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road traffic accident claims
July 17, 2015

How much do I pay for my whiplash claim?

The government seems obsessed with whiplash claims, and a lot of it stems from incessant moaning from the insurance industry who appear upset that they have to pay people money who make claims; despite the fact that they exist for that very reason.

Reading my opening statement, you may feel I am somewhat bitter or bias about the negativity that’s associated with whiplash claims. Well to be honest, I am! And with good reason!

So read on for info about how much you may have to pay and more importantly why you have to pay for your whiplash claim.
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July 17, 2015

The Injury Lawyers fight to win gym accident claim for £4,000

Our client was the victim of a nasty hit on the head when the cable of the weights machine he was using snapped and struck his head with force. It could have been a lot worse if he had been hit by some weights or another part of the machinery!

He received a cut to the head that required glue treatment at hospital, and we have successfully won a fantastic payout of £4,000 despite the other side trying to dispute the case.
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July 17, 2015

The Injury Lawyers win £30K settlement for pothole motorbike victim

Sometimes you can ride over a pothole and escape with minor cuts and bruises – and other times you can be very badly injured.

Our Serious Injury Claims Team are used to representing victims for serious and catastrophic injury claims all the time. Our client in this instance approached us after sustaining a shoulder injury which turned out to cause a lot of problems for quite a long time.
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By Author
July 16, 2015

Leg crush accidents claim advice!

Leg crush accidents are usually life altering and will often result in surgical amputation. It’s truly awful, and we have acted for those who have been lucky enough to escape with minor bruising and ligament injuries as well as those who have been unfortunate enough to lose both of their legs.

So what do we look at for leg crush injury payouts?
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July 16, 2015

Glove caught in machine injury claims

Work regulations are important as they put an appropriate duty on an employer to provide certain safety equipment and clothing to their workers. Gloves are one of the most common forms of equipment, but the duty to provide gloves doesn’t just stop there.

Employers must make sure that protective clothing is not going to result in any other sort of accident, which in this case can be caused by the material of a glove getting caught.
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By Author
July 16, 2015

How The Injury Lawyers nationwide service works for you

Did you know that we have been helping thousands of people recover compensation all over the UK with our decades of experience and our high-tech systems? Well you do now!

We have helped clients recover compensation as victims of negligence all over the UK territories – that’s England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. We offer a bespoke service that gives our client access to local facilities throughout the UK, making our already enviable service levels even better for our clients.
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medical negligence
July 14, 2015

Advice about having cosmetic surgery abroad

We are a firm of specialist injury lawyers with vast experience in helping people claim for cosmetic surgery negligence. Having helped thousands of people and having acted for a large amount of the PIP scandal victims, we know the industry well, and we can advise you of your rights from a legal perspective.

What we can also tell you is that the industry is very badly regulated here in the UK – so taking your chances abroad can be seriously dangerous.
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By Author
July 14, 2015

Cosmetic surgery problems – We can help you!

Recently the General Medical Council (GMC) listed what we consider to be sensible and long awaited changes to the cosmetic surgery industry which has been badly regulated for many years now. We have advised and acted for thousands of women in the PIP breast implant scandal and we know all too well just how badly protected patients and victims are.

We welcome the changes suggested by the GMC – but where do you turn to for help now if you are having, or have had, problems?
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By Author
July 14, 2015

Delayed Breast Cancer diagnosis – How to claim!

It’s never easy coping with the news that you have cancer and with Breast Cancer being one of the more common forms of cancer in woman of many ages, it’s important to know know the signs and symptoms as early as possible, which is not always as obvious as you may think.

It is of course even more important that doctors and medical professionals can spot the signs and symptoms or refer patients when they are unsure. As you know, leaving it too late can significantly reduce the prospects of beating Cancer.
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July 10, 2015

Crane accident work injury compensation claims

Large equipment – cranes being a classic example – can pose a great deal of danger to employees at work. That’s why the U.K. has such stringent health and safety laws to protect workers from harm.

But when the law is ignored and regulations are breached, people can be injured. As work injury law specialists, we are certainly no stranger to incidents involving injuries caused by cranes.
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