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June 25, 2015

Heavy or large objects falling at work? Blame poor planning and equipment!

Situations can easily arise at work where employees need to stabilise large materials for working on. Whether it’s sheets or girders of heavy steel, long beams of wood, or even mobile equipment that needs working on, the job needs to be safe and secure.

Despite the regulations we have in place, companies and people will still cut corners and fail to properly plan and supervise tasks that could cause serious injury if something goes wrong. In these circumstances employers who end up in breach of the law are obliged to compensate any victim’s of negligence.
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June 25, 2015

Falls from height at work claims – Far too common and dangerous!

The volume of reported incidents and cases we take on that involve people falling from height at work is alarmingly high. The regulations that we have in place to protect employees is there and it is stringent, so there is never an excuse for employers failing to abide by the law.

But in spite of this we see incidents time and time again that were entirely preventable. Unfortunately, fall from height injuries are usually serious, and this is why it’s vital to get legal advice as soon as possible.
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June 19, 2015

Yes! Our medical negligence solicitors can do home visits!

Medical negligence is a very complex area of law and your claim needs to be handled by appropriately qualified experts. We are a firm of expert medical injury solicitors who have helped and advised thousands of people claim for medical negligence compensation for years. We have recovered millions of pounds for deserved victims of medical negligence, and our expert solicitors and legal team have the experience you need.

On top of that, we are happy to visit you in home or hospital at your request.
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road traffic accident claims
June 19, 2015

What is the lowest level of compensation you can claim for a whiplash injury?

I don’t know what it is about whiplash claims that seem to spur the need to find out how much you can claim for. Whilst the value of a potential claim is often a question on accident victims’ lips, it is almost always asked when the victim is suffering whiplash in a car accident.

Sometimes the reason is because people are being offered amounts to settle directly with the insurers. Well if you have come across our site and this applies to you, I have some very bad news for you indeed!
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By Author
June 19, 2015

The Injury Lawyers settle burn injury at work claim for £7,000

As well as specialising in serious injury claims where victims are entitled to multimillion pound payouts, we fight for the rights of those who seek justice for any injury sustained as a result of negligence.

In this case, our client was burned from their wrist to the elbow at work which was caused by being exposed to condensed boiling water and hot soup that had reached scolding temperatures.

He was lucky to not have been more seriously hurt!
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By Author
June 18, 2015

Making a compensation claim for a Train Station accident

Personally I’m not a fan of trains. I can’t stand how busy and crowded they can get especially in the sweltering summer heat when you are forced to stand in between carriages without access to any air conditioning. But putting my disliking for trains aside for one moment, let’s talk about injuries at train stations because they can be a very common occurrence.

If you have had an accident at a train station and suffered injuries as a result, you are certainly not alone. Read on for legal advice about where you stand.
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By Author
June 18, 2015

Making an injury claim due to a plant equipment accident

Plant equipment is inherently dangerous which is why employers have a very specific duty of care to their employees to make sure that they are not injured when using this type of work equipment.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations put in place several provisions to ensure that all work equipment – which of course includes plant equipment – is safe to use; not defective; suitable; and is being used by a competent and trained person.

So if you have been injured in the course of your employment as a result of using plant equipment, read on for more advice about whether you can make a claim for personal injury compensation.
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By Author
June 18, 2015

Gluten free product recall – Samosaco gluten free onion bhajee mix recalled

As a firm of lawyers with particular expertise in the area of product liability cases, we have been blogging about the recent bout of gluten free products that have been recalled due to gluten being contained within them.

The list is extensive and you can review our first article here and our second article of updated products here.

The Food Standards Agency has now confirmed that Samosaco Gluten Free Onion Bhajee Mix has also been recalled as yet another product containing undeclared gluten.
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By Author
June 17, 2015

Injuries caused by hands or arms being pulled in to a machine by a blade at work

Injuries involving people being cut or hurt by blades, stock bars, in lathes, or in any other dangerous part of machinery, are worryingly common in the workplace. This isn’t because we lack the necessary health and safety legislation though; in fact the laws we have in the UK to protect employees are quite extensive.

Despite this, there are so many incidents that involve these exact circumstances and we take on and win a lot of claims for work accidents involving machinery – so if this has happened to you, read on for advice.
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By Author
June 17, 2015

Gluten Free Product Recall – Update

There has been an update in the recall of several products that were supposed to be gluten free that have somehow managed to have had gluten processed in with them.

The recall, affecting Genius Foods, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose has seen a large number of products recalled over the last few weeks after the discovery that some of these products may in fact contain gluten.

For anyone who is unable to consume gluten such as anyone with celiac disease, this could result in serious problems.
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