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June 29, 2008

The Injury Lawyers A Name You Can Trust

A recent watchdog report from America indicated that a high number of health websites were run by personal injury lawyers and these sites are actually built to “sell, deceive or frighten” people browsing for health related information according to the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (CMPI).

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June 29, 2008

Questions To Ask Injury Lawyers B 4 U Sign

Its important during your research to find a suitable personal injury lawyer 4u that you ask the right questions. We understand how difficult even choosing the right representation when there are hundreds of injury lawyers for you to choose from and firms spending millions per year on TV advertising vying for your attention. Here are a few questions which you should ask at your consultation to help you in choosing the right personal injury lawyer for you before you sign.

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June 29, 2008

Whiplash A Pain in the Neck

Chronic neck pain has been the focus of an international seven year study looking at the seriousness of neck pain and its disorders. Dr. Marc White, Director of the Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability – who has been the victim of whiplash on 2 separate road accidents says, “Neck pain is very prevalent in society, Up to 70 per cent of the population will experience an episode of neck pain.”

neck injury

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June 29, 2008

Top 10 Road Safety Adverts

This wasn’t an easy list to compile. We wanted to feature some of the best and well known road safety adverts that have been shown on television through the years. But during our research we came across some excellent awareness adverts that were shown outwith the UK so we have taken the descision to include these as well.

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June 29, 2008

Lawyers Rock Well Weird Al Seems To Think So

Found this cool video in the deep dark recesses of YouTube. Its a rap / rock anthem from Weird Al Yankovic (remember him from the Michael Jackson send-ups – Eat It etc) and has personal injury lawyers as his main theme of poking fun at. The title of the vid is called “I’ll Sue Ya” and its from around 2006. So, sit back and enjoy…

By Author
June 29, 2008

Accidents at Work Statistics

We decided it would be interesting to publish information concerning accidents at work and work related health and safety figures. The following results were put together by the UK Health and Safety Executive ( and are for the year 2007.

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June 29, 2008

Injury Lawyers Personal Service Why its Important

What makes certain types of lawyer firms stand out from the rest. Is it that they market themselves as claims experts on mass media channels like television? Perhaps, its because they have been established in the community for as long as there has been a community? Or is it more likely down to the level of service their clients receive? My money is on the latter and here’s why!

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June 29, 2008

Lawyers Jokes

Here’s our Top 7 lawyers’ jokes of the day. Ok, so everybody mocks us and makes fun of us. There are probably more lawyers jokes out there than there are non-lawyers jokes (seriously!).

I used to take mild offence at the level and sheer derogatory nature of lawyers jokes but not anymore – now I just appreciate that we are an easy target because we make up the butt of a very many funny jokes – So everybody likes to take a dig at the legal profession but hey which other profession can claim to have the best selection of jokes.

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June 29, 2008

Accidents Waiting To Happen

What happens when someone suffers an accident or injury through no fault of their own but fails to claim for there injuries or report the events to a local authority or even an employer. Are we running the risk of allowing that accident to happen again? We all have an obligation to avoid causing harm to others and preventing accidents happening to someone else.

accident waiting to happen

An Accident Waiting To Happen

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June 29, 2008

Headrests are Still Big Business for Whiplash Injuries

With each new patent filed and car manufacturers proclaiming that their new model release is the safest yet you would think that someone, somewhere would have answered the whiplash problem and invented a universal anti-whiplash headrest. Muck like the common cold we have preventative fixes but never an all-out cure.

whiplash headrest

Image courtesy of

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