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July 29, 2015

Changing Solicitors – IMPORTANT ADVICE

Want to know the difference between instructing any old law firm and instructing The Injury Lawyers for your claim? Well, when it comes to maximising your compensation settlement, this article will could be of real help to you.

In the past a lot of clients have transferred their case to us having been unhappy with the service offered by their previous firm and / or their valuation of the claim. Due to legal changes in April 2013 it is a lot harder to simply change lawyers now. So if you are considering what law firm to go with, this article is equally as important.
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July 28, 2015

Slipped on ice cream compensation advice

Summer – when the weather is nice and the sun is out, it’s always nice for a spot of ice cream. But as I’m sure you can appreciate, ice cream on the floor is a real danger. So happy thoughts of summer aside for a moment, where do you stand if you are the victim of slipping on ice cream?

It may sound more like an embarrassing mishap, but where it happens through no fault of your own and where it could have been prevented, it’s key to know your rights.
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July 28, 2015

Finger loss injury at work – The Injury Lawyers advice

Sadly finger loss injury claims for workplace accidents are very common. In fact, they are way too common given how good health and safety in the UK is generally seen as. The HSE are constantly investigating and prosecuting firms for finger loss injuries at work, and we take on and win a lot of these types of claims as well.

So if this has happened to you, what are you rights when it comes to making an accident at work claim, and what can you expect to be compensated for what you have had to go through?
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July 27, 2015

Injured when cleaning machinery at work

Injuries caused by machinery at work when employees are caught or entangled in moving parts are one of the more common types of cases that the Health and Safety Executive prosecute companies for. We deal with a startling amount of workplace negligence claims with these kinds of circumstances, and this is despite the fact that the law is very clear on preventing these situations arising.

We’re lucky to have fairly robust legislation here in the UK and we do boast pretty good records when it comes to incidents and fatalities in the workplace. But despite this, a lot of work accidents still happen.
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July 27, 2015

Have you suffered hand arm vibration syndrome after your employer ignored your complaints?

When it comes to hand arm vibration syndrome (or HAVS / vibration white finger), as an industrial disease case, it usually comes down to what preventative measures your employer could have put in place, and whether you had made complaints about problems and symptoms.

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations states that your employer must ensure you do not breach the daily exposure limit value and / or exposure action value. But when you make complaints that go unheard, you may have a very good chance at winning your claim.
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road traffic accident claims
July 21, 2015

Advice for supermarket car park claims

Supermarket car parks can be a hotspot for accidents and injury claims for many reasons. During peak times when cars are constantly moving around the car park and pedestrians are weaving in between cars, the hazards can be plentiful.

There are of course the trip and fall claims from poorly maintained car parks or general hazard and dangers in them as well. So let’s see if we can tell you whether you have a successful claim for personal injury compensation for a supermarket car park accident.
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July 21, 2015

Dental negligence compensation claims – some quick advice!

Dental law can be a complex area of law. Many personal injury claims are pursued in very standardised ways, but dental law can be far more complex when you are making a dental negligence compensation claim.

This is why it is so important to speak to us about your options because we not only specialise but have pursued thousands of dental negligence claims and obtained millions of pounds for our clients.
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students coffee overdose
July 20, 2015

The Injury Lawyers win £9,000 settlement for coffee burns victim

You may have heard of the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit (Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants) where the victim successfully sued because of the high temperature of the drink. Whilst those kinds of cases are now few and far between (although we have dealt with some) the more common coffee burn claims involve the lids and containers being defective or unsecured.

In this case our client was badly scolded because she placed the cup of coffee to her lips to drink it and the lid had not been put on properly. This resulted in significant scolding to the chest and stomach area.
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July 20, 2015

Can I claim for broken glass injury from a nightclub floor?

Glass on a nightclub floor is a common occurrence and an obviously dangerous hazard. It’s the reason that many places now have plastic cups and plastic bottles because of the absolute nightmare that broken glass on the floor can be.

So if you are injured by glass being on the nightclub floor, can you make a claim for personal injury compensation? Read on for more advice…
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July 20, 2015

Injury at work caused by removed guard or rail – advice from The Injury Lawyers

One of the most common ways people are injured by workplace machinery and equipment is because of a lack of adequate guards. A lot of machinery and equipment have moving parts which is why they need to be guarded to protect employees from being injured when using them.

So what happens if you are injured at work because someone removed a guard from a piece of machinery or equipment?
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