health and safety legislation. They cover all areas like general safety, equipment, manual handling, working at height, personal protective equipment, chemicals, and all sorts.

The reason for this is to ensure that employees are safe at work and to put specific duties on employers to take steps and action to avoid injuries. But although there are several sets of regulations covering several different things, they all usually have one particular regulation in common: training!
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road traffic accident claims
August 07, 2015

Should I put in a claim for simple whiplash?

Why not? The insurance company you are probably pursuing for your vehicle damages are liable to cover you for injury as well. So if you didn’t claim then you are simply letting the insurers keep the money you are entitled to. When you think of it that way, it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to not claim, does it?

But there are other advantages and you should really ignore the media fuelled rubbish about a “compensation culture” and “whiplash epidemics”.
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