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July 22, 2008

Workplace Claims For Slips, Trips and Falls

It’s a scary statistic to learn that for an average human lifespan we will spend nearly 20 years (19 years and 8 months to be precise) of our lives working. That’s a long stretch just doing the 9 to 5 routine. During those 20 years what are the chances that you suffered an accident in the workplace – tripping over a computer cable, slipping on a wet surface or falling over a misplaced object.

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July 17, 2008

Bus Accident Injury Claims

Taking a ride on public transport system can be a hazardous journey especially on bus journeys. Double decker buses have tricky steps to either climb up or down and when the bus is still in motion makes it even more difficult. Taking a tumble down these steps can leave a person seriously injured and with a good case for a bus accident injury claim.
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July 15, 2008

Wondering What Your Whiplash Claim is Worth

There has been some considerable debate recently about insurance companies contacting individuals recently involved in a car accident and asking them toaccept an offer for their injury, mostly neck injuries also known as whiplash. The reason behind the speediness of the insurance companies to act is if they get to the injured party earlier enough the can offer a below-the-norm payment than say if the person were to seek out a professional injury lawyer to process the claim for them.

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July 03, 2008

No Win No Fee – Set For Review

Ministers are set to review the ‘No Win No Fee‘ claims policy also known as conditional claim. The review comes about after a few high profile cases were won under a ‘No Win No Fee‘, allowing the winning lawyers to increase their payments under the conditions of the ‘No Win No Fee’ contract. Much has been written about ‘No Win No Fee’ claims and the way certain injury law firms abuse them by adding hidden extras within the policy.

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June 29, 2008

Legal Expense Insurance The Great Insurance Scam

Heard about the Insurance scam where the Insurance Companies scam you -the unsuspecting innocent policy holder.

Have you been told that you have a legal expense policy attached to your car insurance?

Have you bought a legal expense insurance policy and been told by your insurance company that they will pay your legal fees in pursuing a personal injury claim?

Well, BEWARE of legal expense insurance (LEI) – you may be surprised to learn the ugly truth about LEI.

LEI is a sham, pure and simple.

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By Author
June 29, 2008

How Do You Choose A Good Personal Injury Lawyer

Choosing an Injury Lawyer to represent yourself if your thinking about claiming compensation can be difficult. There are so many variables that need to be taken into account and in most cases no two claims are 100% similar. Where do you start your search? How can you tell the difference between a good injury lawyer and one that may cost you your claim. Do you select your choice because they are local? A friend informed you of their services? Or was it down to the fact that they advertised on TV or Radio and engraved their message into your head?

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By Author
June 29, 2008

No Win No Fee, How Can that Be

We all know Lawyers charge you a fortune right?

Not necessarily, when you decide to take legal action in order to claim compensation for your accident/injury, you may choose to appoint an Injury Lawyer who works on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis.

It means that your Injury Lawyer will only be entitled to his fees if he is successful in winning your case. If your claim is lost then your Lawyer is not getting paid, not even a penny. Yes that’s right, a ‘No Win No Fee’ really does mean No Win No Fee.

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By Author
June 29, 2008

What type of compensation can I claim for?

If you have suffered from a personal injury you may wish to consider making a claim for compensation to cover the losses you have suffered as a result of that injury.

The types of injuries you may claim for include any of the following:

  • an injury at work or in a traffic accident
  • a neck injury also know as a whiplash injury
  • an injury received as a result of faulty goods or services
  • an injury sustained by slipping, tripping and falling over

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Accident Claims for Personal Injury

There are over an estimated 700,000 accident claims each year in the UK alone. The majority of those claims involves an injury to one person caused by the negligence of another person. The percentage of blame does not necessarily need to be 100% the other persons fault. Even if the injured party was in the majority to blame for causing the accident they may still be awarded compensation although the damages paid would reflect their overall part in the accident.

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By Author
June 29, 2008

No Win No Fee Whiplash Claims

Understanding what to do next after being involved in a road traffic accident can be confusing and somewhat testing time. You may have suffered a neck injury also known as whiplash after the accident and depending on the severity of the whiplash injury could require medical treatment.


If you have been injured from the road accident then you also have the worry of taking time of work which can mean loss of earnings to some. Then there is cost of repairs to your vehicle. That’s why you have insurance you say. But what happens when the other vehicle may not have insurance cover or was driven by joyriders or even the driver was under the influence. Who pays then? Does your insurance still pay out in those circumstances?

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