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June 30, 2015

Roll cages and the Law in personal injury claims

A roll cage is normally classed as work equipment which means that it is subject to The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. These regulations put in place several duties on an employer to take steps necessary to ensure their staff are not injured when using roll cages.

So for this article we will take a quick look at the applicable legislation to give you an insight in to the law for roll cages and whether you may have a claim for work injury compensation if you are injured when using a roll cage.
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June 30, 2015

Foot caught in plastic wrapping injury claims advice!

Have you got your got your foot caught in plastic wrapping? Those hard, plastic, white wrappings can be a real danger, and we take on a lot of claims both in the workplace and in public places like supermarkets and shops where people have been injured by them. You can land really hard on the floor and do yourself some real damage. If you’re reading this then I may already be preaching to the converted and you’ll know how bad it can be!

If this happens to you then you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation.
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June 30, 2015

Repetitive shoulder strain injury at work settled for £7,500

Repetitive strain cases can be very difficult to win for several reasons. Proving that your employer has actually breached the law can be difficult, but even harder than that can be proving that injuries are caused as a result of the repetitive action as opposed to being the victim of general wear and tear.

It can be a complex area of law and there are some inexperienced lawyers out there who are not qualified enough to represent you for this sort of case. Read on for a further insight.
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June 29, 2015

Can whiplash be delayed a couple of days?

The simple answer is yes – it can.

It’s actually very common to feel no symptoms on the actual day of an accident. The symptoms of whiplash will typically develop over the course of the 12-48 hours following the incident. Many people feel totally fine directly after the incident has occurred and then will wake up perhaps the next day or two days after with the pain and stiffness associated with whiplash injuries.
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June 29, 2015

Loose cables at work – the risk of trips and falls

In today’s technological age there are loads of workplaces where cables will be plentiful through a range of industries throughout the UK. If I look around my desk now I can see the keyboard, mouse, phone, Ethernet and several power cables all running down the back of my desk. They are, of course, safely out of the way; we wouldn’t get very far as an injury law firm if we failed to follow basic health and safety legislation now, would we?

But many workplaces are too lapse in their following of the rules and accidents involving loose cables in the workplace can be plentiful.
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June 29, 2015

The risks of suing your employer – putting your mind at ease!

Few people ever really want to put a claim in; but it becomes a necessity when you have been injured through no fault of your own. Losing out on money from being unable to work when there is a mortgage, car payments, and the all important kids to feed isn’t an ideal situation to be in – but we are lucky that employers must have insurance to cover you here in the UK.

But the idea of suing your employer is, for many, a bit of a touchy subject. So what are the risks and how can you claim safely?
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June 26, 2015

Loss of finger claim from unguarded machinery at work

We blog a lot about machinery and equipment accidents at work because they are frighteningly common. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – we have stringent health and safety rules in the UK that are designed to protect employees from injury, yet time and time again they are ignored and people are hurt.

Machinery and equipment causing an employee to lose a finger – or several fingers – is a real concern.
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June 26, 2015

Oxygen starvation at birth – Advice from our serious injury claims team

It’s a terrible tragedy when a newborn infant is neglected and starved of oxygen at birth. Even where the period without enough oxygen lasts a mere few minutes the infant can be subject to significant developmental problems and brain injuries.

When this happens it is never easy to cope with, and it is never easy for us lawyers either – but we are here for you and it is important to know the rights for your child.
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June 26, 2015

Help for Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Claims

As our name suggests, as The Injury Lawyers, we exclusively help and represent victims for injury claims. Our level of expertise and our years of service which has been dedicated to victims of negligence has meant that we have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for victims of injury just like you.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (or NIHL for short) claims resulting in tinnitus and hearing loss is amongst our specialities.
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June 25, 2015

Can I claim wages for a whiplash injury?

In a claim for personal injury you are entitled to recover compensation for the pain and suffering caused, and for any losses and expenses incurred. The pain, suffering, and loss of amenity is often referred to as General Damages and the losses and expenses is often referred to as Special Damages.

Whilst Special Damages are never guaranteed and whilst they can be somewhat of a grey area, there is a general principle that you are entitled to recover compensation for any financial losses and expenses that are caused as a result of an accident. As such you can claim lost wages for whiplash injuries.
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