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December 19, 2008

Drink Driving The Consequences

As the government launches its second drinking drive campaign of the year we thought it worthwhile to also reiterating the danger, consequences and the grave reality of drink driving. The legal drink drive limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, this equates to 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath and 107mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Alcohol affects everyone differently and other factors also need to be considered when adhering to the legal alcohol limits outline above such as; your height, weight, age, gender etc.

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December 18, 2008

Ice-Skating, Festive Fun Or An Injury Waiting To Happen?

Ice-Skating is a traditional winter sport which is fun for all the family, but it doesn’t come without its accidents, which I’m sure you know; there’s always the amusement of watching Dad act like ‘a pro’, until he actually reaches the ice, that is. Mix slippery ice and novice skaters and it’s inevitable that trips, bumps and tumbles are going to happen. Unfortunately, sometimes more severe injuries can be sustained, such as broken limbs, dislocated shoulders and neck and back injuries.
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December 18, 2008

Tis The Season to be Jolly

With the festive season upon us we have been investigating the weird and wonderful injuries that are sustained over the festive period. It is estimated that 80,000 people in the UK alone will take a trip to their local A & E department, with the injuries ranging from food poisoning, through under cooking the turkey to burns from people trying on their new Christmas jumper whilst having a lit cigarette in their mouth, 18 people alone were admitted to hospital for this very injury in 2000.

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December 17, 2008

Compensation Claims for Children

It is possible to claim compensation for children, if they have sustained an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence? In most personal injury cases there is a three year limitation period. This means that you have three years in which to make a claim of compensation from the date of the accident. However, in respect of children, the limitation period is different, you have until the child’s 18th birthday to make a claim, or the child having reached the age of majority then has a further three years to make a claim of compensation themselves.

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December 17, 2008

Cycling Safety Guide

The government recently launched a campaign to get more and more people cycling in a bid to cut our green house omissions as well as attempting to tackle the growing problem of health and obesity in the UK. A great deal of people are already commuting via cycle bikes, especially in the big cities, as it is a cheap and quick way to get around. London, in particular, is really pushing for a bicycle revolution.

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December 16, 2008

Pavements Trips and Slips

As we hit the shops to prepare and shop for Christmas we must take care. The high street will be getting busier by the day in the run up to Christmas. With the streets becoming busier and the weather becoming worse we must remember to take extra care when out braving the crowds, so as not to trip or slip on the high street.

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December 16, 2008

Medical Negligence

Personal injury claims of this type are often both complex in the nature of the work and distressing to clients and the victim of the personal injury. Medical professionals such as Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses and Dentists all have a duty of care to their patients. If they are found to have breached this duty of care a medical negligence personal injury claim is possible.

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December 15, 2008

Boating & Shipping Accidents

There are numerous types of accidents that can occur on boats and ships that can lead to a personal injury claim. For example trip and slips, food poisoning, getting on and off the ship or boat, the ship colliding with another ship or object, sporting accidents and accidents at work, for example if you work on a boat or ship.

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December 12, 2008

Criminal Injury Claims

If you have been the victim of crime that as resulted in you sustaining injuries it may be possible for you to claim compensation. Criminal injury cases are progressed through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or the CICA. This is a government body that evaluates the criminal injuries sustained and then using their tariff system confirms whether the victim of the crime is eligible to receive compensation.

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December 11, 2008

Britain’s Most Lovable Pet, But How Dangerous Can They Be?

Most of us will have had the odd nip off a dog looking to play at some point in our lives, but we don’t always realise just how dangerous dogs can actually be. Serious dog attacks can lead to the victim sustaining severe or even fatal injuries; NHS statistics show that the number of people attending A&E after a dog attack is at 3,800 a year, a rise of more than 40% in the last 4 years. Statistics also show that children are much more highly at risk of a dog attack than an adult. There are certain guidelines to be followed, and it is important you are aware of these, whether you are a pet owner or if you, or your child, had suffered an attack.

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