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July 10, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle cruise ship slipping accident claim

Different laws apply to certain situations which can mean some cases can be more complex than others. Accidents on cruise ships can fall in to this area because there are different laws that apply when an accident occurs out at sea.

We can usually apply UK jurisdiction where the cruise ship operator is UK based though – and as specialist injury lawyers we know how to fight and win such cases.
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July 07, 2015

Tooth discomfort or tooth pain claims

When suffering with discomfort or tooth pain it can feel like the worst thing in the entire world! That’s one heck of a dramatic statement, I know; but you cannot easily apply pressure to a tooth, or easily rub any ointment or gel on a tooth, and quite often your only option is pain killers.

But pain killers are not perfect and even rubbing a bit of whisky on the area doesn’t always give you the much needed relief you desire. All in all tooth discomfort can be a real nightmare and when it’s caused from dental negligence then you can certainly make a claim for your suffering!
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July 07, 2015

CNC machinery injuries and claim advice

CNC – Computer Numerical Control – machines are designed to not only be more efficient, where less skilled workers can operate them and less workers are required, but they are also supposed to be safer. When safety is automated, the idea is that there should be little room for error. Yet time and time again, employers defeat or disable safety mechanisms and expose workers to injury.

This should never happen, so if it does, the victims are entitled to seek the justice they deserve.
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July 07, 2015

Fall through fragile roof at work accident claim

Workplace health and safety regulations say that employers must ensure that their workers are not exposed to falls from fragile roofs or dangerous traffic routes. This means that a worker should never end up falling through a fragile roof, which can be anything from an area with skylights; false ceilings; damaged or worn areas; etc.

So if you have fallen through a fragile roof during work your employer may be in breach of the law which means you may be eligible to claim for work injury compensation.
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July 03, 2015

How to make a successful pothole claim

Making a successful pothole claim is not an easy thing to do. The law that applies when investigating and finding out whether you are entitled to compensation for a pothole accident is not on the side of the victim at all.

On top of that, courts generally do not like cases against the public sector, so even where we believe you have a genuine claim you may still not win.

This, of course, leaves the question: what’s the best way of making a successful pothole claim?
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July 03, 2015

Have you suffered medical negligence from more than 3 years ago?

You may have heard of the term “have you had an accident in the last three years?” or you may have sought legal advice only to be told that, because what happened to you occurred over three years ago, they cannot help you.

The reason for this is that there are rules in place as to how long after an event you can make a claim. So are there any ways of getting round these laws?
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July 03, 2015

PIP implant claims – French Court of Appeal says TUV Rheinland NOT liable

We received the news from our French lawyers earlier yesterday morning that the appeal from German regulators TUV Rheinland had been upheld. This has overturned the decisions made in the Commercial Court of Toulon as part of a PIP action that has been going on for a number of years and involves thousands of women worldwide.

We know that the press rather quickly reported on the story but we are advising all Claimants we represent to await our professional legal advice before coming to any conclusions.
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By Editor
July 01, 2015

Are claim companies allowed to give you 100% of the claim?

Well, there is nothing that legally stops you from being offered a 100% compensation agreement, but for most types of cases it is highly unlikely.

Sadly the law changed two years ago and the government stopped you from recovering all of your legal fees from the opponent. Just to add insult to injury, the government also introduced tighter fixed fees and slashed the costs that lawyers can recover to unworkable amounts.

Trust me – what we can recover is grossly below the level of work we have to do on many cases.
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July 01, 2015

The Injury Lawyers – THE reputable compensation firm for you!

Do you know why we are called THE Injury Lawyers?

It’s fairly obvious – its because we are THE original Injury Lawyers, and we have decades of experience in helping victims fight for their rights to compensation and we have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for our clients.

Want to know what makes us reputable when compared with the tonnes of other firms out there? Read on to find out.
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July 01, 2015

Annual fatal work incident numbers released

Fatalities at work are of course truly awful. We represent the families for cases and its never easy – especially when we live in a country where health and safety is deemed as generally very good.

Official statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have confirmed the number of fatalities between April 2014 and March 2015. The figure is slightly up on last year, but the trends of the UK as a safe country continues to improve.
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