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June 09, 2015

Lincolnshire Learning Disability Unit closed following reports of “serious incidents”

Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT) and West Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have temporarily closed the learning disability inpatient unit at Long Leys Court in Lincoln after reports of several serious incidents, some of which are being investigated by the police.

The decision according to the authorities has not been taken lightly but appears to have been necessary following what they have described as “a number of serious incidents at the unit recently.”
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June 09, 2015

Calls for tighter rules and more honesty for Cosmetic Surgery

As a firm of injury lawyers who have advised and assisted thousands of people for cosmetic surgery claims, we are very much aware of the risks of procedures and the problems with poor regulation in the industry itself. The PIP scandal, of which we are representing a lot of people for here in the UK and in France, is a real testament to this.

The General Medical Council have published proposals for better guidelines and increased honesty for patients in efforts to make the industry safer.
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June 05, 2015

Forklift truck crushing injuries – claim advice

Forklift trucks can be dangerous and we take on a lot of work accident compensation claims for victims who have been injured by forklift trucks. If you have suffered a crushing injury from a forklift truck – for example, being run over by one or being crushed by the loads itself – you may have a winning claim for personal injury compensation.

Here’s a bit of advice that you may find useful…
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June 05, 2015

Hand caught in a lathe injury at work – advice from The Injury Lawyers

Lathes are recognised as a clear and obvious danger in the workplace – so much so that there are workplace regulations that specifically name lathes in the legislation.

You should never be subjected to an injury from a dangerous part of a lathe, and if you are, it is likely that you may have a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

We’ll take a look at the regulations so you can get a better idea as to whether you may have a successful claim for compensation.
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June 05, 2015

Injury caused by rotating blade in machinery at work

Rotating blades are, of course, very dangerous indeed. There are workplace regulations that focus on preventing employees from being injured due to sharp or dangerous blades in machinery. The specific regulations are called The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.

So if you have been injured in these sorts of circumstances you may have a claim for personal injury compensation – so read on for some helpful advice.
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June 03, 2015

Holiday Accident Claims – where you stand

The nightmare situation – you’re on holiday and you’re supposed to be relaxing and enjoying the time off work or school, but instead you end up injured and the whole experience is ruined! Well whether you have been injured here in the UK or abroad, you may have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation, and this article aims to discuss how making a claim for an injury caused on holiday can be different.

We will look at what you can claim for and briefly look at the law when it comes to accidents here in the UK and abroad.
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June 03, 2015

Four seriously injured in Alton Towers Smiler Ride Accident

Sadly it hasn’t come as too much of a surprise to hear about this given several previous incidents we are already aware of involving the Smiler Ride at Alton Towers. The incident that took place yesterday that left four seriously hurt is a real tragedy.

The degree of health and safety in theme parts must be high and the duty of care for guests should never be allowed to fall short; to hear that a carriage carrying 16 thrill seekers was able to crash in to an empty one raises serious questions that must be addressed.
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June 03, 2015

Hastings Chemical Alert – 30 treated by emergency services following incident

The BBC reports that a shipping container from China resulted in a chemical incident in Hastings this week that saw 30 people treated by the emergency services following several complaints of irritation caused to the skin, eyes, and throat.

The container was opened and an alert was triggered when staff were exposed to dust that was disturbed inside the shipping crate.
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June 02, 2015

What compensation can you get for falling down a manhole cover injuring your leg?

Leg injuries are the most common form of injury when you are involved in a manhole accident. We take on and win a lot of claims for personal injury compensation that have been caused by defective, loose, or missing manhole covers, so we can give you some advice about how much you may be able to expect to receive.

One very important thing to note though is this – the true value of the claim is based on medical evidence and the quality of your lawyer. Read on for more advice.
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June 02, 2015

Fall From Scaffold – Your Entitlement to Claim

If you have fallen from scaffolding at work then it is likely that you can bring a claim for personal injury compensation. There are specific regulations that cover the use of work equipment and working at height and where these are breached accidents can happen.

So if your fall from a scaffold platform could have been prevented and was caused through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to thousands of pounds in work accident compensation.
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