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November 05, 2008

Hit & Run!

Road traffic accidents can be extremely stressful and traumatic, however this can be heightened when the other driver involved in the collision fails to stop and exchange details.

If you have been involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident you may be able to recover compensation for any injuries that you have sustained along with certain personal losses. The claim is conducted slightly differently through the Motor Insurers Bureau. (MIB) Which is funded by UK insurers specially for the purpose of helping accident victims in ‘hit and run’ situations.

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September 30, 2008

Car Accident Video : Nightmare in the Snow

With winter just a few weeks away and the credit crunch biting at our toes, we thought it might be worthwhile posting this funny car accident video to help bring a smile to a few worried faces out there. We hope you enjoy.

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September 25, 2008

Afghans Claim Against The British Army

Helmand Province in Aghanistan, has been the scene of some of the fiercest fighting between the Taleban and British Troops. Now, locals caught up in the war zone are demanding compensation, from the British Army, for the loss of family members, crops and livestock, mostly sheep. Bombardier Robert Richardson, who deals with all the claims said, “I do three claims clinics a week. I’d say we get 25 people each day, sometimes we get 60 people in one day. Most of them will be claiming for houses that have been damaged or destroyed. Some people come in about relatives who have been injured.”

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September 23, 2008

Brain Injury Turning A Normal Life On Its Head

It is most often the case, that after a person has received a nasty brain injury, they will endure severe life changes after the accident. Head injuries can hamper everyday common tasks that most sufferers took for normal prior to the accident. Relationships can be put under heavy strain, marriages can disintegrate and family life can dissolve into a distant memory. Never mind the expense involved as a person undergoes rehabilitation for medical treatment and constant care and attention. It is easy to see why the trauma of a brain injury does not stop at the person who has suffered the accident.

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September 18, 2008

Paralysed Fish Worker Receives Over 9 Million Pounds In Compensation

In 2003 a Ferry crashed at Staten Island, New York, killing 11 people and injuring dozens more. The case has finally reached the courts with the City of New York accepting negligence for the accident.

The City initially tried to cap the compensation payments to just over £7 million, the price of the ferry based on a 19th century maritime law which states that the owner of the boat is only liable to the actual price of the vessel.

A New York Judge threw out that claim and yesterday the first of the injured party received their compensation damages.
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September 16, 2008

Pavement Accident Claims

Suffering a fall outside can be a nasty experience, on most occasions we get lucky and escape with a grazed knee and a slight feeling of embarrassment. However, there are times when loosing your footing can lead to severe injury such as a broken bone or extremely bad head wound. It is even worse news when you realise that your severe injury and fall was due to the negligence of others.

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September 11, 2008

Poor Roads Cause Road Traffic Accidents

When you hear of a road traffic accident you automatically think of a vehicle collision. Poor driving skills are a major factor in most road traffic accidents but there are other factors that also can cause injury, and not just to car drivers but motorbike riders, cyclists and pedestrians. Poor road surfaces and maintenance!

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September 09, 2008

Reporting An Injury Or Accident At Work

If you are the employer, or have an authority role at work and are in charge of a certain area or are even self-employed, you have a legal duty to make sure that any accident or injury within the workplace is reported or recorded by the quickest means possible.

Not all accidents / injuries are required to be reported, some can be simply recorded in an accident book, such as minor incidents where a person suffered a small cut or graze. If treatment was given then it is best to record the details of the person who suffered the accident, the circumstances in which the injury was received and if any treatment or first aid was necessary.

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September 04, 2008

100% Compensation Claims

Do you really get something for free? Is there not always a catch or a hidden cost thinly veiled behind a free offer? In the majority of cases it is always best to be careful of those ‘too-good-to-true-deals’, but when it comes to 100% Compensation Claims I’d say, ‘Do your homework!’ For those of you who may not be sure what 100% Compensation Claims are, I’ll try and get you up-to-speed quickly.

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September 02, 2008

Top 5 Reasons To Hire A Professional Injury Lawyer

Lady Luck can sometimes deal us a bad hand and occasionally, we can find ourselves at the wrong end of an accident, suffering an injury, through no fault of our own. In these types of events there are laws in place to help a person claim compensation for their injury and also to make sure that a similar accident does not happen again to someone else.

A professional injury lawyer / solicitor is the best person to contact if you have been unfortunate enough to have been injured from an accident that was not entirely your fault. Why choose a professional injury lawyer to oversee your compensation claim. We’ll here are 5 reasons you should really consider before you try an alternative way to claim your compensation.

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